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Blood of Heroes: Clan RP Adventure.

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#1 G is for Gamma


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Posted 06 October 2012 - 01:46 PM

Hall of the Khan’s
Strana Mechty
Clan Space
October, 4, 3052.

The semi-circle council chamber had purposely been designed to be as dark and intimidating as possible, a fact only amplified by the quietly simmering disdain the gathered warriors had for one another. Seventeen Khans and saKhans had answered the summons ilKhan Ulric Kerensky had sent out, and so far none of them had attempted to murder one of their contemporaries. A rare feat Ulric Kerensky attributed to the unusual circumstances surrounding the gathering of warriors.

A majority of those present represented the Clan’s whose warriors had succeeded in securing a place in the Trial of Bloodright, others came to cast glares at the warriors who denied their clan a chance at honor. Some had more genuine reasons for their attendance; Khan Din Steiner of the Cloud Cobras came in a show of solidarity to those warriors who would track down and destroy the decedents of the not-named-clan and to show respect to his clans own champion who had died of wounds sustained even as she secured her own place in the hunt, while the Khan and saKhan of clan Blood Spirit, projected as holograms while they remained safely on their fortress home world of York, were present only to show support for their allies in Clan Fire Mandrill.

The collective group reminded ilKhan Ulric of an old Terran phrase. “A dog and pony show”. Personally, he found the entire idea of rampaging across the inner sphere on a rabid ice hellion chase to be ludicrous, but when the Khan’s of Clan Steel Viper pressed the issue of hunting down the Halis family he’d been forced to concede to the greater wishes of the Grand Council. Let it be done, and quickly. He thought to himself as he raised his left hand towards the twin sentinels of the ceremonial Elemental guard who stood vigilant and the halls massive oaken doors. Creaking with age the great doors opened wide, a procession of warriors all dressed in the formal wear of their home clans marched in flanked by more of the black armored elementals.

The reactions from the collected Khan’s were as mixed and varied as clans they hailed from. Some positively beamed for their warriors proud of their past accomplishments and hopeful for future success. Others, like the Khans of Goliath Scorpion seemed to be scrutinizing their clanswoman, Shara Elam, as she marched alongside the others towards the center dais of the council chambers. The Fire Mandrill khans in a massive contrast seemed to be putting more of their effort into not touching each other as they jealously jockeyed for more real-estate on the stone bench they were forced to share. While Asa Taney of the Ice Hellions curled his lips and hissed quietly, mimicking the actions his clans name sake performed when forced to eat carrion.

The gathered warriors stood in a line on the depressed center dais, the gathered clan leader sat high above them, like spectators in a coliseum. Tired of the theatrics, Ulric removed his ceremonial mask, carved of ash and shaped like a snarling wolves skull, and sat it on his podium. The rest of those gathered removed their totem masked.

“Children of the Founder.” Ulric’s voice carried over the collected men and women, “Proof of the Not-Named-Clan’s continued existence in the form of the bloodline of house Halis. These which stand before us have, by our customs, proven their right to declare a Trial of Annihilation against the remaining members of the Halis family.” He paused for emphasis, casting his stern gaze on the six warriors below him. “The task before you is of great importance, success of this Trial will grant you the greatest reward our people can give. The formation of a new Bloodhouse, failure will forever stain your honor and you shall be known as dezgra to all of Kerensky’s Children….”

“Your hunt will take you far from the home worlds, to aid you on your mission Khan Snow Raven has offered their support in the form of transport and an impartial staging point for your task.” His hand reached for his wolf’s head mask. “May you bring honor to your Clan and Bloodhouses.”

The collective Khans, saKhans, and warriors all stood to attention. In unison they spoke.



Office of the ilKhan
Strana Mechty
Clan Space
October, 4, 3052

Gregor Faraday and his new “companions” had quickly been ushered out of the council chamber and into an a joining room. All six of the mechwarriors had remained silent as the Elmental guards herded them into a room that was never intended to hold so many.

The ilKhan’s office was Spartan in decoration, and dusty from lack of use. The room was dominated by a heavily stained wooden desk. Its front panel delicately carved representations of every Clan’s totem animals could be seen on it, even the likes of Mongoose and Widowmaker who had been absorbed by stronger clans in years past. The beautifully detailed wood carving was designed as to give every warrior who stood before it pride in the accomplishments of their clan, and respect for the others. However, in the upper left corner, just above an image of a stalking nova cat the table had been sanded down to a dull surface lighter in color to the stained wood around it. Evidence of the Not-Named-Clan long erased.

ilKhan Ulric Kerensky sat in the rooms only chair. To either side of him two more of the fully armored elementals from the Ebon Keshik stood silently in their shiny black plate, fulfilling their ceremonial role as the protectors of the ilKhan and warden of the Hall of the Khans.

