Stormwolf, on 11 August 2012 - 06:03 AM, said:
Far less code then what is needed to make a mech move or have a light source shine on something. Collecting stats is really easy. You often don't even need reals, just keep them integers. These variables could be computed on a system as primitive as a 486 with 8 MB RAM.
Hell, I programmed far more complex things in Pascal back in the day.
Then you should realize that what you are asking for is not just gathering of data, but real-time, instantaneous evaluation of that data and implementation of consequences concurrent to the operating code of the game already in place. The evaluation criteria for an AI to determine if a player is being 'honorable' would, itself, require vast resources, considering even Humans disagree on what that means. For the game itself to make decisions on each shot, positioning of the combatants, and the actions of the mechwarrior in regards to the guidelines you outlined would mean a -ton- of new code and intrusive subroutines that would just beg for a host of bugs and hacks.
Stormwolf, on 11 August 2012 - 06:03 AM, said:
How do you know what my perception is?
Most past games had Clan tech nerfed and MWO isn't going to stay IS tech only:
I'm under the assumption here that they aren't going to turn this into MW4 where the entire Clan armory is for sale on the IS market.
I know what your perception is because you referenced MW2 (a game which was -entirely- Clan-focused) as your grounds for determining that your system could work. That is a clear indication that you are basing your proposal on the environment of past MW single-player games, which had Clantech as an open and standard technology in use by all players.
And your assumption is false. The devs have already stated that all players will have equal access to all technology and weaponry, so yes...Clantech will, if introduced, be afforded to the IS market.
Stormwolf, on 11 August 2012 - 06:03 AM, said:
Nobody is forcing the Inner Sphere players to do anything, I have thrown you guys enough bones to get some good victories if you are smart enough to figure it out.
Perhaps you have not figured this out, despite other posters who have.
If the Inner Sphere does not follow Clan ROE, then the Clans are freed from the need to do so. They then suffer no penalties, and destroy the IS forces due to superior technology and combined fire.
If the Inner Sphere does follow Clan ROE, then the Clans suffer no penalties and destroy the IS forces due to superior technology and individual restricted combat.
These are the only two possibilities. The only way Inner Sphere technology can match Clan technology is superior numbers and concentrated fire...both of which are prohibited unless the Inner Sphere forces want to free Clan forces to fight without restrictions. It's a catch-22 situation unless the Inner Sphere has 2-to-1 superiority in firepower, and that won't happen.
Stormwolf, on 11 August 2012 - 06:03 AM, said:
Most of those supposed Clan players you refer to know nothing about the Clans. I have seen those guys on this very board, they know squat about the background, trials, etc.
And those Clan ROE you are thinking of is probably this list:
This list does NOT contain the actual rules of engagement. I challenge you to find me a official book that says that you can't target the head of a mech.
There are hordes of groups around who play by Clan rules and are fine with the system I proposed.
I went to visit them all and they are cool with honorable combat:
You assume everyone who will play MWO is a dedicated RP player who will adhere to a set of customs and engagement restrictions. That isn't going to be the case, as most players are video game players who could care less what you tell them to do....they just see Clan tech as the biggest gun to bring to a fight, and who could care less about you telling them how to play their game? That was even admitted to more than once in the very thread you cited. You say there are hordes of groups who play by Clan rules, but I can tell you there are legion more who do not, will not, and will only care about one thing...winning and being able to trash talk about it later. And they -will- be the players of this game, as you have so noted yourself.
That is how all MW games have been to date, and there is no indication MWO will be any different in this regard.
Stormwolf, on 11 August 2012 - 06:03 AM, said:
No it doesn't, how do you reach these conclusions?
Experience with every Mechwarrior game, Mechcommander game, Battletech game, and a host of other online games. I have seen what these games become and how people play them. Further, I have seen similar online games to MWO that struggle with each nerf and code change because every single one brings in bugs and code errors that erode game stability. Lastly, I have read these forums, and the evidence of the kind of players who will be in MWO is overwhelming, not the least by the rabid fanaticism of Clan players to have their mechs and factions in a game that has already stated that they are not in the current timeline of the game, and won't be for some time...if ever.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but very few players have the dedication you seem to assume they have, and I don't see any evidence they ever will. Until that happens, I cannot accept your conclusions as valid.
Edited by Jakob Knight, 11 August 2012 - 08:18 AM.