Hon. Mechwarriors;
You Believe In Cat Girls
You don’t know it yet, but you believe in cat girls. Millions of adolescent males have discovered this and, like you, have seen enough anime to know the joys to be had with this revelation. Allow me a few moments of your time to present the case for your belief in cat girls. We shall examine the historical record, the archaeological evidence, and listen to the esteemed and impeccably credentialed words of a world renown scientist who first revealed the existence of cat girls in the modern era. Let us begin with the historical record.
Human history is filled with numerous references to anthropomorphic “gods” who once walked among men. Zecharia Sitchin is perhaps the most famous proponent of the thesis and can be found here:
http://www.sitchin.com/ These “gods” were known as Mau, Tefnut, Bast, Sekhmet and many others to the ancients. They figure prominently in the ancient mythologies of cataclysmic destruction, wisdom, and protection. 10s of thousands of human beings in the distant past worshiped anthropomorphic cat people, half of whom, presumably, were cat girls. Such a compelling weight of affidavit’s could easily see a man hung for murder in a court of law. The Egyptians were not alone in their assertions regarding the existence of cat girls. The mythologies of Gilgamesh, Ur, Hindi, Chinese and many other traditions make mention of cat peoples as well. The ancients did more than leave us tales of such cat people, they left us physical evidence, some of which has only recently come to light in the scientific pursuits of archaeology.
The Olmecs of central America featured many depictions of half man half feline stone carvings and portraits on the walls of ruins and sacred cave sights. Metal and stone tools bearing the likeness of such creatures have been found as well. You can read about these fascinating developments here:
These items are interesting in and of themselves, but do not make the case for the existence of cat girls nearly as well as the half man half feline megalith of the “Face on Mars”. Satellite photography of the Cydonia site on Mars has revealed a titanic arcology which resembles a cat and man face staring up into the heavens. As startling as these findings have been, they pale beside the fact that religious brotherhoods have preserved knowledge of these things and published these facts in a circumspect manner in an effort to prepare mankind for the “truth” about their ancient heritage. As this program of conditioning the public progresses, certain scholars have examined the evidence and made the logical leaps that compel them to speak out on the subject. One such scholar is Richard Hoagland.
Richard Hoagland is a scientist of great accomplishment. Curator of Astronomy & Space Science at the Springfield Science Museum, 1964-7, and Assistant Director at the Gengras Science Center in West Hartford CT 1967-8. He was a consultant to CBS News during the Apollo program[13]. He had a consultancy with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center from 1974 until 1983, contributing documentation on the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory project, among others. His pursuit of matters clearly germane to the interests of national security have ensured a long and difficult struggle to make known a history of humanity that many in the national security state view as too much too early. The man has displayed a great deal of moral courage trying to bring the public up to speed on the heritage waiting for us in the ruins all over the solar system. He makes the case for a precursor civilization occupying the solar sytem here.
http://www.enterprisemission.com/ He goes on to further flesh out the probable existence of cat girls with this article.
http://www.enterpris...com/corbett.htm In a radio interview he specifically mentions the possibility of currently living anthropomorphic cat people on this radio program uploaded to you tube. C2CAM - 2011.11.30 - Mars & Phobos The relevant quote can be found 1:45 into the show. Richard mentions the existence of cat girls in passing, for he was far more interested in making the case for an informed public demanding access to the public space mission data that would open up a type II civilization for humanity sooner rather than later. It is enough for our purposes to know that rigorously trained and very bright scientists have championed the case for cat girls.
I personally believe that once 500 million adolescent males become aware of Mar’s status as the once and future home of cat girls, nothing in our experience could expedite disclothesure faster. With Dr. Aubry DeGrey’s work on senescence:
http://www.sens.org/ and his assertion that the first man to celebrate his 1000th birthday being as young as 60 years old today, it is likely and probable that our generation will reap the fruits of reverse engineering the technologies of the ancients, uncorking the fountain of youth, and rediscovering the Catgirl Princess of Mars. Should we find, to our dismay, that they are no more than fosilized bone and dust, the gene-gineering cosmetics industry will no doubt console us all with products that will let our significant others paint on the nano gels that will satisfy anyone’s bedroom RPGs. Or we could opt for the “clever girls” of a Jurasic Catgirl Park. In any case there are enough fans of the concept and enough evidence to suggest that cat girls have been, are, and will be real once more. Now that you believe in Cat Girls, does that make you a furry?
This post is courtesy of Celestia's Princess Decision Directive 60 in the pursuit of cordial relations between those who follow pony and furry interests here on the MWO forums.
Edited by Samaritan, 16 August 2012 - 01:14 PM.