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Dev Blog 3 - Role Warfare


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#181 ltwally


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 01:41 PM

View PostBuckminster, on 11 December 2012 - 01:26 PM, said:

I just wish people would stop with all the stupid doom and gloom crap. The game is not dead. PGI hasn't ruined anything. And above else - IT'S BETA. Help mold the game, don't just whine about it.

His commentary was feedback, which is no less valid than your own. Whether you approve or not is immaterial to their value.

Also worth mentioning is that, judging by his tag, he's a paying customer. The right to whine and moan comes with that.

#182 Tolkien


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 01:44 PM

View PostBuckminster, on 11 December 2012 - 01:26 PM, said:

Well, that's my point really. It isn't an "anti-everything pod", but if you read half the threads on the forum you'd think that you can't play and have fun or be effective if you don't have ECM. That's a load of crap, and people seem to think that making rant threads about how ECM is OP and they want a refund if it's not nerfed NOW is going to help. Instead, they should be coming up with points to help tone down how stupid ECM is (take it off the Atlas, make BAP counter it, make 1 'Counter' ECM jam all ECMs in range, make an ECCM unit that acts as an ECM in permanent 'Counter' mode, but mountable on all mechs) it's all QQ. It's the exact same thing we saw when Artemis first came out. It'll be exactly what we see when Clan stuff starts coming around.

I've seen people say that their Cat A1 is useless because Streaks are useless now. Mine runs 3 SSRM and 3SRM6, and is still quite effective against all mechs. Can't streak a light? 3 SRM6 certainly hurts too. Can't SRM6 lights? Learn to aim.

I've seen people say that all they see is cap rushing. I've certainly seen it. I've also still seen all out brawls in the Caldera.

I've seen people say that LRMs are useless. I've also seen them rain missiley death.

I've seen people say that lights are the only thing worth taking because they can't get hit. I've also sniped Jenners at 800m with my PPCs.

I just wish people would stop with all the stupid doom and gloom crap. The game is not dead. PGI hasn't ruined anything. And above else - IT'S BETA. Help mold the game, don't just whine about it.

Please don't misunderstand my motivations - I believe the ECM will be adjusted and want to see it done, I am just getting nervous about how the balancing is evolving. Rather than new kit coming in and being underwhelming/niche and gradually being buffed up to where it should be, we seem to be seeing the opposite with things like Artemis and ECM that show up way too strong, then rather than being toned down are being hammered by the next flavor of the month system.

Personally I think it would be a great first step to make BAP protect the mech using it from all effects of ECM.

Unfair? Hardly, they weigh the same, have the same size, and BAP would only stop ECM, unlike ECM which currently has a laundry list of features.

Another way of balancing this would be to let everyone take ECM to see just how out of hand it will get.

ECM is currently the best value for tonnage/space in the game, hands down.

#183 Tolkien


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 01:49 PM

View Postltwally, on 11 December 2012 - 01:41 PM, said:

His commentary was feedback, which is no less valid than your own. Whether you approve or not is immaterial to their value.

Also worth mentioning is that, judging by his tag, he's a paying customer. The right to whine and moan comes with that.

Quite - I love battletech and dropped 125 beans on this game to help them get it out the door. I really want to see it succeed, I'm just getting my jimmies rustled by what seems like a serious QA/internal balance problem. I can't find the quote just now but there is one of a Piranha employee posting about how the ECM was toned down a bit prior to release.

This means that there are people inside the company making the game that thought that the best solution to missiles being overused was to have a 1.5 ton 2 slot piece of equipment counter

Tag bonuses (and the whole system inside of 180m)
NARC - a system which takes more space, weighs more, requires real coordination and skill and has ammo.
other ECMs
LRM locks
SRM locks
general targeting info
relegate AMS to almost pointlessness
have no exploding ammo
generate no heat
cost less than a module by a factor of 15

I know I am repeating myself but it bears repeating - it is that far out of whack. I can only imagine how this mentality would solve other delicate balance problems....

Posted Image

#184 Buckminster


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 02:06 PM

View Postltwally, on 11 December 2012 - 01:41 PM, said:

His commentary was feedback, which is no less valid than your own. Whether you approve or not is immaterial to their value.

Also worth mentioning is that, judging by his tag, he's a paying customer. The right to whine and moan comes with that.

