Clan (Jade Falcon) Occupation, (Role Playing Story) (Reboot)
Posted 13 September 2012 - 04:36 AM
Lyran HQ, Dosasa
T 13:15
Draco sighed, this wasn't going as good as he wanted.
"Anyway Kommandant, I have intel from Dragoon High command that these enemies have several technologies that we don't. They will be mounting more firepower per ton, be faster, and run cooler. They also will have better range on us, so I would recommend bringing them closer into the city, or some of the outlying rock formations. There you will at least have taken away their range advantage. I know that most of the time you are confident with having a overwhelming firepower, but here, you will not. You will need every advantage you can get. This is all I am authorized and cleared to know and tell, the rest, if you want to hear, you will have to take it through Dragoon High Command"
Almost as if on cue, his communicator began to ring. Draco answered it as he turned to the door.
"Sir, we are picking up radio transmissions on the emergency bands from 'Thom' he says that he has found the location of a downed mech pilot. We have Steiner medievac on radar scope now, and they are already on their way. Should we scramble Dragon squadron to escort?"
"Let Thom know he can return to CASTLE, and wait for my go ahead to send Dragon to escort them,"
"Will do sir, stay safe things are hairy enough around here,"
Draco let a small smile cross his face, his H*ll Jumpers may have been green, but, they were as ready as he could get them. He then wiped it off his face.
"Kommandant, it has been brought to my attention that CASTLE has received a distress call from one of our pilots, saying that another was down in the area. I can scramble Dragon squadron to cover your medievac team, if you would like. Best of luck Kommandant, I have matters at CASTLE I need to attend to. Is there anything else you need to discuss with me?"
CASTLE Comm Room
T 13:15
A man about 6'2", with a black helmet cut the connection, and with a whir of his fingers, opened back up a comm channel between Dragon squadron.
"Dragon this Wolf Den, you are on standby as of now,"
"Yes sir, my Talons are itching for some action,"
"Careful what you wish for Talon Lead, you might just get it, Den out,"
His gloved hands then began to rapidly type, closing the connection, and then opened up another connection with, Mr. Frankfurt.
"Mr. Frankfurt, this is Shade, orders from Draco himself are as follows, you are to return to base. We have located the down pilot, and Steiner medievac is on the way, and from now on, you refer to me as Wolf Den, you're callsign Outback, roger?"
Posted 13 September 2012 - 03:24 PM
The Warrens
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Thom grimaced as he saw the blasted and near broken Emforcer.
A scout did this? Looks like it got chewed up and spat out by an Atlas... The idea of a lightmech being able to do so much damage to such a tough and dependable mech design like an Enforcer sent a shiver down his spine.
His com hissed and popped at him drawing his attention away from the limping mech spitting green fire out of a rent in it's torso armor.
"Mr. Frankfurt, this is Shade, orders from Draco himself are as follows, you are to return to base. We have located the down pilot, and Steiner medievac is on the way, and from now on, you refer to me as Wolf Den, you're callsign Outback, roger?"
...Outback? Oh, I don't think so. He shook his head 'no' while looking at the tattoo on his forearm of a broken horse shoe, a blackened withered four leaf clover, and a bloody rabbit's foot with the words 'Bad Luck' scribed down under the images.
"Yo Shade, Der's only one's Mr. Frankfurt, an I's adon't sees my pop anywhere's around here. But if I's see him out here, I'lls let him know dat he's no longer da Hangman of Tikonov. I'm 'Bad Luck' Thom Frankfurt, da hardcore renegade with's a pocket full o handgrenades!"
The nerve of these Dragoon's trying to tell him what to do and what callsign to go by.
"Hey's I'ms a here wit Heather. An I'ms astaying wit her till evac shows up. Deal wit it."
Posted 13 September 2012 - 06:22 PM
CASTLE Comm Room
T 13:30
"Have it your way Hangman, I am just relaying the orders,"
Shade then cut the connection, and then opened one up with the Steiner medievac team.
"This should be interesting," he spoke to himself, then activated the comms.
"Steiner Medievac this is Wolf Den, how copy over?"
Posted 13 September 2012 - 07:30 PM
Gamer, you're approved if I didn't approve already (I forget our precise conversations, RL has been hectic). If you don't reply to this in two days, someone remind me to PM him. Sparks...do you read Homestuck? 'Cos so far as I'm concerned, Heather just became ThE MiRtHfUl mEsSiAh.]]
Signal's Officer Clarke of the Rorke's Drift held his headset tight to his ear as he tried to get a clearer intercept of the communique.
"Wolf Den, this is Recovery One, we read you. Query: WD OP contingent under hire by LCAF,?"
"Negative Recovery One, WD contingent not under hire, but providing support. Enemy is mutual, over."
