this thread needs a recap of the ideas at play, or at least a status update.
Discussion started a number of pages in over weather or not penalizing players should even be considered due to the fact that it would drive away paying customers.
I would like to ask those who think this, have you ever played online games? especially free to play ones? Greifers and underskilled players are a commonplace in these games and it can be a true detriment to competitive players.
since MW:O and the entire MW franchise has been a hardcore game-space since before time I have no doubts that Greifers will certainly show up in hordes to ruin the day. Therefore we WILL NEED a way of discouraging/incentivising fair and fun play without outright banning/shutting down someones mech.
A reputation level/bar is a great idea and as i said before it should be a complex equation looking something like this
(negative actions + (bad gamesX4)/good games X base crime value = final penalty
this would mean that as you comit more and more transgressions the punishments would get worse and worse, here is an example
ex1) FF
your salvo of LRM's flies across the battlefield and much to your dismay a friendly atlas unwittingly steps into the line of fire, taking the full hit and coming out much worse than before.
this would be a base crime value (based on damage X times occured in match) since it has occured 1 times in the match it is multiplied by 1
this would also increase your total negative actions (or decrease your reutation what have you)
now lets assume this is your second offense out of 10 matches (lets also go right ahead and say their would be a minimum damage threshold so that every little lazer that goes astray does not compile into your negative actions until the threshold for that match is reached)
since every bad game is worth 4 good games (one out of every five games you can slip and still be ok'ish)
you now have something that looks like this (assuming the missle delt 100 damage to the atlas)
(negative actions + (bad gamesX4)/good games X base crime value = final penalty
(2 + (2x4)) /10 X 100 = final penalty
10/10 =1 X100 = 100 c-bills
as you can see this means that your ok and only have to pay the base cost on your minimal transgression.
however what if this happens again next game?
(negative actions X (bad gamesX4)/good games X base crime value = final penalty
(3 + (3x4)) /11 X100 =final
15/11 X100 = 136c-bills
its getting worse now lets assume that a full TK is worth 5 negative actions!
and that on this third game you got pissed at this annoying scout mech for being stuipid and railed him in the chest.. TKing him (and lets assume that you have to pay for all of the reapirs to his mech which is ALOT for a totalled mech considering ammo and everything, lets put it at 1560 because i want to
(8 + (4x4)) /12 X 1560 =final
24/12 X1560 = 3120c-bills
Woops shouldnt do that again for a long time (these are made up c-bill numbers but scale them to game) suddenly killing your teamates at spawn could get VERY costly VERY FAST. meaning that the griefers probably wont be able to afford to repair or even reload their heavy assult mechs due to the funds wasted.
this would be true justice, this should be how it is.
also making this displayable to all players so that getting into a merc corp would be even harder!
I approve of someone's idea of selling off their biggest mech if they hit negative HOWEVER!
it shouldnt be automatic how it should work it like this:
they come back from a match negative, a screen would pop up that says you cannot enter a match until you proceed to either pay off all your debt or have only 1 mech left(and its weapons)
you would then have to drag and drop items into this screen until the negative balance is cleared(as it already consumed all of your spending money)
if you cannot meet these requirments you are not allowed to buy anything (as everything you make instantly goes twards your debt, and since u have no money repairing is impossible)
with almost nothing left, except for 1 mech and its weapon systems and all money you make going straight to debt payment you are in a tight place. making battling very difficult and pulling yourself out very hard. this would discourage people from greifing on a regular basis!
(side notes:)
1.people who were harmed would automatically be paid their dues weather or not the griefer has actually paid them off or not.
2.greifers who cannot pay to repair their only mech and cannot refill their ammo will be half repaired and given half base ammo. cannot sell your last mech (unless it is the same transaction of buying another mech.. if this is how buying and selling works)
Dlardrageth, on 19 March 2012 - 11:02 AM, said:
Personally for me it's rather straightforward. I could care less about someone teamkilling right and left, being an **** or whatever, as long as I need not play with him. Just like in real life. Be an obnoxious nuisance and my door will be closed, find someone else you practice your antics on. A simple option to
blacklist people so you don't get ever teamed up with them in the future would do fine. Thus all you would have to endure will be one single match with them.
You could stack a reporting feature on top of that as well. That way, people making TK'ing their personal "playstyle" would find themselves very soon in the position where they have a hard time finding anyone to play with. Without the necessity for too much administrative hassle. And they wouldn't even be able to complain about it, as you can hardly
force other players to cope with someone who they don't want to associate with.

that one game with a griefer IS FORING SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH A GRIEFER!
you contradict yourself in the same post
Edited by mockingfox, 19 March 2012 - 11:57 AM.