“I have no wish to delay your mission longer than necessary, but, some information pertaining to your hunt has come to light in recent days. I thought it prudent to pass the information along with you.” His arm stretched across the table handing a data pad to the Diamond Shark warrior, Felipe.

“It appears that while the rest of us where busy fighting Comstar, the Smoke Jaguar were busy taking bondsman. The Clan Wolf Watch, believes that a specific bondsman named Aryn who was taken as isorla by Star Captain Andrew Showers. My source believes that bondsman Aryn was an archivist for comstar before the Battle of Tukayyid. If any man could point you towards your goals it would be Aryn, luckily the Star Captain and his bondsman have just returned from the Occupation Zone, and are currently on the Jaguar home world; Huntress. The pertaining information has been copied onto that data slate.”

Ulric stood his back popping as he did, possibly a sign of his advanced years. His stern eyes challenged any of the younger warriors to make a comment.

“For the duration of your mission…all of you have been stripped of your rank. Leadership may be decided in a circle of equals or you may jointly share command. The choice is up to you. Your personal effects and machines have already been transferred to the Snow Raven Enclave; Star Commodore Hadwyn Chand is currently waiting for your arrival at their spaceport.”

He looked at both Tatianna and Felipe, both from clans who historically feuded with the Snow Ravens. “While aboard the White Lightening, The Star Commodore will act as an impartial arbiter of any trials. He has also been given permission to detain any of you he sees fit to your bunks if so required, so it is in your best interest to be well behaved quiaff?”

The assembled warriors nodded their confirmations, satisfied Ulric motioned for the Elemental’s to open the door and herd the six men and women out of his office. Their elemental escorts led them from his office all the way to the waiting armored personal carrier bearing the sigil of Clan Snow raven on its hull. The clansmen filed into the APC each taking a seat as the door closed behind them. Before they could even fasten their safety harnesses the hover craft had started its way towards the Snow Raven enclave.

Edited by Gammadin, 06 October 2012 - 03:31 PM.

#2 dal10


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Posted 06 October 2012 - 06:55 PM

Arc sat in the hovercraft listening to the thrum of the fans. Everyone here knew their purpose, However, centuries of resentment was hard to overcome, even when unity was needed right now for any of them to stand a chance at completing their mission. The only thing that the warriors in the craft had going for them is that outside of comstar, the inner sphere didn't own any warships. The White Lightning should be able to safely get them from place to place, even though it would stand out like a sore thumb to any spheroids. But to even start their quest, their quest they needed this archivist, Aryn. considering that not a single Smoke Jaguar is on this quest, Arc deemed it unlikely that they would let them take him. But take him this team shall, Arc knew this was his final shot at glory. The others in the unit may have chose to come here, but likely they had chances to advance outside of this mission. But for Arc here was his only chance for glory, his final chance. His resolve was resolute. Either he would come back with the bloodright secured, or he would not come back at all. Thus it shall stand, til he falls.

(thought setting the mood, at least for arc, was the best way to start this.)

#3 Shadtiger77


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Posted 06 October 2012 - 09:25 PM

Shayla sat, her hood up and face hidden by the black wrap she wore whenever she was out of her quarters or mech. Her swords were with her things as were most of her other belongings, much of what she had gathered for the mission through every favor she had. Even Zeus and Apollo were there. All she had were her twin ceremonial daggers. That an a vial of the stuff her mind craved to see the path they would walk, but this was not the time.

She fidgeted a little as the itch to know grew. Sliding one of the curved blades from it's sheath, she carefully checked its razor edge, then made sure it was free of oils and put it back, checking the other as they sped on their way to the awaiting Raven warship and their mission. It was going to be a note in history, and she was already certain of their success, but she was unsure of which path would lead them there as of yet. She fought down another urge for a sip of her necrosia.

In doing so her frost green eyes flicked from one to the next of her companions, and she found herself glad for the face covering she wore as it hid the sneer she felt pass across her lips as her view flicked across members of clans not worth the mission. Well, in her humble opinion, though at least most of the dezgra crusaders had already removed themselves from the offing with conduct unbecoming a warrior which would be a relief. So much to do, and yet more to see as they went, she turned to the only other that she suspected of having a gift to see the way.

"Brother Nova Cat," she purred, her voice raised just enough to carry over the thrum of the lift fans. "What do your eyes see in the path of our course?"

#4 Oni Storm


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:12 AM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven Armored Personnel Carrier
October, 4, 3052

"Brother Nova Cat," she purred, her voice raised just enough to carry over the thrum of the lift fans. "What do your eyes see in the path of our course?"

