Kristov Kerensky, on 27 October 2012 - 10:31 AM, said:
psst...we're both arguing the same point... someone else stated, LET them riot over the paint scheme of a single object in a video game, I expect it will have about as much result as the boycotts of ChikFilet by the GLBT organizations..yeah..their stock dropped went up..huh, how about that. Yeah, go on, lets have all those Chinese people start rioting about this, can you imagine the PR that would get this game? Holy hells, that's bloody brilliant!
Bad publicity is good publicity right? I guess, I don't know. All I know is this isn't the first time it's happened before, you may not read a lot of news but most game developers go back and change a lot of things when someone catches something offensive in their games.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The original Gerudo Symbol - a crescent moon and star - was changed due to its similarity to the Islamic emblem. Contrary to popular belief, this change first occurred during its Nintendo GameCube release and not present in any official Nintendo 64 cartridge.
League of Legends - In Karthus' Chinese splash artworks, he does not have a skull face. This is likely because the use of exposed bones in video-games is explicitly forbidden in China (a famous example is the race Undead in World of Warcraft, where in the American server their bones are exposed, while in the Chinese server they're covered).
Call of Duty Modern Warfare - "YouTube user KhaleDQ84EveR points out in a
video that two paintings are hung in the map's bathroom that feature a quote from the Muslim prophet Muhammad, which reads "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty." He explains that it is forbidden for Islamic holy teachings to be featured in bathrooms and sought an apology from Infinity Ward, as well as the removal of the content."
Soul Calibur - Arthur is a fictional character in Namco's Soul series of fighting games. He makes an appearance in the first Soul Calibur, where he replaces Mitsurugi in countries that discouraged samurai imagery and references, such as Korea, as well as in several arcade machines in the United States.
Fallout 3 - In the Japanese version the player no longer has the opportunity to detonate the nuclear bomb in the center of Megaton, this is due to the similarities between this and the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Also in the Japanese version, FatMan was renamed Nuka-Launcher also because "FatMan" was the code-name of the atomic bomb that fell on Nagasaki.
Final Fantasy IV - In the North American version, references to Christianity were altered or removed from the game, as well as certain images. The magic spell Holy has been renamed White. All references to prayer are eliminated; the Tower of Prayers in Mysidia is renamed the Tower of Wishes (though the White Mage in the tower still calls it "Tower of Prayers"); and Rosa's Pray command is absent. Direct references to death are omitted, although several characters clearly die over the course of the game. Anything considered too risqué has been censored, such as bikinis on town dancers (replaced by leotards). The Programmers' Room special feature (in which the player can find a ***** Magazine) has been removed. New promotional character art was made for published previews.
Super Contra - Renamed "Super C" because Konami thought that the word Contra would be an offensive reference to an event. (NA)
It doesn't matter if it affects us personally, you guys can preach that people should get over it and it's just a game, but it's not as easy as that if you want your game to succeed worldwide like other F2P games and not just the 25 Battletech nerds that talk about lore day in and day out on these forums.