See, people who complain about the Hunchie being less effective than heavier mechs don't seem to understand that the lighter weight is ITSELF an advantage.
No, it was never meant to be moving at a light mech's speed and the engine restrictions certainly are doing what they were meant to do right now. And yes, there ARE faster mediums out there who will reach the speeds of a light (the Cicada, for example).
But that doesn't mean the Hunchback sucks. The fact the Hunchback can't focus so much on speed means that it gets to pack on more firepower than other, faster mediums. And that's they're role: they're medium-class brawlers.
And yes, a Dragon (or even an Atlas) can do a better job, but that doesn't make the Hunchback useless, because eventually we're going to get tonnage or BV limits for drops (once Community Warfare hits)... and then having a Hunchie's firepower in 50-ton package will be very welcome. It's like having a pocket Atlas.
And even for now, saying a Hunchie is useless because a Dragon or Atlas can do better does not take into account our current matchmaking. Someone taking a Hunchie instead of a Dragon doesn't weaken your team AT ALL, because the other team will also get a medium mech.
So, sure, maybe the Dragon or Atlas is better in most ways than a Hunchie... but it's not like the other side is getting an extra Dragon or Atlas because you team has a Hunchback. And when BV or tonnage limits hit, you'll definitely appreciate having Hunchies on your team (and having pilots that can handle them well because they took this opportunity to hone their Hunchie piloting skills).
Thank you.
Edited by Itkovian, 08 October 2012 - 04:51 AM.