Jake raised his head at the soft pulsating words as they played at his ear and mind. His cold grey blue eyes looking faintly to a point past and beyond each of the gathered warriors vision, not like he was looking at their soul or through them, but more akin to that of seeing something that wasn't there rested just over each person's right shoulder. For most it was a look that could send shivers down one's spine, for others that were really in the know, it was more akin to looking into the face of the Reaper himself, and him smiling back at you, knowing that he would see you again soon. He spoke then his voice silent and low but carried with a pitch and tone that was hard to ignore.

"I have seen much of what lies before any warrior.... pain, death, loss, dishonor in the eyes of most but a light in the eyes of the Great Father. Tests of trial and blood, not only for that of our query but for that of our own both, bodies, mind, and soul. Each of us will be made to suffer a deep and painful decision as to wither we push forward into the dawning of a new age or get swept away but the current of stagnation from our own indiscretions or unwillingness to change. I have visioned the Father who has shown me both signs of the part and future, and honestly I have no current way of describing to you that which it right or wrong. I fear and weep for all of our kin, because there is coming a great upheaval, that shall one day day rock us to our very core. Then and only then through such humility will we learn what we all gathered here need to understand right now. That without each other and without the the support of us all there is no chance for our continued survival as all we are now or are meant to become."

He slid from his seat to take one knee his head bowed and his right arm clinched tightly in fist placed over his heart. "I pledge you all this my brothers, you my not have the respect for me or for others of us gathered here, but you best learn to trust them for their skills and to have your back, even if it is just to save their own skin for now."

He looked to each of now in turn locking their eyes witha piercing gaze. "If we don't... The Dezgra be d^mned... for it will be of little worry except for your line and house, which is nothing compared to the torment of displeasing the Great Father's will and wracking upon his soul."

He stood once more almost taking his head into the ceiling as he sprang up and landed squatting in the two benchlike chairs, leaning now on his haunches. "I make this Rede; I will do my all to make sure that we get through this successfully and that each of your names will carried back to the homeworlds and carried on in the Remembrance should you fall. I vow this will be as long as I have breath or voice or spirit with which to carry your deeds forth. This I make as my solemn vow to each of you. I do not expect as much in return I only ask that when the time comes and I ask you to lay down your arms for the fight to come, you allow me to handle it til I fall and the light and dust of the stars over take me once more."

Edited by Oni Storm, 07 October 2012 - 02:29 AM.

#5 G is for Gamma


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 10:12 AM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven Armored Personnel Carrier
October, 4, 3052

Compared to the APC’s other occupants whose ceremonial uniforms were shades of black, dull grey, or stark white Gregor Faraday of Clan Fire Mandrill provided a vibrant contrast of color. His uniform consisted of silks of burnt orange and blood red, a dark green sash around his waist and a enamel mask pressed into the shape of a snarling Mandrill’s face. A wide bladed bolo knife, hanging from his hip, rounded out his dress.

He had been one of the last to enter the APC, and had taken a seat near the exit hatch. Removing the uncomfortable mask he eyed the other mechwarriors who shared the compartment with him. Most were keeping to themselves; the Ghost Bear warrior seemed to be brooding, the Diamond Shark was fidgiting with the data slate the ilKhan had handed him. Of all the warriors, the female from Steel Viper was the one who held Gregor’s interest the longest

Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga’s enclave on Marshal shared a border with the Steel Vipers; conflict between the two clans was common. Gregor himself had been decorated for his part in a raid against the snake clan, the Grendel he piloted taken as isorla during the low level feuding between the two clans.

The Scorpion and Nova Cat warriors had started a conversation, but Gregor ignored them for the most part. He had little time for gypsies and mystics. Warriors should be concerned with honing their skills and strengthening their bloodlines not ethereal nonsense and "visions". Unfortunately it seemed the Nova Cat was determined to make a fool of himself, as he first knelt and then stood while giving an elaborate monologue pledging his life and limb to the others members of the mission.

“…If we don't... The Dezgra be d^mned... for it will be of little worry except for your line and house, which is nothing compared to the torment of displeasing the Great Father's will and wracking upon his soul."

Talking of souls and using contractions like superstitious spheroid? The Nova Cat was quickly fraying Gregor’s last nerve. Such things were against clan traditions and values.

"I make this Rede; I will do my all to make sure that we get through this successfully and that each of your names will carried back to the homeworlds and carried on in the Remembrance should you fall. I vow this will be as long as I have breath or voice or spirit with which to carry your deeds forth. This I make as my solemn vow to each of you. I do not expect as much in return I only ask that when the time comes and I ask you to lay down your arms for the fight to come, you allow me to handle it til I fall and the light and dust of the stars over take me once more”

“Sit down, Nova Cat. I would prefer not hear your mewing the entire trip.”

