Zaptruder, on 02 February 2013 - 08:57 AM, said:
The current word on the situation is pretty much this:
Reseen mechs essentially have to not identifiably resemble their unseen counterparts.
In name or appearance.
Not that redesigns can't pass muster in court - but simply even the hint of litigation is enough to make the idea unviable.
Where the hell are you getting this?!? The issue has always been about the images only. HG has no claim on the names or the stats.
We can make new art. As to why no MW video game has moved forward with new art is mostly because of "the fans" (yes, us) that
won't accept anything but the original art (which honestly, is probably due to most of the Project: Phoenix art just being bad). So from the (previous) game developer's PoV, what do you do? You either upset the "fans" by making these 'mechs that don't look like what they want them to, or just omit them because appeasing the "fans" will get you sued. Which do you think is easier and more cost effective?
Emotions about/Attachments to the original artwork were a LOT stronger about this 10-15 years ago. Not only that, but the only alternatives to the original art we were given were the Project: Phoenix designs. A lot more people were on the "use the original art or nothing at all" side (especially if the alternative is Project: Phoenix). Now is the time to move on. Using the 1985 art is not an option. All of the art used in MWO has to be original designs anyway (and none of the 'mechs we have currently are even using their original TRO art). We have artists that can somehow manage to make even the Project: Phoenix
Marauder into something
somewhat more palatable. These 'Mechs are a huge part of Battletech history, not only in the fact that these were the 'mechs that people were introduced to in the boardgame, but in the lore, the backstory of the game itself.
If we're going to be playing a game where we're "in the universe" of Battletech, we NEED to get these 'mechs back into the game instead of just leaving this gaping hole where they're supposed to be. I am fully confident in PGI's art team to come up with new original art suitable for these 'mechs. We can and SHOULD do this.