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Wednesday Hot Drop


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#221 Kaemon


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 01:12 PM

View PostDennis de Koning, on 01 March 2012 - 09:12 AM, said:

Actually, we do have a solution for this; I'm just not at liberty to reveal it at this time.
So there.

Then, good sir, you need a call sign!

Allow me to be the first to suggest...

Dennis 'Side Door' de Koning

or perhaps

Dennis 'De jour' de Koning

#222 guardian wolf


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 01:24 PM

Hmmmm..... I dunno, maybe with some combat footage of this guy, I could come up with one, but other then that, I dunno.

#223 Kaemon


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 01:52 PM

View Postguardian wolf, on 01 March 2012 - 01:24 PM, said:

Hmmmm..... I dunno, maybe with some combat footage of this guy, I could come up with one, but other then that, I dunno.

We haven't had combat footage on ANY of the devs, that hasn't stopped us before!

@Garth, I'm tempted to throw a 'Shakespeare' or 'Atwood' on you and see if it sticks with all the fancy writin' you've been doing lately.


Margaret Atwood being a Canadian writer, and Matt N can't have the only feminine callsign now, can he?

And before people think that's too girly -

“War is what happens when language fails.”

“You fit into me
like a hook into an eye

a fish hook
an open eye”

Edited by Kaemon, 01 March 2012 - 01:55 PM.

#224 Garth Erlam


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 01:57 PM

Not a huge Atwood fan, but I won't say anything negative about her :)

Always been a William Gibson fan though (he's an adopted Canadian.)

#225 Ace Archer


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:17 PM

OH. MY. GOD. I Can't wait, this makes me even more excited for the game!
By the way, <3 the hula girl ;D

#226 Skylarr


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:22 PM

It is suppose to have the capabilty to carry 4 Mechs and 2 Aerospace. Were are the Aerospace bays?


#227 Dennis de Koning

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Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:29 PM

View PostSkylarr, on 01 March 2012 - 02:22 PM, said:

It is suppose to have the capabilty to carry 4 Mechs and 2 Aerospace. Were are the Aerospace bays? http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Leopard

Up front; one on either side.

#228 Skylarr


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:32 PM

View PostDennis de Koning, on 01 March 2012 - 02:29 PM, said:

Up front; one on either side.


#229 MilitantMonk


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:32 PM


Depending on the height of the drop there are diffent rigs to get your mech safely on the ground. Low altitude drops like the one shown is done with a one shot detachable jetpack or if the mech has jets of it's own - external reaction mass storage pods. High altitude / orbital insertion is typically done by encasing the mech in a heat shielded shell or pod. Once the mech is in the lower atmosphere the shell breaks away and either parachutes (for lighter mechs or thicker atmospheres) or the detachable jets.

#230 Tizona


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:33 PM

View PostSpooky, on 01 March 2012 - 05:16 AM, said:

"Canon" for the BattleTech universe extends beyond the rules of the actual tabletop, naturally :).
Anway: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Jump_jet
And these are also used in the BattleTech rules: http://www.sarna.net...7Mech_Jump_Pack (even though they might not have to be used for drops. Possibly because a "hot drop" doesn't exist in the tabletop in the first place?)
There probably is no good solution for this, other than hot drops being restricted to Leopard class DropShips. In the novels, whenever Mechs are ejected from ovoid DropShips, either for a HotDrop, or because it is about to be falling apart, it's never written in great detail what's happening, as far as I remember. I don't think they ever literally wrote, that they step out the door themselves.

What is being called here "hot drop" is usually known in the tabletop as "combat drop".

Strategic Operations sourcebook p. 22 states:
"’Mechs, ProtoMechs, battle armor, WiGE Vehicles and vehicles with Jumping MP may make atmospheric drops. If a unit than can mount jump jets does not mount jump jets, it may either mount disposable jump jets (which automatically jettison upon touchdown; see ’Mech Jump Pack/’Mech Drop Pack, p. 292, TO) or a Vehicular/Battle Armor Dropchute"

Tactical Operations sourcebook p. 292:
Introduced: 2457 (Terran Hegemony)
The BattleMech jump pack was developed to give jump-incapable BattleMechs a surprise edge in the early stages of battle, to help them cross particularly difficult terrain features, or to deploy them in combat drops. Essentially an externally mounted, self-contained jump jet backpack, the system enables an otherwise ground-bound ’Mech to make a single fulllength jump (or a few shorter jumps) in a pinch.

#231 Skylarr


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:47 PM

In the Table Top game every pilot had to make multiple Piloting skill rolls to land on target. I have seen pilots roll so bad that their Mech scatter and landed away from the Battlefield, or, worse, have their mech destroyed.

#232 ShadowMaw


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 03:11 PM

What IMO would be cool is IF hot drops are in the game that a HUD would pop up when you are about to be dropped. In that HUD would be something like an artificial horizon like in flight sims that you have to keep lined up or you start to drift and land off target. The better you keep it lined up the closer on target you will land. The difficulty can be adjusted for other factors also... winds, gravity or so on.

#233 Spooky


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 03:53 PM

View Posttizona, on 01 March 2012 - 02:33 PM, said:

What is being called here "hot drop" is usually known in the tabletop as "combat drop".