Edited by Gammadin, 07 October 2012 - 10:32 AM.

#6 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 10:37 AM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven APC
October, 4, 3052

Tatianna looked over the other mechwarriors sharing the personel compartment of the Snow Raven APC with her and felt nothing but contempt for them. Hailing from clans that remained behind as only six were deemed worthy to seek glory in the conquest of the Inner Sphere. Perhaps these butt-hurt warriors were seeking their glory on this mad quest. It should have been hers and hers alone, for she was Steel Viper, most elite among the Clans. And these pretenders had no place clinging to her coat-tails as she personally took up a task that was left uncompleted by her forefathers, the annhilation of the Not-Named-Clan and all it's bloodties.

Movement caught her eye, the Golaith Scorpion wierdo pulled her ceremonial dagger, and with that action the hopefull thought that these fools would start slaying one another came to mind, but the smile died on her lips as Scorpy slid the dagger home in it's sheath. She then leaned over to whisper something to the Nova Cat, who mummbled out a bunch on nonecense while jumping about barely avoiding bashing his head into the roof of the ceilling of the APC's armored interior. A pity.

Great, those two are probably talking about what new impifany they experienced while sitting on the John...

She then looked over the pack of Clanners once more sharing a look with the Fire Mandrill for a brief second before sitting back in her seat wishing that this APC ride would be over finally over. She cracked a charming smile as a sudden thought came to her.

Atleast there are no Jade Falcons here...

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 07 October 2012 - 11:23 AM.

#7 Oni Storm


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:22 PM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven APC
October, 4, 3052

“Sit down, Nova Cat. I would prefer not hear your mewing the entire trip.”

Jake looked up as the first of what he expected to be many verbal blows were struck, taking it on the chin like a man possessed; "and I would prefer to know I have fellow warriors that are there for me and know how to have my back, than to pound their chest and make nothing more than a show of voice and boast of what they would have done had they been there type statements over and over again. I fought on Tukayyid, did you? aww no that's right your clan couldn't even score enough at the rite to invade could they? See young pup I can use words too, and they bite and yes they may sting, but they are nothing compared to that, that comes for us all, should any of us fail. Think on that alone, if you can enlighten yourself for even the briefest of moments. The I ask you chock down this personal pride and come join us together for the betterment of us all. It is called a circle of equals for a reason, and yet as has been shown me we have lost the meanings and intentions over time. I hope you may be one of the many to realize in the end we must teach by example and teach for the new generations that they might understand."

Edited by Oni Storm, 07 October 2012 - 12:25 PM.

#8 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:23 PM

View PostOni Storm, on 07 October 2012 - 12:22 PM, said:

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven APC
October, 4, 3052

“Sit down, Nova Cat. I would prefer not hear your mewing the entire trip.”

Jake looked up as the first of what he expected to be many verbal blows were struck, taking it on the chin like a man possessed; "and I would prefer to know I have fellow warriors that are there for me and know how to have my back, than to pound their chest and make nothing more than a show of voice and boast of what they would have done had they been there type statements over and over again. I fought on Tukayyid, did you? aww no that's right your clan couldn't even score enough at the rite to invade could they? See young pup I can use words too, and they bite and yes they may sting, but they are nothing compared to that, that comes for us all, should any of us fail. Think on that alone, if you can enlighten yourself for even the briefest of moments. The I ask you chock down this personal pride and come join us together for the betterment of us all. It is called a circle of equals for a reason, and yet as has been shown me we have lost the meanings and intentions over time. I hope you may be one of the many to realize in the end we must teach by example and teach for the new generations that they might understand."


Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven APC
October, 4, 3052

"Please do not get your fur riled up, brother Nova Kitty. Like many of us, our brother from the Mandrills may fail to understand the mumbo-jumbo you two are spewing to one another. Please allow me to interput your words for our dense brother... Please join in if I leave anything out." Tati sat back in her seat and crossed her arms defensively across her chest with a beaming smile before adding her version of the warrior-mystic's words.

"We are all here to hunt down the last of the Not-named-Clan, yes. But, it will be hard to accomplish anything together if we keep bickering amongst ourselves or looking over our shoulder for someone to stab us in the back."

It is going to be hard to have a Circle of Equals when none of us will agree that we are equals, I am the apex warrior here.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 07 October 2012 - 01:24 PM.