I didn't mean to imply that Tolkein was one of the QQ'ers. If anything, he seems to be one of the few reasonable chaps here. :)

But I find that I'll play for a half hour or so, and be fairly happy with the game - win some, lose some; kill some and die some. And then I'll browse the forums at lunch and think I'm not playing the same game that some of these posters are playing.

View PostTolkien, on 11 December 2012 - 01:44 PM, said:

Please don't misunderstand my motivations - I believe the ECM will be adjusted and want to see it done, I am just getting nervous about how the balancing is evolving. Rather than new kit coming in and being underwhelming/niche and gradually being buffed up to where it should be, we seem to be seeing the opposite with things like Artemis and ECM that show up way too strong, then rather than being toned down are being hammered by the next flavor of the month system.

I tell myself that this is a combination of my not fully understanding their inspiration (I never played any of the Mechwarrior games, I left when clan tech hit TT) and the difficulty in coding. I've done enough programming to know it's a major PITA. I also work under the theory that the developer team is a group of 20-30 people, so internal playtesting isn't going to catch everything - sometimes they will get it wrong, and sometimes you just need someone from the outside to say "hey, that's dumb". I'm sure the initial Artemis changes seemed dangerous but not too OP, until the beta testers started making 8 man LRM boat groups. The same with ECM (I remember one of the Devs talking about it on the K2 and how broken it was - *shudder*).

I don't envy the developers. Battletech is an iconic franchise, and everyone has their idea of how it "should be". Some people think that ECM should be that powerful. Some people think Artemis should be that powerful. Some people think that we should only have tier 1 tech. And the people on the dev team are a sampling of some of those people - you probably wouldn't sign on to make MWO if you didn't love Battletech. And I figure some of the people that signed on are the very same people that thought there wasn't enough ECM in the game. It's our job to keep them in check, but not with demands for refunds every time we don't like something.

Edited by Buckminster, 11 December 2012 - 02:06 PM.

#185 Tolkien


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 02:29 PM

View PostBuckminster, on 11 December 2012 - 02:06 PM, said:

I didn't mean to imply that Tolkein was one of the QQ'ers. If anything, he seems to be one of the few reasonable chaps here. :)

But I find that I'll play for a half hour or so, and be fairly happy with the game - win some, lose some; kill some and die some. And then I'll browse the forums at lunch and think I'm not playing the same game that some of these posters are playing.

I tell myself that this is a combination of my not fully understanding their inspiration (I never played any of the Mechwarrior games, I left when clan tech hit TT) and the difficulty in coding. I've done enough programming to know it's a major PITA. I also work under the theory that the developer team is a group of 20-30 people, so internal playtesting isn't going to catch everything - sometimes they will get it wrong, and sometimes you just need someone from the outside to say "hey, that's dumb". I'm sure the initial Artemis changes seemed dangerous but not too OP, until the beta testers started making 8 man LRM boat groups. The same with ECM (I remember one of the Devs talking about it on the K2 and how broken it was - *shudder*).

I don't envy the developers. Battletech is an iconic franchise, and everyone has their idea of how it "should be". Some people think that ECM should be that powerful. Some people think Artemis should be that powerful. Some people think that we should only have tier 1 tech. And the people on the dev team are a sampling of some of those people - you probably wouldn't sign on to make MWO if you didn't love Battletech. And I figure some of the people that signed on are the very same people that thought there wasn't enough ECM in the game. It's our job to keep them in check, but not with demands for refunds every time we don't like something.

I do not envy the dev's their task, and worry that they are biting off a very very big piece of work with this game.

I played tabletop through clan and into a little bit of maximum tech but generally didn't like it. I have done enough coding to know that there are probably practical considerations guiding things towards or away from certain solutions.

I remember back in 2001 there was a game called Multiplayer Battletech 3025 (MPBT:3025). It died in development but took some very hard line approaches to certain issues, that the brave devs of this game are trying to handle with role warfare.

1) Mech customization - there was none. You could only buy stock variants of mechs, and only certain variants of each. This obviously makes the lives of the devs easier since you have only certain combinations to worry about, and it was easier on the players since you didn't have to futz around in a bewildering mechlab. I love customization but it alone probably doubles the workload of the devs, both in up front mechlab implementation and in back end balancing issues like we are seeing now.

2) Mech tech level - there was only old tech, and only that that was available readily in 3025. No endo steel, no ferro fibrous, no double heatsinks, no case, no ER anything, no ultra anything, no pulse anything, no streak anything. Since balance complexity rises quickly with each system added, it's easy to see why keeping it simple can lead to a more intuitive game for players and a much easier balance job for devs.

