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Dev Blog 3 - Role Warfare


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#121 Spunkmeyer


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Posted 05 February 2012 - 06:31 PM

So will Mech customization rely more on Battlemech Efficiencies than tonage?

#122 MetalKid


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Posted 13 February 2012 - 08:36 AM

So it appears this this isn't really Mechwarrior Online... It is World of Mechs. I'm not saying that is bad at all, but I hope they innovate a lot of things and not just use World of Tanks as their key source if inspiration.

#123 Morashtak


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Posted 21 February 2012 - 06:39 PM

Thank you for getting rid of the annoying and pointless "weight class" specialist.

Some light Heavies (or Cruisers from the boxing term "cruiser weight") are better at Scout protection than some Mediums, i.e. faster and carry more armor.

#124 KaiserSoze


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Posted 23 February 2012 - 09:39 AM

Love the Battlemech "Danger Will Robinson"

#125 KaiserSoze


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Posted 23 February 2012 - 09:43 AM

i am extreamly please with the though process put into the Roll/Experience Trees.. This really hybrids the consept of Mechwarrior RPG with Battletech... :) :) :) That's me getting happier by the sec..

#126 TwitchTv Morkani


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:04 PM

It's a "little" confusing, but tbh, i kinda like that...anything worthwhile should take some time to understand. I also like that it "seems" like there will be a LOT of customization, there better be, 'cause there's nothing i hate more than the "cookie-cutter" players, everyone running around in the "best" scout with a certain build. I think WOT did a pretty good job of this, and it looks like you've expanded on that even further.

tally ho :)

#127 The Arachnotron


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 11:06 AM

Can't wait to try my hand in scouting.

#128 KeifferTron3000


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Posted 04 March 2012 - 05:48 PM

this is going to be the best mechwarrior game ever!!!

#129 RecklessFable


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Posted 08 March 2012 - 02:37 PM

The game hasn't even come out yet and I already want to respec my Hybrid Defender/Scout Pilot...

#130 Lyar


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Posted 10 March 2012 - 07:38 AM

This is exactly what i wanted to hear.

#131 Melcyna


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Posted 11 March 2012 - 04:37 AM

So just to confirm if i get the idea right:

With this mechanism they have in place... i can:

A. use a scout mech to gain scout XP per say, doing .... uhhh scouty job. (that word so doesn't exist)
B. use the point i gained from that scout XP to unlock an image zoom magnifier from the scout tree.
C. go back to an assault mech and buy an image magnifier for the assault mech utilizing one of it's free module slot?

noting of course that this means i am wasting a module slot on an assault mech for a module that's technically geared for scout role and not assault.

But suppose i have a use for it in the assault mech, i can do just that as i described above?

#132 Orzorn


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Posted 11 March 2012 - 10:18 PM

View PostMelcyna, on 11 March 2012 - 04:37 AM, said:

So just to confirm if i get the idea right:

With this mechanism they have in place... i can:

A. use a scout mech to gain scout XP per say, doing .... uhhh scouty job. (that word so doesn't exist)
B. use the point i gained from that scout XP to unlock an image zoom magnifier from the scout tree.
C. go back to an assault mech and buy an image magnifier for the assault mech utilizing one of it's free module slot?

noting of course that this means i am wasting a module slot on an assault mech for a module that's technically geared for scout role and not assault.

But suppose i have a use for it in the assault mech, i can do just that as i described above?

Yes, you can do that. Modules can be used in any mech after you purchase them. Also, its not useless. There's tons of reasons for an assault to want better vision. They might use longer ranged weapons and need the extra fidelity to pull of better shots.

#133 TaraNoa


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Posted 18 March 2012 - 04:38 PM

Personal i would say any class has tons of reasons for an enhanced vision like zoom, night amp or thermal :(

#134 IronSardaukar


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Posted 19 March 2012 - 08:44 PM

It will be good to discover which role I'm best suited for!

#135 Katalis


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Posted 27 March 2012 - 07:32 AM

While some of what I read in the dev blogs has had me a little concerned, this concept is awesome. You can have several different mechs each with their own experience. Then you can tweak those mechs based on your character development. I think I'll have to reread those other posts now.

#136 Skankbug


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Posted 30 March 2012 - 08:52 AM

Well done! Have been anticipating this for ages, so happy to see such a wonderful game right on the horizon!

#137 Grimm Gunn


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:02 PM

OK .. I'm reading all this and I cant help to think 2 things....
#1 with all the options I've been reading about, This is the makings of one of them most realistic RPG war games yet I've ever heard of !!!
#2.. with all the branches ,, how long before throwing your credit card down and spending BIG BUCKS becomes a issue..."or a nescessity" to stay viable in the game ?..

#138 Aegis Kleais


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:49 PM

View PostGrimm Gunn, on 04 April 2012 - 01:02 PM, said:

OK .. I'm reading all this and I cant help to think 2 things....
#1 with all the options I've been reading about, This is the makings of one of them most realistic RPG war games yet I've ever heard of !!!
#2.. with all the branches ,, how long before throwing your credit card down and spending BIG BUCKS becomes a issue..."or a nescessity" to stay viable in the game ?..

True on #1.

For #2, I hope PGi can (in time) judge the acquisition of C-bills vs. the time it takes in order to make earning them in game no better or worse than someone who'd just want the convenience of purchasing it instead.

Since a player can never buy POWER, all they have is more stuff. So I don't think you'll really notice a power difference. Sure, your friend Joe Smith might have access to his 401K and has a Mech Garage full of 20 of each chassis, but like you, he'll only ever get to bring 1 Mech at a time to the battle, and none of the weapons/equipment he brings is anything you couldn't buy without spending a penny.

#139 Demonbreaker


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 04:38 PM

Can't stand the waiting! Its been a long time coming! I wonder how they plan on letting you switch between 'mechs if pilot xp is going to be persistant....

#140 FrostRaven


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Posted 27 April 2012 - 05:01 PM



Bonus XP can be gained from the meta-game which can give XP based on faction/allegiance to a House.

I have wondered how this would work, I'm sure someone has covered it but I was under the impression that when your devoted to a house, you gain certain benefits such as: Cheaper faction mechs, repairs for same faction mechs, and faction equipment and modules.

As your reputation with the house (read as gain faction xp) you gain access to in game bonuses.

Anyone care to clarify or slap me around for being ignorant?

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