Spooky, on 01 March 2012 - 05:16 AM, said:
"Canon" for the BattleTech universe extends beyond the rules of the actual tabletop, naturally

And these are also used in the BattleTech rules:
http://www.sarna.net...7Mech_Jump_Pack (even though they might not have to be used for drops. Possibly because a "hot drop" doesn't exist in the tabletop in the first place?)
There probably is no good solution for this, other than hot drops being restricted to Leopard class DropShips. In the novels, whenever Mechs are ejected from ovoid DropShips, either for a HotDrop, or because it is about to be falling apart, it's never written in great detail what's happening, as far as I remember. I don't think they ever literally wrote, that they step out the door themselves.
What is being called here "hot drop" is usually known in the tabletop as "combat drop".
Strategic Operations sourcebook p. 22 states:
"’Mechs, ProtoMechs, battle armor, WiGE Vehicles and vehicles with Jumping MP may make atmospheric drops. If a unit than can mount jump jets does not mount jump jets, it may either mount
disposable jump jets (which automatically jettison upon touchdown; see ’Mech Jump Pack/’Mech Drop Pack, p. 292, TO) or a Vehicular/Battle Armor Dropchute"
Tactical Operations sourcebook p. 292:
Introduced: 2457 (Terran Hegemony)
The BattleMech jump pack was developed to give jump-incapable BattleMechs a surprise edge in the early stages of battle, to help them cross particularly difficult terrain features,
or to deploy them in combat drops. Essentially an externally mounted, self-contained jump jet backpack, the system enables an otherwise ground-bound ’Mech to make a single fulllength jump (or a few shorter jumps) in a pinch.