3) Weapons acted almost exactly as they did on tabletop. A successful launch with the LRM meant you were going to hit the enemy. Were they OP? Far from it since they didn't do too much damage. There were even rear mounted weapons on some mechs - I think it was a 70 ton grasshopper that I killed in a centurion (maybe?) that had a rear mounted medium laser. He had blown both of my legs off (which does not kill you), and my teammate drew him into my firing arc :angry:

4) Mech tonnage classes - the entire game was about taking and holding worlds for your side. When you were on the periphery of a territory you could only drop in light mechs. Mediums and lights were allowed on internal territorial worlds, while heavies were allowed on district capitals. Only homeworlds and planets one jump away from homeworlds were able to support assault mechs. This meant that assault mechs were the gods of the battlefield but could only be fielded in very specific engagements, and likewise light mechs were always needed for control of the borders. You had to know how to use each and every class of mech.

5) Teamwork was required - It was 4v4 lances, so every single player on your team was critical. This was back in the day before voice chat on the internet was common, so 3 of my friends and I would set up a telephone conference call to coordinate, and loved setting up ambushes. I would hide behind a building in my tiny urbanmech (AC20, 35 tons I think, only moved at 30kph) and wait for my teammates to draw out the enemy lance. Once I could see a back or two, I would prove the worth of the trashcan. Unfortunately due to role warfare making lights exclusively fast scouts, this sort of paradigm changing mech can't live in MWO.

6) Economy - there was no tragedy of the commons due to reload and rearm expenses (the tragedy being that the individual is better served by minimizing their repair bills rather than by maximizing their effectiveness). Your house covered your expenses and if you helped your house take a planet everyone in the house benefited from the higher economic output.

I'm sure time and whiskey are making me idealize MPBT3025 (graphics were of course fugley by comparison) but thinking back to it reminds me of exactly how much the devs of this game are trying to get done, and I worry that they have made many choices that will make their job even harder.

Edited by Tolkien, 11 December 2012 - 02:34 PM.

#186 Buckminster


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 02:46 PM

I do wish that the Devs had stuck closer to TT as I remember it. Some of the changes they've made (doubling armor, heat management, fiddling with damage and ammo counts) make me unhappy, as it doesn't satisfy the TT purist in me. It also comes across as putting a bandage on a problem that really requires surgery. Doubling armor meant ammo counts were too low, so that had to get fixed, and so on and so forth. It's like you say - a bad decision here leads to two bad decisions down the road to compensate.

But I've also come to an uneasy truce with myself - realizing the game isn't being made just for me - that allows me to sit down and enjoy the game. Sure, I shouldn't have needed ES and DHS just to make my twin PPC K2 viable, but in the end I'm driving around in something I recognize making pew pew noises, and that makes me happy. So in the mean time I try to avoid the nit-picking, be constructive with my comments, and enjoy the game. I've certainly had to make changes to suit some of the weird stuff the devs have done - my ALRM Cat C1 is getting dusty in favor of my K2 at the moment, but honestly I'm still having a blast with playing.

Edited by Buckminster, 11 December 2012 - 02:48 PM.

#187 Vanguard319


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 01:16 AM

View PostJakob Knight, on 11 December 2012 - 09:47 AM, said:

Cataphracts are brawlers, being direct-fire units. Catapults, on the other hand, are indirect fire units, and so are support units. Care to quantify your statements with an LRM Catapult in mind?

And to say the -CEO- is not to be taken as the word on how a company's product will proceed is....confusing. If the -CEO- says something, I would wonder a great deal about any company that allowed a Director to overrule them. And if the CEO said something in direct contradiction to what the Director states, then it is a clear message that the company is -not- dedicated to anything they say, and everything is to be viewed as smoke and mirrors.

Regardless, all of this strikes deeply into the expectations I and others had for this game, and it is a pity considering what this game was stated to be.

They can be, but they also play very well as snipers, and at least one of the variants can mount missiles, so fire-support isn't unheard of either.

#188 PeekaySK


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 03:26 AM

View PostTolkien, on 11 December 2012 - 02:29 PM, said:

I would hide behind a building in my tiny urbanmech (AC20, 35 tons I think, only moved at 30kph) and wait for my teammates to draw out the enemy lance. Once I could see a back or two, I would prove the worth of the trashcan. Unfortunately due to role warfare making lights exclusively fast scouts, this sort of paradigm changing mech can't live in MWO.

