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Dev Blog 6 - Mechlab


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#261 Black Sunder


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 04:27 AM

View PostSuskis, on 05 April 2012 - 03:59 AM, said:

Rebuilding a mech is not always the way to the munchkinism. Often is the only way to survive the Clans.
Because several Omnimech are just that: munchkin (4 erppcs and a targeting computer on Warhawks is just that, IMHO).

Its a double standard man. The people here saying balance this and that are perfectly ok with a 4 ER PPC Warhawk and would even pilot one themselves.

I'm all for using only the critical and tonnage system because when I go to the battlefield with my team I want a challenge. I don't want to go "ok he's in an Awesome, that means he has X,Y,Z weapons and I need to do A,B,C with my team to kill him. No I want to see an Awesome and be scared to death he's using LRMs and a Gauss Rifle to shoot at me. I want the OMG factor. I want mystery.

If someone wants to load up on LLs and nothing else I'm ok with it. Just means we have to have a new approach. Scouts with ECM and BAP to find them, Narc to light them up for missiles or TAG for artillery.

Believe it or not, there are still people around that want to custom their mechs down to the last detail that WON"T make a boat. I'm one of them. I believe in balanced loadouts and attacking at all ranges. Frankly with the actual terrain we'll have it will make more sense to be balanced than only having long or medium range weapons.

I can wait for Omnimechs though.

Edited by Black Sunder, 05 April 2012 - 04:34 AM.

#262 DaMuncha


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 05:27 AM

I never played the board game and I only started with Mechwarrior 3, so I dont give a flying **** about the lore of Battletech, I loved Mechwarrior 3 because it was dirty, had a good story, and I could build any mech the way I wanted to play. But Mechwarrior 4 completely ruined all that, everything looked shiney and new, sparkly and bright, and the story was crap, I got so sick of having to deal with the political drama, and the mech cusomisation killed it for me because I couldnt play the way I wanted to. So with MWO they've done the same thing.

After playing Mechwarrior 3 then playing Mechwarrior 4 I felt Microsoft was trying to tell me how to play the game, and force me to play the game they wanted me to play it. I hate that crap. Let me Have Mechwarrior 3's Mechlab and let me play the game the way I want. Like I said, I dont care about the lore, I care about having fun and limiting my mech customisation and taking out my favorite mechs ruins it for me.

#263 Kerzin


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 05:27 AM

The only thing I’m not likening all that much is the inability to freely swap around weapons, as long as you have the tonnage and critical slots worked out you should be able to change from laser/ballistic/missile system as you pleas.

This will promote a wider verity of game play with the same chassis and more choice is always better, it adds some uncertainty into the game when you don’t know if the long range missile Mech your looking at has been converted into a close range laser brawler.

Edited by Kerzin, 05 April 2012 - 05:28 AM.

#264 Tarriss Halcyon


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 05:51 AM

Quote: Note: Selecting bright pink as any colour level results in Paul’s weapon systems automatically locking on to your ‘Mech whether visible or not. Just a heads up.

Actually, it's not just Paul. Anyone who runs around in a so-called "man-tank" is GOING to be the primary target. All scout-mechs would leave it NARCed within two seconds. All LRM-boats (Catapult) would rain death on it. All snipers (Awesome) would leave it in pieces. To end - bright pink on a mech brings death from ALL players, not just Paul.

#265 HIemfire


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 06:01 AM

View PostSolis Obscuri, on 04 April 2012 - 06:53 PM, said:

If you're piloting a Commando like it's an Atlas, you're doing it wrong.

:mellow: Not what I was refering to but thank you for this bit of wisdom. I hope others can take it to heart, I already knew this though.

View PostSporkosophy, on 04 April 2012 - 06:58 PM, said:

The Commando in particular needs thought of less as a mech, but rather as a mugger. It's not there for a straight up fight, but it has the firepower to severely damage mechs above its weight class. So you want to stick as far away from the main fighting as possible; jump the guy pulling back due to heat/damage issues, and then fade away to have your way with his buddies.

<_< I never stated that it was supposed to be for a "straight up" fight.

View PostTogg Bott, on 04 April 2012 - 08:11 PM, said:

no, no,no,NO. i want the fear of a ac/20 in the back of my mind. a ac/20 is designed to kill heavy and assualt mech and do it quickly. so yes. if i get hit witha ac/20, i'm supposed to explode/die/whatever not keep running cause someone doesnt like being cored with one shot.

scouts aint for everyone.