"Please hold Wolf Den, over."
Silence crackled from the speakers.
"Wolf Den, LCAF HQ reports Warlock Delta Charlie Indigo Charlie has left LCAF space with negative intervention authority pending full situation assessment. Your concern is noted and appreciated. Over."
"Copy Recovery One, Wolf Den has fast movers available at minimal notice, feel free to call if you need it. Repeat, Enemy is Mutual, over."
"Copy Wolf Den, our thanks. Remain outside our AO. Over and out."
Clarke printed out the transcript to a datapad.
"Captain? I think you're going to want to see this."
"Vulkaneers HQ, this is LCAF Command. Blacksmith and Mantis have been downed on patrol, Mantis is KIA but Blacksmith has been confirmed as alive, condition unconfirmed, by a freelancer merc going by 'Bad Luck' under contract to Wolf's Dragoons."
"LCAF Command, this is Vulkaneers HQ, say again, over."
"Blacksmith and Mantis have been downed by unknown bandit, Mantis is KIA, Blacksmith still kicking. Investigation pending. Bad Luck has confirmed Blacksmith is reporting, but hurt. We are evacing Blacksmith, query, return to VHQ or LCAFHQ for medical treatment? Over."
"LCAF Command, return Blacksmith to VHQ with full report. Who downed our pilot? Over."
"Unknown. Enemy has boarded fleeing dropship at attached coords, over."
"Not good enough. Over and Out."
"Isandlwana calls Sierra. Maths Test. Oscar."
"Sierra answers Isandlwana, applied? Oscar."
"Copy Sierra. Applied. Oscar."
"Sierra queries specific Warped D*ck. Oscar."
Will, Draco just f*cked us. Or someone f*cked us all. R-route to Castle. My command lance is walking. Sans Spear, I stand myself. Hurry the fr*g up.
Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:40 PM
RogueSpear, on 13 September 2012 - 07:30 PM, said:

*goes away to investigate*

[[PS: Oh, and don't forget your timestamps.]]
Edited by Sparks Murphey, 13 September 2012 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 14 September 2012 - 12:18 AM
There's a webcomic called Homestuck - go read it. It'll all make sense. Eventually. Maybe.
Suffice to say, also draws blood spatter doodles...]]
Posted 14 September 2012 - 12:33 AM
Posted 14 September 2012 - 07:37 PM
Posted 17 September 2012 - 08:19 AM
Outskirts of CASTLE
T 14:00
Draco's communicator rang again, picking it up he saw it was from, CASTLE.
"Sir this is Shade, Hangman has denied his orders and has decided to stay with the downed pilot until medievac arrives,"
"Alright, I guess there is not much I can do about that, Shade, have you been reviewing the data I gave to you regarding our new enemy?"
"Yes sir, and our chances, are not good. It seems that the more I look at it, High Command sent us on a suicide mission,"
Tell me about it, Draco thought.
"Well, we have to stay optimistic about our situation Shade, I know command sent us here for a reason,"
With that he ended the connection. Connors spoke evenly.
"Well sir, what are the odds?"
Draco sighed, he could lie, but Connors would see right through it.
"Even with our preparations, 5 to 1 we get wiped out,"
"I'll take those odds, better than back in the DC, right sir?"
Draco smiled, Connors had faith, if not in his CO, then at least in the ability of the men. Even Shade, who was their newest addition, right now running comms, was better suited to ops like these. His skill set for infiltration, CQB, and sniping, was unmatched in the whole team. Only Johnson had him beat, when it came to accuracy, but Shade could hide in the most awkward of places, and still shoot like he was at the range of CASTLE. He saw Rogue and Will pull into CASTLE in front of him, and knew that the real @$$ chewing was about to arrive. He pulled in next to them, and got out of the Humvee quickly. Connors ran off to report to his infantry combat teams. Draco braced himself for the inevitable.
Edited by guardian wolf, 17 September 2012 - 08:19 AM.
Posted 17 September 2012 - 11:15 AM
Posted 17 September 2012 - 11:20 AM
Edited by RogueSpear, 17 September 2012 - 11:20 AM.
Posted 18 September 2012 - 08:24 AM
Edited by guardian wolf, 18 September 2012 - 08:24 AM.
Posted 19 September 2012 - 01:32 AM

Posted 19 September 2012 - 04:49 AM
Posted 22 September 2012 - 05:50 AM
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Movement darted over the ridge, and Heather instinctively brought the Enforcer’s right arm up to sight in on target. Belatedly, she realised that, not only didn’t the Enforcer have a right arm any more, but Thom Frankfurt’s Blackjack was reacting to the new arrival like it was a friendly. Heather squinted at it, wishing that her neurohelmet’s magnifiers were still working. It was a VTOL, wearing LCAF livery and with a large red cross displayed prominently on the nose.
