tyrone dunkirk, on 01 September 2012 - 04:53 AM, said:
There's one thing I don't get about all these unseen-reseen threads/polls. Now, I'm a huge fan of the unseen. I grew up with MW2 and Mercs and I read the original 3025 and 3050 TROs almost as much as I read real novels ( I still have both TROs by the way

) but we WILL NOT be seeing the unseen or reseen in this game.
People keep asking for them, and saying we won't see the reseen or unseen. Have you not noticed all the artwork over in the 'media' part of the site?! It's all passed through Alex and is flushed out looking all amazing-like and stuff. This game will never, and has never featured artwork that is comparable to the TROs ( because it's better than the TROs ) We won't have reseen, we'll have Alex's Marauder, or Alex's Warhammer. ( and yes, we can call it the Maruader and the Warhammer. We have the rights to the names, people )
Some people know this, many, in fact. But the people who keep making threads about the unseen don't, and that ****** me right off!
That any 'Mechs that show up in MWO will be "Iglesias-ized" (either by Mr. Iglesias himself, or another from the MWO art team who would be duplicating his style) is both blatantly obvious and taken as a given.
What most of these polls ask is, "in adapting a BattleMech with Unseen and Reseen artwork for inclusion in MWO, which would/should be more heavily used as a basis or reference point?"
For example, take Shimmering Sword's take on the
Contrast with the original, Unseen
and the
Glaug BattlePod from
Super Dimension Fortress Macross (and Robotech):
and the Reseen
Admittedly IANAL, but I would imagine that
Harmony Gold could much more easily make a case for something like Shimmering Sword's version infringing on their rights to the image of the
Glaug BattlePod (the basis for the
Marauder's original, Unseen artwork) than to make a similar case against the Reseen
Marauder artwork from
Project Phoenix.
Also relevant to the above, I believe, would be one particular statement from Mr. Iglesias himself (from the
first Dev Interview) that indicates that he is aware of how he's not working in a vacuum, and how his takes on certain BattleMechs might affect the MWO playerbase:
MWO: Are there any Mechs that you are scared of rebooting?
AI: Probably the Timberwolf, I know that if I mess that one up, I will never hear the end of it, and will probably have to try to outrun a few pitchfork wielding mobs.
Also, his response to the MWO Community's reaction to the (rather radical) redesign of the
Centurion (which was received with strong mixed reactions):
flyingdebris, on 25 January 2012 - 03:07 PM, said:
I understand the critiques but keep in mind guys
I don't just rub my hands together and think of how i can tear apart some of your childhoods
i first put some classical music on, pour myself some blood into a gold encrusted goblet, and laugh upon a throne of bones befor...i ...i mean i don't do that.
No, actually there are various reasons why the design looks the way it does.
Primary of which is that a lot of BT mech designs fall into the "humanoid with a cannon for an arm" category. And were i to stick too closely to the canon appearance, we could easily end up with a lot of mechs that would be hard to visually distinguish from one another at a distance. (The classic centurion head crest ...fin... sensor thingy, not exactly being something that would all that visible at longer ranges.) So to guard against the possibility, i had to make the mech as visually distinct as possible and push the proportions this way and that as well as add a few things here and there.
Given how popular and loved the Unseen are, how polarizing the Reseen are, and how some have reacted to major departures from the traditional designs of the past, I would not be surprised if Mr. Iglesias would be apprehensive with regard to rebooting any of the Unseen for many of the same reasons as the above statements indicated that he would be apprehensive about doing so with the
Timber Wolf.
So, the conundrum is that there is a huge demand for the Unseen 'Mechs - as much or more so than for even the vaunted(

) Clan 'Mechs - that PGI could exploit, but the legal issues surrounding the imagery is often thought (wrongly) to extend to the 'Mechs themselves, and Mr. Iglesias and PGI are aware of the potential backlash from either using the Reseen art or not making MWO versions of the
Marauder et al so close to the Unseen art as to likely draw a reaction from HG and/or other Unseen rights-holders.
It's a classic