Should the Lore be the Law?
Posted 06 April 2012 - 03:44 PM
Don't know if you knew that... Just checkin'
Posted 06 April 2012 - 03:48 PM
Actually, go take a lengthly trawl through Google's archives of <rec.games.mecha>; I'll admit I've been saying "GET OFF MY LAWN" a lot in the past few months, here...
...but I've also been saying the exact same thing to the previous few generations of infantile 12-year-olds with 'UberHero mentality' problems over there, too.
...since 1997.
Yeah, that's right; I've been throwing a bucket of Water of Perspective™ on all the "doodz, checkit out - I've got an uber-powerful army of fifty regiments of Clan Omnis loaded onto a fleet of WarShips bigger than the SLDF evar had, so all youze better be payin' me mad respects"-first posts for the past fifteen years.

...and yeah, it's made me a little cranky.

(for the record, it appears I've earned my 'geezer' status; my wife got me a new cane for my birthday last month, damn arthritis)
Edited by empath, 06 April 2012 - 03:50 PM.
Posted 06 April 2012 - 03:59 PM
Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:03 PM
Rough outline:
Chapter I. Ashes of the Succession Wars (MWO launches. Setting is late 4th Succession and technology begins to re emerge after Helm)
Chapter II. The Sphere Divided (countless border wars erupt as the Houses begin a new aggressive conquest for territory)
Chapter III. Scions of Kerensky (setting major events around the initial clan invasion)
Chapter IV. The Sphere United (Houses uniting against common foe)
Chapter V. Echos of Terra (Battles rage as the Crusader factions ravage their way through the Sphere on their way to their Eden)
Each one maybe lasting around 6 months. Something like this as our stage would give our wars context in the timeline.
Edited by LakeDaemon, 06 April 2012 - 04:05 PM.
Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:15 PM
Lyon, on 06 April 2012 - 03:59 PM, said:
Oh! Yeah, I know that, and I *DO* like the conciliatory and moderate tone you took with your post.
...I'm just giving some perspective as to WHY I'm being so grouchy.