Finally. Looked like medevac had arrived. Heather slumped back in her chair and allowed herself to relax, only to start moments later when something tapped on her cockpit. She stared in surprise: there was a man in LCAF fatigues standing on the shoulder of her ‘Mech, knocking on the window. How did he get there? Wait, the VTOL was settled on the ground a few dozen metres away. She must have blacked out.
The paramedic outside Heather’s window pointed to the hatch release, and she fumbled with fingers made of ice to activate the latch. It was no good though: it felt like she was wearing welding gloves on her hands. The paramedic nodded, then said something to someone out of her view. There was a hissing, a loud clunk, and the emergency access panel on the side of the cockpit fell off as it’s explosive bolts fired.
Moments later, it seemed, the cockpit was crammed with paramedics. Heather tried to keep track of them all, but she couldn’t focus enough on their faces, and they blurred together.
“There’s blood on the floor, looks like it’s coming from her right leg. Oh, yeah, she’s got a big piece of shrapnel in the mid calf.”
“Burns on her right side seem to mostly be second degree, a few spots of third from drops of molten metal.”
“Blood pressure is low, temperature too. Pulse is fast, I think its physical shock.”
“Alright, lets get that leg bound, then get her on a stretcher.”
Hands undid her harness and touched her leg. There was pain, but it was someone else’s pain, a distant pain. Then she was flying.
Posted 22 September 2012 - 06:18 PM
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Thom watched worldlessly as the Steiner medevac arrived. The EMT climbed out of the helo and quickly began shouting up at the much abused Enforcer. No response from the Enforcer. The young Warlockian then watched as the same EMT slung his kit over his shoulder and began climbing up the few remaining rungs welded onto the medium mech's armor. From place to place the man climbed displaying an almost unnatral dexterity as he made his way up the the head of the mech.
Hang in there, Heather.
Knocking upon the warped canopy the EMT made jestures to the mechwarrior within. Still no response. The man then began fishing through this kit with a new sence of urgentcy and retrieved a small toolset. He quickly popped open a small acess panel and began tinkering away at the toggles and wires within with an abilty that would make some techs green with envy. The man then scrambled around the Enforcer's head to the other side and a few seconds later the bolts on the emergency access hatch on the side of the mech's head blew off and the panel fell away.
The medic was back to the now breached cockpit before the smoke had even cleared and a few moments later he popped out again to shout orders and make a bunch of gestures to the pilot of the helo. Thom then watched as the coppter took off to hover over the mech and drop down a harness. Soon a limp figure was hoisted out of the cockpit and retracted into the helo.
The EMT then looked Thom's way and gave him a thumbs up before securing a harness of his own and being raised himself into the chopper, which then sped off in the direction of Dosasa. Thom watched as the helo soon became a dark spot on the horizon, then he turned to look back on the Enforcer. Manunvering Swampthing about he gazed off in the direction of the city, and seeing no movement coming his direction he flipped a toggle which killed the music he had been listening to. He then dialed in a private frequency and keyed his mic.
"Yo Markus, you's copy?" There was a slight pause then a muffled 'handling' noises before his gruff cousin's voice answered his quiry.
"Yeah, what's up cuz?" Markus answered.
"Hey's I'ms about one hour's East outside of da city. Position is... ah.. Delta, five, six, niner, Romeo. Der's an shot up mech her, Enforcer. No salvage team's in sight, get yer a*s out her!" Thom ordered, one rule of the battlefield of the 31st century, you never left something salvagable behind.
"Will do cuz!" Markus' excitement, came through the mic unfiltered.
"Just hurry!" Thom ordered.
Posted 23 September 2012 - 02:37 AM
CASTLE Mech Hanger
T 14:52
Over looking the systems again and again, Rick had been in this hanger clinging onto his Archer since he was ordered to be absolutely sure everything was in fighting shape. His nerves were frayed, his confidence at an all time low. At this point he was at the foot of S.C.R.A.P.M.A.K.E.R. checking the actuators in it's foot when he looked up at the towering behemoth. The light shining from the ceiling made the metallic beast look as a giant angel cast in light and silhouette.
Rick's eyes had taken a time to adjust to the light, when he saw the new paint scheme the guys had put on his Mech, that half-black half-white split right down the middle, half the colours of the Wolf's Dragoons, colours he never earned... Colours he would have to earn soon.
She was ready, his beautiful creation that brought laser and missile to the fields of war that would soon blossom with the worst of humanities travesties. His love of creation and loathing of destruction becoming a twisted dichotomy in the steel giant infront of him, a futuristic suit of armour, the Long Range Missiles his Lance, his Lasers a Sword.