#9 dal10


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:48 PM

Arc saw all of the infighting and could barely suppress a sigh. He then pressed a button on the back of his left hand, which opened a small compartment that he pulled a harmonica out of. Arc then took a deep breath and started playing a song he made of the Ghost Bear's remembrance.

(I have a harmonica, your move guys. :))

#10 G is for Gamma


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:48 PM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven APC
October, 4, 3052

“Oh yes, I forgot your great victory over freebirth Innersphere trash and their ‘superior’ four centuries old technology. Truly a stunning display of your skill and blood heritage...” The Mandrill’s voice dripped with sarcasm, as he leaned forward in his seat. “Do you plan to bring up your past failures every time someone says something to you Jake Winters? Your words mean nothing to me, although your flippant use of contractions is rather…unclanlike.”

His slate colored eyes scanned the room. Half of the assembled warriors had fought on Tukayyid. Gregor was quickly risking the possibility of alienating himself from the rest of the group. The warrior Tatianna had entered the discussion, straddling the fence of the argument not with diplomacy but by insulting both parties. Classic Viper arrogance.

“I understand our objective Viper, and when the time comes I will perform my duty for the mission and the glory of my Kindraa and Clan.” Gregor leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms as he did so.

Edited by Gammadin, 07 October 2012 - 01:52 PM.

#11 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:28 PM

[[Note trying not to use contractions is kinda hard.]]

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven APC
October, 4, 3052
Tatianna opened her mouth to reply to the Mandrill, when the sudden thought came to her.

Am I actually coming to the Kitty's rescue?

She sat back and as she thought that over her eyes became to emerald slits. She then thought that it was time to take a side in this discussion, to understand just how much of a deathtrap Comstar had prepared for them you'd have to be there.

"I will say this, to understand Tukayyid, you would have had to be there." She held up her hand to forstall any comment from the Mandrill. "I do not mean that to sound insulting, despite how it may have. That planet was a massive death trap. Comstar used every dirty trick in the book, and I think they may have invented a few in preperation for the battle. Mines, infernos, ambuses, blinds, artillary... I cannot vouch for the others who were there... but that whole fight was... Unclanlike. They ground us down, sacrificed infanrty and armor while they moved in fresh mech units." Tatianna got a far off look in her eye as she recalled the fight like it just happened.

"We musterd upon the Kozice Plains. Alpha and Gamma advanced along something called the Devil's bath, a horrific combination of geysers, boiling mud and narrow paths walled by massive granite columns, stretching for dozens of kilometers between our LZ and objectives, the cities of Kozice Ranch Station and Kelly Springs. With the tight paths negating our weapons superior range and missteps losing entire Stars to the bottomless pools of boiling mud, too late we realized we had stumbled into a trap. Khan Breen ordered us back to skirt around the H3llish landscape and find a better approach. And then that damnable precentor issued a challenge. I will not say the words he used," She got a disgusted look on her face recalling what the precentor said about Alexander Kerensky's sexual preferance for farm animals. "We turned about, and charged. Hellbent on the heels of the Com Guards who fell before our mechs, crushed. We destroyed their 6th and 78th divisions with extreme prejudice using up most of our expendibles in the process. We advanced slowly hoping that Zeta would catch up to reinforce and resupply us, but they were held in check by some elite guard unit. And then they threw two fresh divisions at us..."

Tatianna paused as if searching for a way to end the tale.

"That is when I killed the Spheroid precentor with the Hallis blood." She nodded to her fellow Clansmen.

"That is right. If it was not for me, none of us would be here."

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 07 October 2012 - 02:52 PM.

#12 Shadtiger77


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 03:22 PM

"Well I, for one, thank you, Viper," Shara said softly with a nod. "I shall enjoy the challenge that has been laid before me. And when we succeed, as we will, I shall enjoy the rewards." Her pale green eyes narrow as they raked across the Mandril, but she kept her mouth shut and went back to her quiet thoughts.

#13 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:42 PM

Felipe watched the bickering with amusement. There was a surprising amount of talk of “unity” and “duty” for such a squabbling ruckus.

Two of the warriors caught his eye. The first was the quiet Ghost Bear, whose only contribution to the conversation was to draw a harmonica and wait for it to blow over. Despite his age, Felipe suspected Arc had the patient strength of his totem to him, waiting, enduring, apparently ignoring, before making a crushing strike. He might not have earned a bloodname yet, but Felipe saw a wisdom there beyond the rash words of the Nova Cat and Fire Mandrill. He’d be a hard one to outwit, should it come to that, and Felipe wasn’t sure he could outlast him; you can’t easily goad a mountain.

