Ironhawk, on 22 August 2012 - 02:18 AM, said:
So rich in detail and still, you make this look easy. Great 3D work, man!
Adridos, on 22 August 2012 - 02:47 AM, said:
Mad Cat... I was never really a fan of the mech, nor it's art since every single fan did it at least once, but I must say, this looks so epic. Those details and the sheer size of the whole project, along with a bit newer look...
One of the best 3D models fore sure.
HanaYuriko is "she", not "he".

Ironhawk, on 22 August 2012 - 03:00 AM, said:
Sorry about that. She is a great artist!
LOL Thanks guys! Don't worry about the "Great 3D work, man!" line. I figure it was just a phrasing and imagined Cheech Marin saying it.
DraconisCombine, on 22 August 2012 - 03:08 AM, said:
You have amazing talent. I was a huge fan in my youth, and this community is really bringing me back. Incredible work!
Thanks! The more I do this and learn new techniques (and get an upgraded PC) the more my talents progress.
William Chase Davion, on 22 August 2012 - 06:29 AM, said:
I like your arms a lot better than the original.
The bigger LRMs look great too.
It's all about expanding and innovating on a design. Build on what they have, take the best parts and try to do better with the rest.
This next image shows the "guts" of the ER Large and ER Medium lasers based on existing laser tech. The main parts of each weapon are the heatsink, the capacitor, generator, chamber, and the emitter. For the ER lasers, I'm using a multi-beam weapon. Several smaller lasers that are combined to make a more powerful singular beam for greater damage potential. The cowling was designed to mimic the original Madcat's hexagonal arm pods.
You can also see the intercooler mounted to the bottom (based on the Madcat tech poster). I originally designed it for this model, but was able to find a spot for it on my Warhammer's PPCs.
After figuring out the elbow joint (which took me a lot longer than it should have) I bring all of these elements together. Some more detailing to the lower part of the torso and we've caught up to my current build status!