He wondered how those Knights of Old did it. How they brought on the shame of ending a life while holding up such things and honour and justice, such strange concepts in this day and age, in a world that much like his, held nothing but contempt in their presence while telling them as virtues. In that cockpit, he might just die, these could be his last hours before...
There was no part of his heart that wanted to keep dwelling on it. His Mech was ready for combat, loaded and as good as it ever had been, almost shining as though it just rolled off the show room floor.
Rick smiled for a bit.
Slowly he walked to the closet and pulled out an old tin bucket and a raggedy rope-bristle mop. He slowly took the bucket under the wash station and filled it with water and cleaner. He could feel the steam rising from the water, the heat leaving condensation on his skin. That thick smell of cleaner and bleach, and that tarnished feeling of old grimy wood beneath his fingers.
With a loud splat the mop head soaked in cleaner and scolding water hit the concrete floor. The excess water splashed all around, the breath left his lungs in a satisfied sigh, the strain left his shoulders and neck. For a brief second, a moment Rick held onto as long as he could, the bay was quiet. There was nothing but the sound of water being pushed by an old mop, that calmness in it's rhythm. It seemed to echo into forever and back again, it was what made sense.
Time moved on, and he paid no mind to the techs who were busy with getting the machines around him at the ready. He was a Mechwarrior this day, and he would choose how to spend his last few hours, and this was the thing that made sense. No point in leaving a mess for someone else to clean up.
Before he knew it, he realized he has just finished sweeping, moping, brushing, wiping, clearing, organizing and arranging everything in his work space. All of the tools had even been given a quick wipe down to avoid dust getting into the air filters, the shop vacuum was cleaned out, the garbage taken out, the shop was spotless, almost looking like one of those display bays they used in the magazines.
Taking a single shop rag and giving the sink a quick once-over, he flopped the rag over his shoulder. He laughed at himself. As he began walking towards the scaffolding that let him enter his mech, he simply said to himself light heartedly; "No regrets."
Posted 24 September 2012 - 07:19 PM
Posted 24 September 2012 - 07:39 PM
T: 1152
Durgan had made his way back into the Vulkaneer base, some of the techs were probing at him to find out were he had been all day. For the most part he had told them that he had been seeing the sights but in reality Durgan had been researching up on some strange new tech sightings but he was unable to find anything substantial. He had no intent on returning to base until later in the day but he had over heard that a enforce and shadow hawk had been downed by a single light mech, which with recent reports Durgan had to investigate but not unarmed. He was thankful that Will was not around at the moment, He knew there would be questions and a lot of trouble after what he was about to do. Durgan quickly raced into his room and suited up at this point he couldn't wait to get his coolant suit plugged in the sweat was rolling down his checks from his rushing around. As he rushed back into the mechbay he saw that the tech were working hard at the Locust with almost half the exterior armor removed there was no way he could possibly take the mech now, that left him with only one option... the Raven. Durgan knew Will would be furious but it was his only chance and he knew Will would never allow him to chase these pointless clues all over, luckily for him he had intercepted the access codes to the raven and the exterior door codes.
Durgan climbed his way up the scaffolding that lead to the cockpit of the Raven.
A tech noticed him climbing into the cockpit, “Hey! What are you doin?”
Durgan completely ignored the tech and went about his way plugging in the last of the code... the Raven shock awake. The synthesized voice rambled off in his headset but he paid no attention as he order the gantry clear and throttled the Raven forward. Techs below waived there arms in a stopping motion but Durgan continued past them and into the cave system. As the Raven stomped along in the tunnel system Durgan was finally able to take in the fact he was finally piloting his dream much, although a stock 3L it was still close to perfect.
Durgan found himself at his exit a doorway that would lead to the base of the Warrens only a short trip from there would be the site of the attack. Sending the access code the door slowly creep open, then suddenly the comms system crackled to life.
“Durgan what the HELL are you doing return to base immediately”
The voice was unmistakable it was Will and he wasn't happy, “Sorry commander but there is something I have to find, I know you won't understand but I'll be back when I can.”
Durgan didn't wait for a response he changed the radio off and started to step out from the dark tunnel and into the bright sun lite dessert. The view brought back memories of his days not long ago training for he current role but now was not the time to day dream. Durgan slammed the throttle forward and headed towards the site with all haste.
As Durgan was about to arrive to the site his radar picked up a mech a Blackjack. Durgan thought to himself BJ-3 module there's little he could hit me with those PPCs if I go full speed but I'm not here for a fight best leave it alone. Durgan took a stationary position just outside the other mechs radar range just for safety, he would have to pick up his investigation after the mech had moved along.
Posted 25 September 2012 - 02:12 AM

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