Q: Higher Blood pressure , Paul or Fox ? [Helmer]
A: Paul. [Garth]
Q: What about Hula Girl Physics™? Did Matt forget about his promise?

A: We're hoping to add Advanced Hula Girl Physics

Q: Will there be an in-game place for friends to stumble into instead of finding each other externally in TS? Basically a meeting place of sorts. [Kilgore]
A: The in-game friends list would work for that, I think. [Garth]
Q: Second question: If Battlemech 16 was supposed to be saved for something special why was it just randomly announced? [Butane9000]
A: The Flea is our official 16th Mech. 'A Mech' had a special reveal, but BattleMech 17 will be something different again. [Garth]
Q: With the idea of role warfare we have been given a selection of mechs designated to specific roles by lore and actual function (speed/armor/guns/etc). Is it the development team's vision and expectation that players would deploy these mechs in like fashion or can we feel free to take what we know (beta or non-beta) about the mechs and their implementation and redefine them (within the hardpoint limitations) to suit our own ideas of the role and fuction of a given mech? [KitK]
A: The system is pretty flexible. Lights, for example, can scout, or they can skirmish. The Dragon can scout too, or it can brawl. So yeah, we try to make them as capable of multiple roles as we can. [Garth]
Q: When will we see some more sexy desktops of events happening in River City? We get a lot of images from the map Frozen City, but I don't think we have yet to see River City aside from Desktop WP #9. [Cattra Kell]
A: Well now that people are actually asking, much sooner

Q: Is there something more powerful than a young boy's wish?

A: Time And Relative Dimension In Space. [Garth]
Q: I've read some compelling forum posts on how tripling the weapon fire rate has been somewhat harmful to the utility of high-heat weapons. For instance, the classic 3-PPC awesome was a fairly heat efficient 'mech in TT, but not in MWO. Do you have any plans to look at heat generated by weapons or dissipated by heat sinks? [Comassion]
A: These things change quite often with each patch, so by the time I've answered it we may have already changed it. [Garth]
Q: The PC Gamer annoucemnt got me wondering: what magazines/blogs/forums does the dev team rely on to stay up to date on gaming technology? [Dracol]
A: Name it and someone here probably reads it. [Garth]
Q: Will new maps be created at a much greater pace eventually? [Sturmspetz]
A: I can't guarantee anything, but once more of the core systems are complete and in place I imagine they will come out faster. [Garth]
Q: What fuels your sadistic behaviour, for not bringing the ZEUS?

A: Your tears fuel us. [Garth]
Q: Will AMS's be limited per mech, or will we be able to put an AMS in every missile slot on the mech? Will there be modules to increase AMS effectiveness? Maybe a module that lets you put AMS into missile slots? [Rathe]
A: Mechs have a minimum of 1 AMS slot, though some may have more. [Garth]
Q: Is this question easy to answer? [Joe3142]
A: Yes. [Garth]
Q: What variants are planned for the Jagermech, Spider, Flea? [Redshift2k5]
A: Spider: SDR-5V, SDR-5k, SDR-5D. JagerMech: JM6-DD, JM6-S, JM6-A. I don't have the Flea variants handy, sorry

Q: Please, sir, will there ever be a jump capable medium mech? [Watchit]
A: Sure. ("The 5J variant of the Trebuchet is a tradeoff that sacrifices firepower for mobility. One of the two LRM-15 launchers have been removed and replaced with five jump jets, giving the Trebuchet a jumping distance of one hundred and fifty meters. Additionally, the armor has been increased by half a ton and five heat sinks have been added to the design.") [Garth]
Q: Are there any plans to implement the option to show damage in the HTAL format? [Thontor]
A: We're considering it as an option, yes

Thanks for your questions everyone, and we hope you enjoyed the answers!
The MechWarrior Onlne Team