Not sure if any of this is useful info, but I'll add what I can here.
WIN 7 64-bit
No Avast (really don't feel AV is the culprit here)
Using Default Temp Directory for Patcher
Up until yesterday, I have been playing daily, (aprrox 20 - 30 drops as day), with no issue. Had in fact played approx 10 rounds before this issue happened to me.
"FRead did not read expected number of byte from file, only 128 of 0 bytes read"
While it most commonly occured after the countdown, it did happen once, attempting to launch the game. But other than that, it seemed to be hitting me everytime I ran into the Caustic Valley map. I read this thread, and decided I would attempt a System Restore first rather than Uninstall/Reinstall, due to the fact it was quite late in the day. I also noticed someone mentioned the System Defrag, so I thought I would check into my Task Scheduler to see when my last defrag occurred. Interestingly enough, the defrag had occurred the evening prior. Fortunately, my defrag program, creates a System Restore Point prior to initializing. I chose that Restore Point, and brought my computer back to prior defragged state. Ran a Test Archive on all the files, showed no errors. Played a good dozen rounds and called it a night. Got on this morning, loaded game, no issue thus far.
This has occurred on SSD machines? Didn't think SSD machines do defrags? Not a techie here, so not sure.
Can someone make a backup of the game, run their Defrag Program, and see if this will reproduce? Would those that have posted here, check your Task Schedulers and verify when your last Defrag occurred. Was it just prior to having these issues? Any and all confirmations can only help.
Someone in an earlier post here, mentioned that the error occured on the Shader Cache.pak. Would an error there, be the reason that this error has occured on the load of different maps for people?
For now, the System Restore seems to have temporarily fixed the issue to the point that I am at least being able to play again. One may want to attempt this first before uninstalling/reinstalling if you don't have the time, or are struggling with lower bandwith. I'll be running plenty of drops today to see if the issue comes back, and will report if it does. But so far, so good.
Edited by Morgana, 26 November 2012 - 11:24 AM.