RandomLurker, on 12 September 2013 - 05:39 PM, said:
I'd rather have the Exterminator. 4 Mlasers in the arms, an LRM10 and small laser in the torso, 65 tons, 7 jump jets, and it goes 97 kph. So 4 arm mounted energy slots, another in the torso, and a missile slot, on a stupidly fast 65 ton package with jump jets. GIMME.
It doesn't violate the timeline either. There's a confirmed 3025 version used by Comstar without the XL engine (and much slower, obviously).
bloodnor, on 20 September 2013 - 01:14 AM, said:
I would like my Mauler it falls well within our time frame
While both the
Exterminator and the
Mauler has a variant that would exist within MWO's timeframe, neither has the required
three extant variants needed to unlock the
master-level piloting efficiencies (e.g. "Speed Tweak", "Fast Fire", etc).
As such, neither of the
Exterminator and the
Mauler would work in MWO's current XP system, and are thus unlikely to be seen in-game in the near future.