Cavadus, on 30 November 2011 - 08:43 PM, said:
-Hangar Space For Mechs
-Armory Space For Weapons/Equipment
-Custom Paint Schemes
-Aesthetic Modifications
-Custom Cockpits/Cockpit Modification
_______________________________________________________All above this line is good and just.
Cavadus, on 30 November 2011 - 08:43 PM, said:
-"Premium Account" for bonus XP and C-Bills (and perhaps salvage if they have that)
-In-Game Currency (as long as the matchmaker puts together fair matches I don't see any problems)
Honestly, I think your pricing for XP and C-Bill boosts is way over the top. Games like Global Agenda and World of Tanks sell 30-day premium accounts for normal MMO subscription prices. I want that. What the OP proposes is pretty much gouging.
The rest of this can take a flying leap. If you let people buy power you kill the game. Also keep in mind that you WILL BE TEMPTED to do this. "but its only a little bit of an edge, it wont throw off the balance" You start like that, and i know it is easy to talk yourself into it, but that is how it all starts. That is how you kill a game.
An auction for victory, is not a game.
buying C-Bills is a horrible idea. I have only ever seen this done right ONCE. That was in EVE ONLINE.
A player could buy an item for real world cash that when used in game would credit their account with a one month subscription. That player was then able to sell that item in the markets for ingame cash.
Note that they did not let people buy currency, but they set up an item purchase that allowed curency to be exchanged for ingame money, and vis versa. When you get down to it, what they did was let a player purchase two subscriptions so that he could pay for another players game with real money if that player would give him in game funds.
This made it so that their was no actual inflow of in game currency to inflate prices or cause a general glut. All that happened was that people bought other people play time in exchange for their ingame cash.
On the accounting end, it likely only increased subscription sales a little bit, but it did increase cash flow by the total value of the unused subscription items for sale or unused at any given point of time in game. When in game, they represented an increase in prepaid subscriptions.