Actually, that's pretty much an exact description of how I play when driving the AC/20 Raven I built because I love wacky builds ;)

(it's not the hot *****, but it's fun to play and I'm not a complete waste of oxygen for my team, so I guess that qualifies as "living in MWO")

* - this might be in part caused by the ECM hysteria and everyone prioritizing Ravens when looking for stuff to kill

#189 Tolkien


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 03:32 AM

Lol, I'm glad there are creative people around - to get the real flavor of what the urbanwreck was all about though you should put in a tiny engine (maybe take one out of a lawnmower...), two hopjets, and the AC should do 40 damage so you can kill a medium with a single shot to the back.

#190 costi


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Posted 14 December 2012 - 03:55 AM

ECM aside, I wonder whether we will ever get Role Warfare as promised - with real pilot skill trees and actual choices, not just a heap of generic upgrades and a lousy excuse for a pilot "tree".

#191 PsychoTurtle


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Posted 14 December 2012 - 07:45 AM

View Postcosti, on 14 December 2012 - 03:55 AM, said:

ECM aside, I wonder whether we will ever get Role Warfare as promised - with real pilot skill trees and actual choices, not just a heap of generic upgrades and a lousy excuse for a pilot "tree".

You do realize the game is in Beta...dontcha?

#192 Buckminster


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Posted 14 December 2012 - 08:04 AM

Sure it's Beta, but the devs haven't given us much of a roadmap for the role warfare stuff. They say "it's coming", but not much on what they are planning. The current skill and module trees are a start, but they aren't very specific.

The mech skill trees are identical for every mech chassis - so no real "role warfare" there.
The pilot skills (modules) help give you a little bit of specialization - but it's a very little bit, and is also available to every mech. it also takes TONS of experience (or MC) to get the modules, so this aspect of role warfare isn't very well implemented. I have almost 175 matches under my belt, and I haven't reached 5000 GXP yet - the minimum any of the modules require. So to say that "role warfare" is being accomplished through modules means it isn't really being accomplished, at least not on any sort of scale.

Edited by Buckminster, 14 December 2012 - 08:04 AM.

#193 ReaverLord


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Posted 19 December 2012 - 01:04 AM

Seems to me that roles are a bit lacking now in current gameplay. Will there be more information coming out on the roadmap of role warfare? Is role warfare going to be module dependant to accomplish the separation of duties?

Right now, lights and fast mediums are more harrasers and scrappers than scouts. Almost any weight class can be a brawler...I am pretty successful brawling and harrasing in lights than with the heavy class. Heavies seem to be punching bags and carry the same firepower as lights.

While mediums sometimes are annoying in capable hands, I usually ignore them and fire at them as targets of oppurtunity, as an ac20 usually knocks them out of the fight or send them running off to hide.

#194 machinech


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Posted 22 December 2012 - 07:06 PM

View PostReaverLord, on 19 December 2012 - 01:04 AM, said:


Right now, lights and fast mediums are more harrasers and scrappers than scouts. Almost any weight class can be a brawler...I am pretty successful brawling and harrasing in lights than with the heavy class. Heavies seem to be punching bags and carry the same firepower as lights.


^^ THIS! As it stands right now many heavies don't carry much more firepower then lights and meds. In addition, mech sizes seem somewhat "off". Assaults barring the Atlas seem to be somewhat smallish in comparison to meds and heavies. In the mechwarrior universe, in general, jumping into a light with the idea of taking on an assault mech was something reserved for the insane, or someone with a serious plan. As the game stands currently, it's exactly the opposite. Yes there are some good pilots with aim....but given equal skill, the assault is in a lot worse tactical position facing a well armed light. I regularly find myself going to my cicada to specifically trounce assaults and heavies. Each persons experience is likely different to some degree.

#195 Melcyna


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Posted 24 December 2012 - 01:17 AM

View Postmachinech, on 22 December 2012 - 07:06 PM, said:

^^ THIS! As it stands right now many heavies don't carry much more firepower then lights and meds. In addition, mech sizes seem somewhat "off". Assaults barring the Atlas seem to be somewhat smallish in comparison to meds and heavies. In the mechwarrior universe, in general, jumping into a light with the idea of taking on an assault mech was something reserved for the insane, or someone with a serious plan. As the game stands currently, it's exactly the opposite. Yes there are some good pilots with aim....but given equal skill, the assault is in a lot worse tactical position facing a well armed light. I regularly find myself going to my cicada to specifically trounce assaults and heavies. Each persons experience is likely different to some degree.