The other was the venom-tongued Viper. In a way, Felipe admired her, respected her, more than any of the others. While the rest of them had won the right to divide the glory of the bloodhunt between them, Tatianna had been the one to unearth that glory in the first place. She was, in her way, an innovator, and the rest of them were simply copycats. Then again, only the truly great held onto their glory; time would tell if she was among them, or if one of the others here would seize it from her and mark themselves better.

He glanced up through one of the slit windows as a street sign rolled past. “It looks like we have arrived at our destination. It is time to meet the Unkindness,” he commented, eyes twinkling.

#14 Oni Storm


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 12:44 PM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven Armored Personnel Carrier
Approaching the final destination before their journey begins
October, 4, 3052

"We are all here to hunt down the last of the Not-named-Clan, yes. But, it will be hard to accomplish anything together if we keep bickering amongst ourselves or looking over our shoulder for someone to stab us in the back."

Jake nodded in agreement "Yes that is exactly my point"

“Do you plan to bring up your past failures every time someone says something to you Jake Winters? Your words mean nothing to me, although your flippant use of contractions is rather…unclanlike.”

"Pup, I will allow you this one slight, as you are new and still wet behind the ears, come to me again and say those things once you have faced the full wraith and might of the Inner Sphere and just what they are capable of when caught in a corner. They are more fearsome than of the native creature or nightmares you can imagine to behold. However don't think for a moment it's cowardice, it's knowledge and understanding I tried to allow you to partake of. However, I will say this, come at me again like you try and it will be the last you'll have to worry about this mission, Quiaff?"

“I understand our objective Viper, and when the time comes I will perform my duty for the mission and the glory of my Kindraa and Clan.” Gregor leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms as he did so.

Jake looked as the Mandrill took a seat. (This one will be trouble, I see. How to get through to him may be more than even I'm willing to endeavor. Perhaps his hope will lie in his facing of them, then he'll understand. I just hope he doesn't get us all killed before he gets a "clue")

"I will say this, to understand Tukayyid, you would have had to be there." She held up her hand to forstall any comment from the Mandrill. "I do not mean that to sound insulting, despite how it may have. That planet was a massive death trap. Comstar used every dirty trick in the book, and I think they may have invented a few in preperation for the battle. Mines, infernos, ambuses, blinds, artillary... I cannot vouch for the others who were there... but that whole fight was... Unclanlike. They ground us down, sacrificed infanrty and armor while they moved in fresh mech units." Tatianna got a far off look in her eye as she recalled the fight like it just happened.

Jake began thinking about the events again himself and seemed lost from Tatianna's conversation and glazed over as he too was transported back to those fateful days. There he was back on Tukayyid, it was such a successful ambush at Losiije Lake, where the Lancers and Beta Galaxy struck a devastating blow to the already battered and pressed Com Guards' 244th and 467th Divisions. Taking them completely by surprise and defeating them easily, almost down to the man. Emerging as they did from the waters, him in the lead and watching his scopes as the water slid down his cockpit's HUD and glass. The target's outline in his cross-hairs and the first pull of the trigger that sent the Lancelot's head flying off, neatly cleaved at the neck from the pair of extended range large lasers. He watched with the delight of a small boy that had just succeeded in proving his father wrong, as it spun in the air landing squarely amidst some tents and a gathering of ants that began scurrying about to and fro. Next was the Black Knight that spun to defy him, it too falling easily as he targeted it's leg and let it topple over into the waters, never to rise again as he watched the pilot obviously freak from the thought of drowning and pop his hatch. The entire battle took little more than scant minutes to be over and all that was left now were the few outlying 'Mechs that were mopping up the remaining runners. It was almost "too easy" or so he thought til the reports came it as they were in the midst of resupply. Something that once again was a sign of insanity or injustice that so many of his superiors lacked the foresight (How not unlike the Mandrill there in my thoughts and actions even then) of an extended or drawn out campaign though. He always thought to himself that energy based weapons were the way to go, for you only had to worry about your heatsinks and managing your heat. Resupply of ammo was a waste of manpower, energy, and time. Unfortunately he was once again proven right as during the resupply elements of the Com Guards' Ninth, 116th, and 417th appeared on the shores and with single minded fanatical devotion denied the two Galaxies of Beta and Gamma their much needed life's blood. He had seen the way the Wyvern continued on regardless of what the price. (If only the Mandrill could see through his eyes or had been there to watch their actions) It had been he that had shot out it's legs and would have finished it, had he not been battling for his own life from almost half a dozen other honor-less scum. Converging their fire and hitting him from all sides. (Unclanlike, He has no clue of just how unclanlike those devils and their so-called :tactics" to be)He'd barely gotten out of there alive, having used the ammo shed's explosion to his advantage and jetted away to cover.

