HeIIequin, on 14 April 2012 - 08:03 AM, said:
It's possible he was alluding more to the possibility of opening up a bad can of worms. Next thing is well see is the Superfriends Happiness Compact. They run around trolling about peace and friendship or some other crap, deliberately ignore everything BT, and annoy the **** out of EVERYONE. It's already going to happen anyways, I know, but now imagine that unit dominating the IS, (in a full conquest mode) taking planet after planet, controlling and dictating what most other players can do, etc. I doubt the more hardcore BT fans are going to appreciate this if it happened. I know I wouldn't.
The average non BT/MW fan isn't going to give a damn about maintaining a certain 'feel', which I would assume most of the people who posted in this thread would be. In some other game with little to no canon as a setting this isn't a problem, but BT has such rich history that deviating so strongly from that is much more apparent and immersion breaking, even if we're not following lore to the letter. It's something to be aware of at any rate.
You are the first person to give us a reply that did not taunt us or try to tell us how wrong we are. Since you took the time to give me a serious response, I can only do the same.
Believe it or not, I agree with you; my Clan agrees with you. If people are going to group up and play in this game, it will work best if they try to play their characters within the confines of the lore. To that degree, Clan Black Sheep does act in that manner... we run trials, we hold the proper ranks, we speak and hold ourselves as if we were living within the Battletech Universe. We purposely crafted ourselves and our history to fit within the cracks and loopholes of the official canon. If you allow that everything Kerensky did was not always written down, and also allow that we held ourselves apart until long after the Clan's established their territories, then [CBS] holding a few planets outside of mapped space is plausible. Understand, we did not do this to annoy the crap out of everybody (I'll address how we RP later), we crafted our history and creation the way we did so that this fit into the History, to fit into the game, and integrate ourselves as much as is possible. We are not asking to be written into the canon, we are just asking that we be allowed to exist in our version of reality... this games version of reality, and to be interacted with the same as any other Clan, because believe me, we will help make this game fun.
Look at us like this. Lets say you went to the Renaissance Faire this summer and you saw three groups of people within the Faire:
One group is in period exact costumes, speaking with perfect accents, and never once breaking character. Those are the canon people within these forums. More power to them and their ability to do that. That is not us, but we do not wish to stop them from doing that. They bring character to the game.
The next group you see is dressed up in some fairly detailed costumes, but they aren't period correct, their accents are slightly off, and they have been hitting the mead a bit more than they should have. This is how Clan Black Sheep is best described. We look up to the canon people and their dedication to the canon, but we realize we aren't able be them.
The last group is dressed up Halloween costumes, star trek uniforms, or justice league costumes, and they are making a complete mockery of the entire affair. We are not these people, although the canon people might disagree.
I spoke about the RP aspect of [CBS]. I can only describe it like this... on the forums, when we are in character, look at us as the Delta Tau Chi house, only we have girls in our ranks and they are more raucous than the boys. We are loud, obnoxious, and don't take things at all seriously... except when we strap into our mechs... ok, even then, we have keggerator taps built into the console... xD
We are here to have fun and to make your experience that much more interesting, and to do it using as much of the established canon as possible... just not all of it. Go ask anybody that knew us in the MW2 days, we made things fun, and bottom line, that is all we want to have.
If the fundies will simply accept that we aren't going away, that we are conducting ourselves as a Clan (mostly) should, and that we just need to be dealt with like any other Clan, then we will stop breaking character and making "leave us along posts". YES, I get that the Clans are not in the game yet, we still aren't changing our name. Treat us a Mercs until invasion day, ignoring our name, and all will be well.
...but if we continue to get fundie messages in posts that we started for ourselves in our little corner of the world, telling us how wrong we are that if we don't stop calling ourselves a Clan, then the IS won't deal with us, then I'll keep coming in their places to antagonize them in the same fashion and continually drive home the point that we, and other like us, are NOT going away. Ever.
So to that end, I call a truce and if left alone, promise to refrain from any further posts of this type. From here forward, I will stay in character and avoid all this nonsense.