Hawkeye 72, on 17 March 2012 - 03:02 PM, said:
This is something I have yet to see addressed but is critical when working with any MMO. Now most of us here have respect for the game and see something morally wrong with pumping a gauss rifle into the rear of your lancemate. However we are also a minority. Any online game runs the risk of seeing a swath of destruction by players hell-bent on ruining your day. This isn't limited to team-killing either, but any actions which ruin the spirit of the game.
They can only ruin your game, if
you let them do that. Basic paradigm of people totally freaking out over a "bunch of pixels", somewhat asking for the abuse themselves. Once we get the option to form up teams of our own in some fashion, nobody will force you at gunpoint to play with random people. Sure, you might have to be a bit sociable for that, but it is hardly PGI's issue if you aren't.
But what happens when you pick up a lone wolf player who just had his cheerios pooped in? Or face an opposing lance of mechs spamming the game in a manner we haven't figured out yet?
You give reasoning a shot or two. If that doesn't work you punch out. It is a game after all? Unless you are expressing your maso-chist tendencies in game, no point to keep up with aggravating gameplay, right?
The internet is littered with a$$holes, so obviously this game will need some enforcers.
I don't think so. A bit of common sense and a grip on it being
a game after all might go a laong way. And of course the option to properly group up. "Enforcers" sounds to me like you'd want a "PGI hit squad", that gets every morning their travel orders and baseball bats handed from Paul to take care of yet another obnoxious player's kneecaps...
Reporting system: This goes beyond just filing an online report. Instead games should display players ratings so others can see if someone has a reputation for foul play.
Right, because ratings systems of any sort have never been "gamed" or abused. All it takes is a couple of buddies to steer it the way you want. Ratings would thus become basically totally useless.
I am also in favor of bans for players causing problems or c-bill reductions.
"Causing problems"? Care to narrow that down a bit? I've seen people arguing permabans and almost public flogging just because they felt, "their game" got ruined by others having internet issues and thus not being much of a help for the team.
Moderators: Just like the forum, it wouldn't hurt having a small number of trusted individuals who play the game to spot foul play and step in. In-game police? However this runs the risk of power abuse. In that case maybe the removal of players from the House or Merc unit?
A "small number" won't work. If you want a round-the-clock coverage which you will kind of require unless you fancy day- to week-long queues piling up, you will need some coverage in all timezones. And that means real people. Power abuse can be somewhat kept in check by having a tiered hierarchy, if you feel you got mistreated by a basic-level GM, you can opt to escalate, this will take longer tho. And get you (semi-)permanently blacklisted if you abuse that option. This model has been done before with decent results.
Removal from house /Merc unit is a somewhat silly suggestion IMHO. First of all a real "griefer" won't give a wet **** about that. So he lost his "RP ties" or whatever due to intervention form above? Boo-hoo, like that would stop him from his favourite pastime! All you'd obtain by this is yet another open door for abuse, as you could gang up on players to get them "kicked" due to fabricating/spamming false/made-up reports. Asking for exploiting there.
Kill switch: In the event of a rogue unit, maybe give a commander the ability to shut down a rogue team member? Not so much boot him from the game, but keep his mech shutdown so he suffers for his transgressions lol. Once again I recognize the window for such a feature to be abused.
Not really thrilled about this. Will only lead to all those people with over-inflated egos and self-esteem running to the commander role. Because it can easily be abused to "shut down/up" anyone who objects to their supreme genius etc. I'd very much prefer a dynamic blocking mechanism over that. Where, if you had a particular bad experience in one match with an online sociopath e.g., you set him on your personal blacklist and thus prevent getting teamed up with him in the future.
Main question there would be if the size of the blacklist should be limited. And if it would suffice as a premier means of keeping the "unwanted" away from you or if it should be combined somehow with a reporting feature. Remember that any kind of reporting feature can become a nightmare in terms of manpower needed to handle reports. For PGI. Bercause you either need quite a few people (regionally dislocated as well probably), or it will take forever and two days till a report gets actually processed.
Red Beard, on 18 March 2012 - 09:45 AM, said:
Unnecessary trolling removed.. - DrHat
Trolling much recently?

Reported... just to prove a point here.
Edited by DrHat, 18 March 2012 - 12:14 PM.