"That is right. If it was not for me, none of us would be here."

Jake shook his head then, and with a look of despair and a heavy sigh, gave up on the idea of trying to bring them any further together for now and let his legs slide out from underneath him and sank once more back into his chair.

“It looks like we have arrived at our destination. It is time to meet the Unkindness,” Jake's keen senses heard come from the lips of Flipee almost as each portion of the word began to form. He sighed once again a heavy sigh and began to rise, then thought better of it and waited patiently for each of the others to disembark in kind.

Edited by Oni Storm, 08 October 2012 - 01:07 PM.

#15 dal10


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 03:10 PM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven Armored Personnel Carrier
Approaching the final destination before their journey begins
October, 4, 3052

View PostOni Storm, on 08 October 2012 - 12:44 PM, said:

"I will say this, to understand Tukayyid, you would have had to be there." She held up her hand to forstall any comment from the Mandrill. "I do not mean that to sound insulting, despite how it may have. That planet was a massive death trap. Comstar used every dirty trick in the book, and I think they may have invented a few in preperation for the battle. Mines, infernos, ambuses, blinds, artillary... I cannot vouch for the others who were there... but that whole fight was... Unclanlike. They ground us down, sacrificed infanrty and armor while they moved in fresh mech units." Tatianna got a far off look in her eye as she recalled the fight like it just happened.

At these words Arc's harmonica quieted for a second, before resuming its tune in a much more sorrowful manner. He too had been at Tukayyid. While his assault trinary had not been the first unit into the city of Luk, it was one of the first units to make it among those death laden buildings. Arc's personal assault star, with not a mech under 90 tons, had punched a hole in the Com Guard defenders. then made it into the edge of the city. where they were joined by more and more of Beta and Delta galaxy. At this point the 91st and 12th divisions sprung their trap. all of a sudden there were com guards everywhere. Despite the shear mass of his personal star, Arc lost 3 mechs out of his star and 8 out of the 15 mechs in his trinary in the opening salvos. The outskirts of the city drastically reduced the combat ranges, robbing the clan warriors of their biggest advantage. The retreat fighting.had been even more severe. with an entire cluster of clan mechs nearly annihilated Arc's own Stone rhino barely made it out of that death trap alive. He expended the last of his 4 tons of gauss ammunition right as his star got out of the crossfire. By the time he had reached Spanac to reinforce Alpha galaxy, the barrels of his paired large pulse lasers were white hot from extended firing. Delta and Beta galaxy lost nearly a third of their fighting strength at Luk. By the end of the total campaign, Arc's Stone Rhino had maybe a ton and a half of armor left of the nearly 18 he had started with. and one of his 2 large pulse lasers was destroyed. Out of the 15 members of his trinary, only 3 survived Tukayyid. The sad thing is, the Ghost Bears almost did the best out of any of the clans, only outdone by the Wolves.

Edited by dal10, 08 October 2012 - 03:11 PM.

#16 G is for Gamma


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 03:48 PM

Strana Mechty
Interior; Clan Snow Raven Armored Personnel Carrier
Approaching the final destination before their journey begins
October, 4, 3052

The Nova Cat continued to rave, apparently seeing himself as some wise wizard sent to give guidance to the rest of the task force. Gregor conceded the point, let the fool have the last word, Gregor had learned all he needed from this exchange. With nothing save a simple verbal prod he’d gained significant knowledge about his new “comrades”, and a strong indication of how they would react should things devolve any further. The Ghost Bear seemed entirely uninterested in the exchange, content to annoy the rest of the party with the metallic sounds of his harmonica. The Shark also didn’t seem to care, not unusual considering his clan’s philosophy of neutrality, allies and enemies both were bad for profits after all.

Shara Elam of the Goliath Scorpion’s had remained silent during the argument, but Gregor was sure it wouldn’t difficult to deduce her opinions. Any slight towards the Nova Cats “visions” would be considered a slight against her own lunatic beliefs and judging from her comment to Tatianna the scorpion was more than thrilled to lick the boots of the Viper warrior and talk of unity.

Unity. He scoffed at the idea. Conflict was the corner stone of clan tradition; none understood this more than the Fire Mandrill. The Ghost Bears might possess the largest amount of warriors, the Scorpions might produce the best marksmen (though the way they piloted their machines left much to be desired), the Hellions may be the swiftest, but only the Mandrill’s truly understood what it meant to be Clan. He remembered the words of his first instructor

“The other clans think us weak; they see us as fractured and broken. They are wrong. We are the blade as much as we are the whetstone. Adversity gives us strength, conflict hones us to a sharp edge. In this way we prove our dedication to the Great Founder and his Teachings.”

