Strana Mechty
Clan Space
October, 4, 3052.
The semi-circle council chamber had purposely been designed to be as dark and intimidating as possible, a fact only amplified by the quietly simmering disdain the gathered warriors had for one another. Seventeen Khans and saKhans had answered the summons ilKhan Ulric Kerensky had sent out, and so far none of them had attempted to murder one of their contemporaries. A rare feat Ulric Kerensky attributed to the unusual circumstances surrounding the gathering of warriors.
A majority of those present represented the Clan’s whose warriors had succeeded in securing a place in the Trial of Bloodright, others came to cast glares at the warriors who denied their clan a chance at honor. Some had more genuine reasons for their attendance; Khan Din Steiner of the Cloud Cobras came in a show of solidarity to those warriors who would track down and destroy the decedents of the not-named-clan and to show respect to his clans own champion who had died of wounds sustained even as she secured her own place in the hunt, while the Khan and saKhan of clan Blood Spirit, projected as holograms while they remained safely on their fortress home world of York, were present only to show support for their allies in Clan Fire Mandrill.
The collective group reminded ilKhan Ulric of an old Terran phrase. “A dog and pony show”. Personally, he found the entire idea of rampaging across the inner sphere on a rabid ice hellion chase to be ludicrous, but when the Khan’s of Clan Steel Viper pressed the issue of hunting down the Halis family he’d been forced to concede to the greater wishes of the Grand Council. Let it be done, and quickly. He thought to himself as he raised his left hand towards the twin sentinels of the ceremonial Elemental guard who stood vigilant and the halls massive oaken doors. Creaking with age the great doors opened wide, a procession of warriors all dressed in the formal wear of their home clans marched in flanked by more of the black armored elementals.
The reactions from the collected Khan’s were as mixed and varied as clans they hailed from. Some positively beamed for their warriors proud of their past accomplishments and hopeful for future success. Others, like the Khans of Goliath Scorpion seemed to be scrutinizing their clanswoman, Shara Elam, as she marched alongside the others towards the center dais of the council chambers. The Fire Mandrill khans in a massive contrast seemed to be putting more of their effort into not touching each other as they jealously jockeyed for more real-estate on the stone bench they were forced to share. While Asa Taney of the Ice Hellions curled his lips and hissed quietly, mimicking the actions his clans name sake performed when forced to eat carrion.
The gathered warriors stood in a line on the depressed center dais, the gathered clan leader sat high above them, like spectators in a coliseum. Tired of the theatrics, Ulric removed his ceremonial mask, carved of ash and shaped like a snarling wolves skull, and sat it on his podium. The rest of those gathered removed their totem masked.
“Children of the Founder.” Ulric’s voice carried over the collected men and women, “Proof of the Not-Named-Clan’s continued existence in the form of the bloodline of house Halis. These which stand before us have, by our customs, proven their right to declare a Trial of Annihilation against the remaining members of the Halis family.” He paused for emphasis, casting his stern gaze on the six warriors below him. “The task before you is of great importance, success of this Trial will grant you the greatest reward our people can give. The formation of a new Bloodhouse, failure will forever stain your honor and you shall be known as dezgra to all of Kerensky’s Children….”
“Your hunt will take you far from the home worlds, to aid you on your mission Khan Snow Raven has offered their support in the form of transport and an impartial staging point for your task.” His hand reached for his wolf’s head mask. “May you bring honor to your Clan and Bloodhouses.”
The collective Khans, saKhans, and warriors all stood to attention. In unison they spoke.
Office of the ilKhan
Strana Mechty
Clan Space
October, 4, 3052
Gregor Faraday and his new “companions” had quickly been ushered out of the council chamber and into an a joining room. All six of the mechwarriors had remained silent as the Elmental guards herded them into a room that was never intended to hold so many.
The ilKhan’s office was Spartan in decoration, and dusty from lack of use. The room was dominated by a heavily stained wooden desk. Its front panel delicately carved representations of every Clan’s totem animals could be seen on it, even the likes of Mongoose and Widowmaker who had been absorbed by stronger clans in years past. The beautifully detailed wood carving was designed as to give every warrior who stood before it pride in the accomplishments of their clan, and respect for the others. However, in the upper left corner, just above an image of a stalking nova cat the table had been sanded down to a dull surface lighter in color to the stained wood around it. Evidence of the Not-Named-Clan long erased.
ilKhan Ulric Kerensky sat in the rooms only chair. To either side of him two more of the fully armored elementals from the Ebon Keshik stood silently in their shiny black plate, fulfilling their ceremonial role as the protectors of the ilKhan and warden of the Hall of the Khans.
“I have no wish to delay your mission longer than necessary, but, some information pertaining to your hunt has come to light in recent days. I thought it prudent to pass the information along with you.” His arm stretched across the table handing a data pad to the Diamond Shark warrior, Felipe.
“It appears that while the rest of us where busy fighting Comstar, the Smoke Jaguar were busy taking bondsman. The Clan Wolf Watch, believes that a specific bondsman named Aryn who was taken as isorla by Star Captain Andrew Showers. My source believes that bondsman Aryn was an archivist for comstar before the Battle of Tukayyid. If any man could point you towards your goals it would be Aryn, luckily the Star Captain and his bondsman have just returned from the Occupation Zone, and are currently on the Jaguar home world; Huntress. The pertaining information has been copied onto that data slate.”
Ulric stood his back popping as he did, possibly a sign of his advanced years. His stern eyes challenged any of the younger warriors to make a comment.
“For the duration of your mission…all of you have been stripped of your rank. Leadership may be decided in a circle of equals or you may jointly share command. The choice is up to you. Your personal effects and machines have already been transferred to the Snow Raven Enclave; Star Commodore Hadwyn Chand is currently waiting for your arrival at their spaceport.”
He looked at both Tatianna and Felipe, both from clans who historically feuded with the Snow Ravens. “While aboard the White Lightening, The Star Commodore will act as an impartial arbiter of any trials. He has also been given permission to detain any of you he sees fit to your bunks if so required, so it is in your best interest to be well behaved quiaff?”
The assembled warriors nodded their confirmations, satisfied Ulric motioned for the Elemental’s to open the door and herd the six men and women out of his office. Their elemental escorts led them from his office all the way to the waiting armored personal carrier bearing the sigil of Clan Snow raven on its hull. The clansmen filed into the APC each taking a seat as the door closed behind them. Before they could even fasten their safety harnesses the hover craft had started its way towards the Snow Raven enclave.
Edited by Gammadin, 06 October 2012 - 03:31 PM.