This is true on some parts,

HOWEVER, pause for a moment and consider WHY this is so...

the reason why the assault and the heavy is in much worse condition right now to fight the light and fast med, is not the lack of firepower, it's not the armor quantity or even it's poor traversal...

it's the AWFUL netcode and interpolation that governs where the mech are drawn in our screen by the game...

the mech often are NOT where they actually are based on the latency, and thus ppl are forced to manually estimate the REAL LOCATION of the fast mech in order to calculate a firing solution.

the lighter mech has no real problem fighting the assaults and heavies because the assaults and heavies do not move fast enough to offset their position to the extent that anyone will have difficulty hitting them as they move. But the assault and heavy while attempting to fire on the fast light and meds will be forced to lead their shots ahead of the target as seen on their screen by a WIDE margin making any sort of accurate firing solution dang near impossible beyond partial luck.

in the past when collision existed, the game partially negated the fast mech 'LAG SHIELD' by ramming them... then blasting them while they are immobile and that in general results in DEAD light or med that didn't think properly before wading into battle.

Collision was not a solution, but it was mitigating SOME of the problem with the terrible netcode and interpolation.

Now that collision is taken offline while it's reworked (which seems to be taking them quite some time), the poor condition of the netcode and interpolation show their ugly heads with these lag shielded fast mech.

WITHOUT these lag shield, ie: if the heavy and assault can fire their weapon at their target and actually confident that WHAT THEY SEE is where the target actually is, the light and meds that are wading into battle like flailing chickens right now would be DEAD in matter of seconds, they would be dead EVEN FASTER than when collision was still active.

Edited by Melcyna, 24 December 2012 - 01:23 AM.

#196 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:07 PM

ECM, as implemented by PGI, has effectively eliminated the use of ECM lights as scouts and as a consequence narrowed the scope of Role Warfare. Why look for the enemy and report back when you can simply cloak the mainforce with as many ECM mechs as possible, and just saunter through to the objective.

#197 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:13 PM

View PostTolkien, on 11 December 2012 - 01:44 PM, said:

Unfair? Hardly, they weigh the same, have the same size, and BAP would only stop ECM, unlike ECM which currently has a laundry list of features.

BAP is a target acquisition system. Its effects are to acquire non-ecm targets more quickly than normal radar and acquire ECM targets in a normal space of time. It is not a counter, it is just not affected. (there is a distinction) Also, potential targets can conversely acquire BAP mechs quicker as well because the BAP system is active (as the name implies)

#198 RagingOyster


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:15 PM

I.... Garth... I think I love you.
Anyways, very happy to see this new info on Role Warfare. Updates on the forums like this are always a pleasure.

#199 Xenok


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Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:42 AM

View PostGremlich Johns, on 15 January 2013 - 07:13 PM, said:

BAP is a target acquisition system. Its effects are to acquire non-ecm targets more quickly than normal radar and acquire ECM targets in a normal space of time. It is not a counter, it is just not affected. (there is a distinction) Also, potential targets can conversely acquire BAP mechs quicker as well because the BAP system is active (as the name implies)

Problem is BAP does not do that today. If you have BAP ECM still effects you. This is the counter that should be there, but is not.

#200 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 22 January 2013 - 03:21 PM

View PostXenok, on 22 January 2013 - 08:42 AM, said:

Problem is BAP does not do that today. If you have BAP ECM still effects you. This is the counter that should be there, but is not.

You are correct sir, and it is because PGI does not understand how these electromagnetic devices really interact with each other.

BAP doesn't "care" about ECM, it works as if there is no ECM on the mech. I don't care what canon says - there are enough magical things in canon to beggar some changes. Non-ECM mechs are acquired by BAP quicker due to the lack of ECM. The downside of BAP (ostensibly enhanced target acquisition radar) or ECM as well is that their signatures make them a LOUD target to any asset that can direction-find or is operating normal radar - meaning you find them quicker as well, the only difference with ECM is that you have to work through it to tell what it is - It shows up as a disruption in whatever output device is hooked up to the sensors. (O-scope, visual readout, graphs, etc)

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