InnerSphereNews, on 10 October 2012 - 10:15 AM, said:
Perhaps the simplest way to explain things is that we feel our closed beta players have done all they can and simply they are fatigued by closed beta. What I mean by this is that closed beta can be trying mainly because all of their hard work gets wiped on a regular basis and even though we continue to have tens of thousands of unique players playing each day there are many that are waiting to spend their time when it really counts. There are many other reasons but that one is reason enough, it has become time for us to open our doors and allow all of our great players to start progressing towards advancement that they can keep.
Errr... I can progress as much as I want to in 2 weeks because matchmaking is broken and I have a team, which means that I never lose and rack up over a million c-bills an hour. Wiping means nothing to me. And I've got the cheapest founders pack you offer. Buy me 2 mechs with my MC: one to pilot and an Atlas to sell (if it doesn't glitch out and leave me with an empty shell of a mech that I can't use). Take those c-bills, load up my mech with whatever I want and then grind away at PUGs because PGI isn't offering me anything else to do.
Hell, your players are organizing an impromptu tournament with 40 teams because we're tired of this, yet you haven't implemented a working matchmaking system yet. We're going on TS3 and doing countdown drops because the existing system is so wonky.
Here's what you need to do: Create a matchmaking system, give decent trial mechs, implement a basic tutorial and training grounds. Tribes:Ascend and WOT both offered matchmaking that put new players into games against each other while they learned the ropes... in their open betas. Get these 3 things done in the next two weeks and then open her up! I'd love to hear the rationale as to why you are opening beta up without doing these basic things first.