The Basilisk, on 06 May 2014 - 11:55 PM, said:
The Stone Rhino (Behemoth) is a so called second line Mech.
That means its a mech regarded too old, too expensive in terms of ammo or maintenance or otherwise inferior by the clans.
Since the "Clanmechs" we will get are simply spoils of war because there are still no factions you can join, the release of the stone rhino would be even more difficult to explain.
Capturing some frontline units....well ok maybe but capturing second line or garrison units....NOPE.
Yup, it is called the Behemoth / Stone Rhino.
However 2nd Line mechs are so called because they are usually assigned to 2nd line units.
Omni's are highly valued due to their ability to customise weapons and equipment for different environments making them ideal machines for offensive operations. Attacking a desert planet, fit long range and extra heat sinks, next planet a jungle planet, jump jets and short range weapons loadouts.
Garrison units did not require such flexibilty and hence could be allocated as a unit.
So the bias against 2nd line mechs was more about piloting an Omni mech meant you were in a front line offensive unit, where as piloting a 2nd line mech generally meant garrison duties and limited oppurtunity for combat. But also culturally the Clans did hold back "lesser" pilots in preference to True borns anyway.
Having said that, most clans developed / built / trialed for 2nd line mechs. While they were not as highly valued as Omni's, they were certainly appreciated for the job they did and the 3067 TRO identifies several new 2nd line mechs being designed post the Great Refusal to replace losses in many Clans. There were many "new" 2nd line mechs in 3050 amongst the garrison units as well as some old ones.
We do know that this design was highly regarded by Clan Smoke Jaguar and that Clan Smoke Jaguar brought up several Garrison units early in the Invasion. We also know they deployed at least one "freebirth" Cluster (the 22nd) at Luthien (Luthien Sourcebook) which given the distatse that Clan had to Freeborths most certainly would not have had Omnimechs so it is almost certain this unit deployed high technology 2nd line mechs, such as the Behemoth.
So it is entirely plausiable that the Behemoth could find its way into an IS warriors hands with about the same probability as a Daishi, which is to say not much chance at all. However given PGI are "waving handium" to allow IS pilots to have Clan mechs, canon is hardly an appropriate benchmark to restrict the Behemoth.
As an aside, Wolf Dragoons deployed one Behemoth in its battles on Misery (according to the Wolf's Dragoons Source Book) although it is expected this was using "dumbed down" weapons so as to maintain their secrecy at the time like much of their other equipment.