Posted 28 October 2012 - 01:11 AM
I'm very positive about this game, but the absolute minimum you should strive after before wide open test is working UI. In my eyes, open beta means release ready software, and this game IS NOT ready (yet).
Posted 28 October 2012 - 01:34 AM
well, open bêta on monday ... why not ... no problem
but :
1. when does the SLI or Crossfire be append on motor of game ?
2. please add more map big/different
3. please add the training map/enclosure for test
4. do the online chat/voip group more efficient and easy
5. add more game type
6. less lag please
7. do machine gun be efficient ^^
for the rest, it's ok for me to go on open bêta, i know that's MWO can be a good game on futur and is still on dev
and thanks to you to be able to test on bêta closed this great game ... that's a long time i waited for a new mechwarrior game with recent technology animation

Edited by Hakkukakt, 28 October 2012 - 01:37 AM.
Posted 28 October 2012 - 02:30 AM
Fooooo, on 27 October 2012 - 10:49 PM, said:
Charging for the switch is fair imo, its a money sink that is definitely needed.
Not letting you try it out to see if it fits or is even useful to your build etc before you pay is not. (unless of course they wanted that harsh of a sink to be in game....)
However they have already stated they are going to fix that so don't worry about that one.
Cool, hopefully they do something with it. I think they just need to add a more intense friendly fire charge (Not just if you kill someone on your team).
Posted 28 October 2012 - 03:42 AM
DHS and some more stuff is buggy, the client is crashing more than ever, members of teams very often dont spawn in the match for no reason, some tech is only useless dummy, still no ingame data of weapons and tech and the matchmaking is still not reworked. New players will die like hell vs. premade teams and get a overall very bad experience of the game.
Edited by Rumrunner2, 28 October 2012 - 03:42 AM.
Posted 28 October 2012 - 03:46 AM
Berserker, on 27 October 2012 - 02:27 PM, said:
The GR may have that same delay, but the round travels relatively fast, which makes it easier to lead a target, on top of that the great distance also reduces the amount of leading needed to hit the target. The large caliber ACs are mostly good at close to medium range, which mean that the relative horizontal velocity of your target is going to be a lot higher, which means you'll have to lead your shots a lot more, taking the firing delay into account, it's not rare that you have to put the target at the edge of your screen to make those rounds hit, at which point it becomes close to impossible to predict the targets movements!
As if that wasn't enough, a paperplane usually travels faster than those AC-slugs, that only adding to the problem!
So to answer your questions:
Why doesn't the GR seem to be affected by the firing delay?
-extreme range
-high shot velocity
- low amount of lead required
Aside of that, they are affected by it! More than once I caught one of those things close up in my Dragon and if you stay close and keep moving, they'll do more damage to the dirt behind your feet than they do to your mech! I could reiterate the reasons people think it's OP, but that's highly off-topic here...
Why is the firing delay still a problem?
- it makes ballistics incredibly hard to use, especially those that are supposed to be used close range
- mostly because they said this was gonna be fixed and everybody just swallowed that, yet there hasn't been any improvement!
- it's not a bug, it's a broken mechanic!
You can debate the topic all you want, personally I think there isn't much that's justifying to push back OB much further.
GR and Gaussapult are still balance-issues which is why I think the forum will explode with new discussions about those come open beta!
And before anyone comes in here defending those two things; look at the beta-league! There is a reason most of those teams use the max number of Gaussapults possible and everything that's not a Gaussapult but has a ballistic slot, has a GR in it.........
yeah, yeah, GR ain't OP, everything else just sucks, I know...

However, those are balance-issues and objectively they don't justify holding the game back, neither does the lack of maps because waiting for those, would delay the game by months! (yes that's how long it takes to lay out, build, test and optimize one of those)
On the other hand, a broken mechanic does justify that, especially one that messes with balance to the point this one does!
Posted 28 October 2012 - 04:07 AM
At this point the half dozen tickets I have entered I get back "this is a known issue". And after this last patch I have had limited play time but I have managed to recreate at least one issue. And they aren't giving us much time to test it. Now that said ... I still love this game. I am hoping for its success. I personally am not the best gamer but I still have fun. But call OB what you want if you are affecting our premium time (nice job on the free 2 weeks though) its a LIVE GAME. If the memory leak/crashing issues aren't addressed then paying customers will lose interest FAST! If someone has a bad roll of the random factor and gets stuck on Frozen 4 matches in a row there is a crash. 8 in a row (it happens) 2 crashes. That is averaging 1 an hour. I have had buggy production games (DnD ToEE) that were worse and ya know what? I decided I hated that company for giving me such a cr@p experience.
TL:DR - FIX THE MEMORY LEAKS! At least before you truly go OB.
Posted 28 October 2012 - 04:39 AM
Posted 28 October 2012 - 04:49 AM
Posted 28 October 2012 - 05:33 AM
Edited by Vassago Rain, 28 October 2012 - 06:33 AM.
Posted 28 October 2012 - 05:43 AM
Posted 28 October 2012 - 06:15 AM
good job so far !
P.s. would still like a mw5 i do love me some single player story mech action

Posted 28 October 2012 - 06:24 AM
1) No more CTDT as badly as before, We are OK
2) No more funny business with Mechlab not adding in the parts that we want, We are OK
3) The game runs well with above average systems at the highest level of details most of the time. We are OK
4) There are so many mechs now in the game and the action is going well without that LAG OUT anymore. We are OK
5) Most of the sink holes has been identified and the maps for Assault mode has been utterly tested out. We are OK
6) the Economy is still a weed bit punishing but does not make us grind for Months anymore like EQ1 use to do. Though not as Nintendo as WoW. We are OK
Time to rock to OPEN BETA to hunt somemore bugs ! Great work PGI and keep the faith
Posted 28 October 2012 - 06:29 AM
Posted 28 October 2012 - 08:03 AM
Extremeterror, on 28 October 2012 - 06:29 AM, said:
What you're missing, is that we're gonna get two free weeks of premium time, then it's going to be reset and you can choose when to start it... nothing keeping you from waiting with that till launch....
Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:16 AM
P.S. You had best figure out collision very quickly and get it back in game ASAP. You just turned MWO into a face hugging arcade game that placates to the QQ of bads.
Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:19 AM
Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:21 AM
Posted 28 October 2012 - 09:38 AM

We all wish you the best with this great game
Posted 28 October 2012 - 10:32 AM
Posted 28 October 2012 - 10:40 AM
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