Strategic Operations sourcebook p. 22 states:
"’Mechs, ProtoMechs, battle armor, WiGE Vehicles and vehicles with Jumping MP may make atmospheric drops. If a unit than can mount jump jets does not mount jump jets, it may either mount disposable jump jets (which automatically jettison upon touchdown; see ’Mech Jump Pack/’Mech Drop Pack, p. 292, TO) or a Vehicular/Battle Armor Dropchute"

Tactical Operations sourcebook p. 292:
Introduced: 2457 (Terran Hegemony)
The BattleMech jump pack was developed to give jump-incapable BattleMechs a surprise edge in the early stages of battle, to help them cross particularly difficult terrain features, or to deploy them in combat drops. Essentially an externally mounted, self-contained jump jet backpack, the system enables an otherwise ground-bound ’Mech to make a single fulllength jump (or a few shorter jumps) in a pinch.

Ah, 2457 already? Seems like the Sarna entry is wrong?

#234 Kaemon


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 04:39 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 01 March 2012 - 01:57 PM, said:

Not a huge Atwood fan, but I won't say anything negative about her :)

Always been a William Gibson fan though (he's an adopted Canadian.)

'Big Willie' it is!

/really need to put the beer down
//after this case...promise!


What a minute, I thought you were already 'banhammer'?


Edited by Kaemon, 01 March 2012 - 04:43 PM.

#235 FACEman Peck


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 05:04 PM

Sexy trailer, we need MORE hehehehehehehhe.

#236 Lucinator


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 05:21 PM

what is the song playing in the video?

#237 Semyon Drakon


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 07:03 PM

View PostDarrin Thomason, on 01 March 2012 - 04:32 AM, said:

That is all well and good for the Lep, however, how will the hot drops work for the oviod dropships?
One suggestion is that you could have them flying on their side, however, that would mean that the dropship sould not really be able to land on the map (needing to land on its bottom (effectivly)
Another one (this is what I assumed from reading the novels and deals with space drops) is that the mech cacoon is shoved out of the dropship.

What solution have you come up with for this?

Ovoid drops ships either hover and the mechs step out of the side doors to 'jump' the short distance to the ground, (see the Smoke Jag landing on Wolcott in the second Blood of Kerensky novel or the Jade Lalcon landing on Tukayyid in the third) or they use drop pods and launch them from low orbit. That said though you could keep an ovoid on a purely ballistic trajectory, shut the engnes down and launch the mecks through the base. Not sure i want my mech that close to that much engine exhaust though.

Or you can say what I said when offered parachute training in thr army "is there somethign wrong with the aircraft? No? The landing the damn thing and I'll walk off."


#238 gryphos


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 07:15 PM

Excelente, me recuerda el inicio de Mercenaries "Deadeye: Look the bright side kid... You'll keep all the money"

#239 PraetorGix


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 11:29 PM

Holy crap... that was awsome... And the computer voice from MW2, that detail alone made my inner fanboy swim in a lake of nostalgia!! ;) :D ^_^ :o

#240 Lipase


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 12:36 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 29 February 2012 - 10:05 AM, said:

Many of our viewers were excited to see a video featuring a live hot drop of an Atlas - today we are pleased to be able to show you that video in 1080p!

In addition, we have the following report on the Leopard dropship. Stay tuned after for more announcements!

Jostling back and forth, she imagined space, outside the ship. She could not see (though she knew) that as they hit the atmosphere, brilliant colours would be seen surrounding the ship. She also knew that two ASF fighters were holding a loose circle around them, hoping to intercept any incoming fighters. Her ‘Mech was freezing, as it took many minutes to rev-up to full power. The surroundings were all dark, her ‘Mech starting out from its docking cradle.

Posted Image

One never became used to it. The fall. The drop from the heavens to the hells of the battlefield. The jolts became harder, more frequent. Com-chatter non-existent, she wondered how many of these she had been on. Hell, she knew of at least twelve drops in this Leopard alone. Her recon lance, long veterans of being in the first wave, were around her, though she could not see them. Suddenly her ‘Mech came to life, and she toggled all systems on, running a quick check. Reactor online, Sensors online, Weapons online, All Systems Nominal. Purring like a kitten, she thought, giving a thumbs up to the ‘tech looking at her.
Her ‘Mech jolted back and forth as the crane moved. Her comms suddenly came to life:
“YOU OK IN THERE?” a Tech shouted over all the noise.
“Roger.” She replied.
That finished, she checked her lance:
“Watching buttons flash. Sometimes I push them. Alright, Check.”
“Susan?” “Board is green, I’m locked in. Check”
“Marv?” “This thing is cold as Hell. Check”
The doors below her opened, and her ‘Mech hung precariously over an open ‘Mechbay, staring straight down. Clouds whipped by as she slowed her breathing…
She grit her teeth as the atmosphere and wind slammed into her ‘Mech, tossing her left and right. 500 meters left. 400. 300. 200. 100… the jumpjet harness was going full blast as she jolted to the ground, almost losing balance, then coming to a standstill. The harness popped off, and she started moving to cover, even as her lancemates arrived. Missiles dropped all around her.
“Command, we are on the ground and under fire!”
Posted Image

I hope to be seeing more of these in my rear camera soonly...

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