Macbrea, on 23 October 2013 - 08:37 AM, said:
Well, by my method, you are allowed to do the following:
1) fire off Masc run around like *****
2) Masc ends, bar starts filling back up
3) at 20% full bar player hits Masc again (Chance now 6%)
4) Masc ends, bar starts filling back up
5) at 55% full bar player hits Masc again (Chance now 9%)
6) Masc ends, bar starts filling back up
7) at 100% full bar player hits Masc again (Chance now 12%)
..... until leg explodes or player decides to stand still for 10 seconds.
A lot of gambling involved with using it. But, very cannon in it's nature.
I like it.
SmithMPBT, on 23 October 2013 - 08:52 AM, said:
Lets hold off on giving spiders MASC please! 4-5 of them in every drop now is bad enough.
Imagine the Spider firing it off and then blowing up a leg. Then imagine that now-gimpy Spider limping a few meters away, whimpering as you slowly line up the AC20...
Edited by Dawnstealer, 23 October 2013 - 08:54 AM.