To talk of unity was absurd; all had taken a blood oath to complete the mission. No true clansmen would risk tainting his honor, and that of their home clans, by betraying his or her new found companions. Truly the Nova Cat Warrior had spent to much time in the innersphere. Speaking in contractions, paranoid of betrayal, seemingly proud of his clan’s defeat at the hands of Comstar, the Nova Cat seemed completely insane. Luckily, the other Tukkyaid survivors seemed much more grounded in reality.

““It looks like we have arrived at our destination. It is time to meet the Unkindness,” It was the first thing the Diamond shark warrior had said during the trip. The Diamond Sharks and Snow Ravens had a troubled history to say the least. Time would tell how the warrior from the merchant clan would handle life aboard a Raven vessel.

Gregor dawned his ceremonial mask, hand painted by the Faraday-Tanaga labor caste to resemble the striking hues of their totem animal, before unfastening his safety harness. He took a moment to steel himself for what was to come and when the craft finally came to a complete stop, Gregor Faraday was the first out the door.

Edited by Gammadin, 08 October 2012 - 04:35 PM.

#17 Shadtiger77


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 04:13 PM

Shara rose, and stepped out behind Gregor. She smiled behind the mask as she contemplated the dance of scars this one would bring one day, but kept silent as she fanned to his right slightly, her eyes flicking across the interior of the hold as her hands came to rest on the hilts of her twin scimitars. She hated not having her other weapons, but that would soon be cured. As soon as she checked in on Zeus and Apollo to make sure they had not been harmed in their transit.

#18 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 09 October 2012 - 05:45 PM

Strana Mechty
October 4, 3052

Unkindness indeed. Tatianna thought bitterly as she shuffled out of the APC. Momentarly blinded by stepping out from the darkend interior of the carrier and into the harsh light of the Strana Mechty sun (s?). She imagined the fridgid welcome they'd recieve from the Smoke Jaguars on their home plant, the jungle world of Huntress. But first they'd have to travel there aboard a slimey Snow Raven dropship attached to a cursed Snow Raven warship. First thing first though, getting to the dropship with the pack of fellow glory seeking dezgra without killing one another. Tati sighed.

So many enemies.. only one life to hate them with.

#19 dal10


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:42 PM

As the hovercraft slid to a stop, Arc slid the harmonica back into its compartment, and snapped it shut. Since he had never taken off his mask, he did not have to put it back into place. Arc stood up til his 6'4" frame towered over the rest of the vehicle's inhabitants. He then filed out behind the Steel Viper warrior, but stepped off to the side to create a bit of distance between himself and the fire mandrill. Considering how antagonistic they were, Arc didn't want to have to show the pup his place yet. (^_^ yes I just called your character a pup gamma.) While the Nova Cat was rather paranoid, Arc didn't trust anyone here yet. He knew from his past that every person has their own agenda. He just hoped he could figure out everyone else's before they figured out his. (foreshadowing, but foreshadowing for what you wonder....)

#20 RogueSpear


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Posted 11 October 2012 - 10:02 PM

Clan Snow Raven Enclave,
CSR Spaceport,
Strana Mechty,
October 4th, 3052,

Hadwyn Chand felt a pair of vertebrae in his lower back pop as he straightened stiffly with the arrival of the small APC, feeling the warriors at his sides doing likewise. He resisted the urge to straighten his uniform, knowing the action would be redundant.
"Let us hope this does not result in as great a debacle as we all fear." Star Captain Thomas Coston, the elemental in charge of security on the White Lightning and Windswept Questant, the Union-C Dropship outside which they stood.
Hadwyn silently agreed with the huge warrior but said only, "Steady."
But he felt each Raven groan inwardly as the questers left the APC, each stepping far from each other with more than one shooting a scathing look at their fellows.
Star Captain James Kederk of the aerospace binaries cursed softly, Star Captain Sarah McKenna hissing between her teeth. "This is a job for sohlama."
Despite himself Hadwyn had to ask, "How so?"
The stunning woman turned her head to face him, eyes seething with anger. "Because sohlama are used for all worthless tasks. By the time we reach Huntress, the Questant will be ferrying six corpses by their own hands."
Looking at the fractured clump of warriors, he couldn't help but think she was right.
"Go passive warriors." He bit back his own disappointment, "Clan Snow Raven entrusted us to get these warriors where they are going. We will do so. No threats. Star Captain Coston's presence will be enough to remind them their behaviour will be monitored. Our lives will be much more tolerable and our task much easier if we can convince these bickering fools to ally themselves." He paused as the group began straggling towards them, each endeavouring to look more in charge than their fellows, "And don't let the Viper bait you."

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