<_< Firing accuracy is going to be a heck of allot less random (even with the convergence system that is planned) than the tabletop. Please factor that into your estimates.

<_< Reading comprehension and http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Commando might help you see what I was getting at. Even better than the Sarna page would be http://solaris7.com/...Info.asp?ID=536 from the Solaris 7 TRO files (link is for the COM-2D). I am not complaining about the AC/20 (it was mentioned for range comparison with the range of the "standard" weapons on most scouts of the era of which in the tabletop it is the same as) which I agree should have a tremendous bite. My problem is that it looks to me like that to actually perform the scouting/spotter role you have to be within range of most of the mid-range heavier weapons (AC/10, Large Laser, PPC). Compare what those weapons do to what the usual scouts have for armor and their weapon loadouts. Also remember that for the time being we will in all probability have to either be shut down or running passive to have any stealth ability, so expect a dead/standing start as you send the information gathered to be common. I hope that helps clarify my concerns (or as I summed it up, piloting a laser designator wrapped in blasting caps wrapped in tinfoil).

Edited by HIemfire, 05 April 2012 - 06:03 AM.

#266 BerryChunks


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 06:14 AM

View PostDaMuncha, on 05 April 2012 - 05:27 AM, said:

I never played the board game and I only started with Mechwarrior 3, so I dont give a flying **** about the lore of Battletech, I loved Mechwarrior 3 because it was dirty, had a good story, and I could build any mech the way I wanted to play. But Mechwarrior 4 completely ruined all that, everything looked shiney and new, sparkly and bright, and the story was crap, I got so sick of having to deal with the political drama, and the mech cusomisation killed it for me because I couldnt play the way I wanted to. So with MWO they've done the same thing.

After playing Mechwarrior 3 then playing Mechwarrior 4 I felt Microsoft was trying to tell me how to play the game, and force me to play the game they wanted me to play it. I hate that crap. Let me Have Mechwarrior 3's Mechlab and let me play the game the way I want. Like I said, I dont care about the lore, I care about having fun and limiting my mech customisation and taking out my favorite mechs ruins it for me.

Then you're playing the wrong game. There's plenty of titles out there for you to combo yourself silly, but once you have played them a while you realize something. All those games lead to one very specific result.

In Armored Core FA, slow mechs weren't viable at all. tank and heavy legs were useless. Worse than useless. The extra armor they provided didn't hold a candle to actually being a lightweight speed mech. The game rushed away from design versatility and all mechs eventually looked almost exactly the same.

In Chromehounds, you had full customization again. This was a little less animecha style like Armored core, and more like mechwarrior. The game ended up in different pigeon holes every rebalance. First came the go-kart build, which dominated everything. if you didn't use it, you lost. The last time I played CH, everyone used a very specific chicken-leg armor plate 6 howitzer build. Those who built the same thing were competitive, those who built anything else ended up at the bottom.

So ironically, increased options leads to a decreased variation, as the more options and the faster you can reach them, the quicker basic evolution reaches the "perfect" design.

Holding to the game's roots not only prevents this kind of thing from happening, it also makes fights MORE fun because you are guaranteed at least a semi-balanced fight.

BTW, politics is the entire reason people fight. All you have to do is ignore it if you don't like it.

View PostBlack Sunder, on 05 April 2012 - 04:27 AM, said:

Its a double standard man. The people here saying balance this and that are perfectly ok with a 4 ER PPC Warhawk and would even pilot one themselves.

I'm all for using only the critical and tonnage system because when I go to the battlefield with my team I want a challenge. I don't want to go "ok he's in an Awesome, that means he has X,Y,Z weapons and I need to do A,B,C with my team to kill him. No I want to see an Awesome and be scared to death he's using LRMs and a Gauss Rifle to shoot at me. I want the OMG factor. I want mystery.

If someone wants to load up on LLs and nothing else I'm ok with it. Just means we have to have a new approach. Scouts with ECM and BAP to find them, Narc to light them up for missiles or TAG for artillery.

Believe it or not, there are still people around that want to custom their mechs down to the last detail that WON"T make a boat. I'm one of them. I believe in balanced loadouts and attacking at all ranges. Frankly with the actual terrain we'll have it will make more sense to be balanced than only having long or medium range weapons.

I can wait for Omnimechs though.

Thats the advantage of clan mechs. The omni status of swapping things out and having a lot more weapons due to more weight/energy efficient weaponry. Thats not a double standard. it doesn't really matter about what we believe or what you will do, it matters what random munchkin123919 will do.
I predict, if they stay true to the game, clan mechs will be expensive as hell for models sold to the Inner Sphere from rogue nations, and otherwise must be obtained via salvage. Of course IS has their own versions of omnimechs in the future.