(er, and while we talk here, could you take a step to your left? You're standing on a patch of grass that's still trying to recover from a nasty cinch bug infestation, and the fresh seed is a *little* fragile right now. ;^) )
Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:54 PM
And no one answered my first question; please tell me you know this isn't real.
Posted 06 April 2012 - 05:16 PM
Does this mean you won't play WoT because we know what the ressult of the war was?
Posted 06 April 2012 - 06:01 PM
Suskis, on 01 April 2012 - 03:58 AM, said:
But whatever happened lorewise, I don't even know it. Novels, cartoons, magazines, everything not related to board gameplay never interested me at all.
Also, I think that the best MW MMORPG game should give the players the wole galaxy to play in, freely. If we want Hespherus II we go there and try to take it, even if lore says it didn't happen. I'd love to see a map of the galaxy changing day after day, following the battle fought by players and players alone.
I know I am the minority here, but hell NO, lore means nothing to me.
Lets see the constant moving battle lines decided by players
Posted 06 April 2012 - 06:30 PM
Tadakuma, on 01 April 2012 - 05:10 AM, said:
I think that there is enough vagueness in the canon that MW:O can exist and have space for the players to have an impact. Part of the genius of FASA was that they realised that the define everything left the players out of the equation. So when I talk about canon I talk about stuff like technology and major events, Since these define the universe I see no reason why the shouldn't be set in stone.
If you think about how much of the clan invasion is set in stone, we know approximately what battles took place and the general outcome. But we don't know what a happened alpha company 2nd battalion of the 3rd Skye Rangers conducted a deep recon raid into Jade Falcon during July and August in 3051 or any number of battles that took place during that year.
The point is that it's not an either or equation. It's not canon or player choice, with careful writing both can exist and the game will be better for it.
A compromise that I believe is acceptable. Even though the story and events are "scripted" to which MWO will follow, the fine details are not and I think that's where we can "fudge" it out. I forgot who suggested it, but why not use that fudge point to "fill in the blanks" as to the exact detail what happened in the aftermath with player interaction in the universe? Makes sense to me. In this way you are following canon but having player's actions in the universe actually affect it in some way or another.
Posted 06 April 2012 - 08:47 PM
Elder St00bert, on 06 April 2012 - 04:54 PM, said:
Oh, I can see it now... the Mechwarrior movie goes into production and the message boards are swamped with people yelling crazy sh!t at each other.
"That's not canon!"
"So lame... give the Victor more pulse lasers!"
"No no no... if the year is 3021 that Mech doesn't even exist. Michael Bay is a complete moron!!!"
Posted 06 April 2012 - 11:17 PM
1. This is a game. Someone wanted to know if we know this is a game. Yes, we know it is only a game.
2. Anything that happens in this game will NEVER affect Canon, anyone who wants it to be otherwise needs to understand the limits of the legal agreements between PGI and whoever has Copyrights to The Battletech Universe.
3. The Lore will never be the Law in this game. It can not be. If it were the law you would sign on to take a planet, and then have to sit at your puter for the many months needed to TRAVEL to that planet, and then the weeks needed to burn insystem to LAND on that planet, followed by weeks of fighting to take and hold that planet. That sounds awefully boring.
3a. And according to Lore, if you die you have to start all over again. I will pass on that game.
4. Play the game in front of you, not the game in your mind. This game is not that game.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 12:09 AM
El Loco, on 04 April 2012 - 02:32 AM, said:
You wouldn't be in charge for long after presenting this plan to the grand council. Strategy might not be a primer for clan warriors, but even they can see the foolishness of overstretching an allready overstreteched supply line.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 12:17 AM
So Lore... forget it. It is a bunch of blocks that will be great to shake up and rebuild a game universe with; like fiction-lego. That's what the aforementioned Water of Perspective should be telling you.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 12:38 AM
LakeDaemon, on 06 April 2012 - 04:03 PM, said:
Rough outline:
Chapter I. Ashes of the Succession Wars (MWO launches. Setting is late 4th Succession and technology begins to re emerge after Helm)
Chapter II. The Sphere Divided (countless border wars erupt as the Houses begin a new aggressive conquest for territory)
Chapter III. Scions of Kerensky (setting major events around the initial clan invasion)
Chapter IV. The Sphere United (Houses uniting against common foe)
Chapter V. Echos of Terra (Battles rage as the Crusader factions ravage their way through the Sphere on their way to their Eden)
Each one maybe lasting around 6 months. Something like this as our stage would give our wars context in the timeline.
Oh, f*** no, you did NOT just suggest limited-time campaign chapters. You realize that time-limited campaign chapters are the WORST possible thing you can do to an MMO? Number of reasons:
1) Sweet loot from campaign sections becomes unavailable after they finish (unbalanced distribution of fire power).
2) Newbies get jump-started to current campaign tech level, meaning you'd have pissed off vets because they had to WORK for their gear, and the same stuff just got handed out like candy to the new guy (this is NEVER acceptable in ANY circle of society).
3) Said chapters are often marketed as DLC/expansions, because f*** the F2P'ers, they can sit alone and forgotten in their lowest tier level 1 tech.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 07:27 AM
Damocles, on 06 April 2012 - 10:16 AM, said:
Or does everyone want to be Victor Phelan Steiner Davion Kell
It shouldn't be IGNORED, but it shouldn't be observed to the letter. The game is not BattleTech Online (MechWarrior Tactics looks like it's making a closer to TT simulation). BT Lore and rules should be used as a starting place for what MWO have use, and then adjustments must be made in order to ensure features transpose over and are represented well enough. Those things which do not should be scrapped.
Edited by Aegis Kleaisâ„¢, 07 April 2012 - 12:48 PM.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 07:56 AM
woodstock, on 01 April 2012 - 03:33 AM, said:
Also I don't want corps growing to the point where they eclipse the great houses. Ala BOB in EvE.
Finally I don't want the devs to have to crowbar changes in to drag the timeline back on track... or do world resets.
So I am more than happy for the world to stay on target. Lore should be the law.
For us to play out our game in the grey areas between and around the bright and shiny major events.
I appreciate what you are saying here, but the reality of following lore to the letter is disaster in my opinion. Hear me out:
What if:
A Merc guild or faction works hard and "takes over" multiple planets and according to the lore date a different facation or different merc unit is suppose to take over XYZ planet on x day. Imagine how those players will feel about spending all the time and c-bills to win the planet only to have it given back to xyz faction or unit because the calender says so.
HOWEVER, i wonder how PGI will work this on the dates the clan makes an apperence
Why make this game an MMO with player generated RvR outcomes at all if the game is striclty going by the events that take place in a fictionlized story? Might as well just make this a linear calender game with players on each side of the battle----and enjoy your extreme down time between battles if the in game calender is one day in real time
Edited by Max Grayson, 07 April 2012 - 07:58 AM.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 11:23 AM
CCC_Dober, on 04 April 2012 - 07:12 AM, said:
Back then you could command whole armies, even factions in a turn based game with a couple friends and dice. The level of immersion and control was completely different compared to what we have today. It's like comparing chess and Call of Duty, it's that much of a difference.
Sorry, but you're incorrect here. While Battletech is a different game, it's only different because of the media format, not the game focus. The original game was designed for Lance on Lance battles, which is similar to the size that MWO is looking to be. Furthermore, while there was a game (The Succession Wars) that allowed you to command an entire Faction, that's not the case for Battletech.
There's actually no reason to stray from the canon timeline. MWO is looking to be scaled for minor conflicts, while the canon timeline only really touches on major points for the most part. While there are exceptions, they are just that; the exception and not the rule.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 11:29 AM
Max Grayson, on 07 April 2012 - 07:56 AM, said:
A Merc guild or faction works hard and "takes over" multiple planets and according to the lore date a different facation or different merc unit is suppose to take over XYZ planet on x day. Imagine how those players will feel about spending all the time and c-bills to win the planet only to have it given back to xyz faction or unit because the calender says so.
Just to play Devil's Advocate for a moment, who says the planet would be just given to that other faction? The timeline from the end of the War of 3039 to the beginning of the Clan Invasion shows that the borders are actually static during this time, so there wouldn't be a case where you'd work to take a world just to have it taken from you. Sure, there are raids and counter-raids during this time but there aren't any canon events where a Successor State world changed hands until 3050 and that was due to the Clan Invasion.
Posted 07 April 2012 - 12:09 PM
Us players are to fill in the hundreds of battles and skirmishes that happened in the untold hundreds of other worlds.
I understand the charm of having players influence events or rewriting history but we are playing a Battletech game, not some generic robot stomping online game. Adherence to major events is a must. But whos to say we can't make our mark in other events? As stated, there are hundreds of worlds in the BT universe, most of them aren't featured in the main canon, at all. There are a lot of room for PGI to play with to offer to us players...
Posted 07 April 2012 - 12:26 PM
If you want to restrict what weapons and chassis i can use at first, tell me what year it is, drop a clan star on my unsuspecting *** etc. etc. then cool beans, have at ye!
Im fully in with the chew bubblegum and blow stuff up crowd. After all, if i wanted to play TT then thats what i'd be doing, rather than waiting anxiously for the next phase of the game i dearly love playing.
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