View PostKerzin, on 05 April 2012 - 05:27 AM, said:

The only thing I’m not likening all that much is the inability to freely swap around weapons, as long as you have the tonnage and critical slots worked out you should be able to change from laser/ballistic/missile system as you pleas.

This will promote a wider verity of game play with the same chassis and more choice is always better, it adds some uncertainty into the game when you don’t know if the long range missile Mech your looking at has been converted into a close range laser brawler.

it promotes blind countering and auto-win/losses. It promotes a rush to find the optimal design that's based around one ultraspecialization, such as laser boats, missile boats, guasszilla, etc. That decreases variety. Mechs will simply be different skins for doing the same thing. The one with the best free tonnage space will win out. There were mechs you didn't use in MW3.

Here's the list of mechs MW3 players didn't use if they were playing competitively in ranked league games, which I was in.
Cauldron Born.
Black Hawk.

All the rest were used in such capacities as: Laser boat, Missile Boat, AC boat. GR boat.

Is that more variety? The unlimited customization of MW3 allowed people to find the best of all the mechs, and all the others were subsequently useless. the unlimited customization allowed people to stick masses of a single weapon onto a mech, making it stronger than any mixed platform. Is that more variety? And the game's weapon stats themselves actually are a factor in this. They DO synergize better with themselves en masse than with a mixed platform. staying true to "variants only" or "extreme limited customizing for cost", makes the game viable.

Anyone using stock mechs on tabletop will tell you that vs someone who's min/maxed there is no competition. they roll over you like you don't exist. It's the nature of the weapons. The variants have a purpose of preserving game balance, and therefore FUN.

#267 Sprouticus


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 06:54 AM

Berry is right on the mark regarding Mw3 gunbags. The only thing you looked at was the geometry, which had the best hit boxes. (and even that was iffy with the terrible netcode)

On a lighter note, I find ithighly amusing that both the unlimited customization and stock only groups in this thread are falling back on canon. What both sides need to recognize (or at least some of the folks on both sides) is that this is a COMPROMISE. Some people love to customize their mechs, MW2-4 has made that part of the environment. There was no way PGI was not going to put it into the game

Which means the only question was how MUCH customization. PGI could have gone very limited (armor, maybe equipment, and only allowing you to take weapons OFF.). They could have gone fully customizable (gunbag). They chose somewhere in between, which is what most of us expected.

If you truly cant enjoy the game if it is not exactly how you want it, that's your prerogative. Mind you I think it makes you come of as a whiny brat who is going to take his ball and go home. But that's just my 42 years speaking.

There are still a lot of questions to be answered on customization (go read the Q&A thread, (lots of good stuff there) to see what I mean. Personally I am hoping they restict engine type internal type equipment changes, and even how much armor & engine upgrades/downgrades you can do. I think that will go a long way towards keeping the mechs feeling different.

But if they dont agree with me, and they have a reasonable, logical idea why they made the decision (and PGI has shown themselves to make those types of decisions so far), I will chalk it up to reasonable people disagreeing on the best course of action. I may still voice my opinion when balancing comes up, but thats my right.

I will not however threaten to gquit just because I dont get my way without giving it a chance.

#268 AlanEsh


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 06:55 AM

Great post, BerryChunks.

View PostBerryChunks, on 05 April 2012 - 06:14 AM, said:

... increased options leads to a decreased variation, as the more options and the faster you can reach them, the quicker basic evolution reaches the "perfect" design.

There's the shining gem that people need to really grasp.

#269 Strum Wealh


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:06 AM

View Post[EDMW]CSN, on 05 April 2012 - 01:33 AM, said:

Strat Ops rule highlighted the duration, cost and the kind of facilities someone must have to do any kind of modification.

There are plenty out there who clamor for full modification (like Suskis, not calling out anyone, just an example) as per highlighted in BT rules. However, this would only result in everyone doing Class F refits and reach their ultimate min-max goal.

Class A and B refits = Field.
Class C and D refits = maintenance facility
Class E and F refits = Full fledged factory refit.

The "hybrid hardpoint + critical system" used by PGI is basically doing Class A and Class B refits, at the moment as seen.
At best Class C.

So if they want their Class F refits Uber Mech Fits. Are the players ready to suffer the penalties, cost and issue of such a refit ? Last check Class E alone can take up close to a month in real time at luckiest. And you need to own a planet with a working Mech Factory to do that !

Which will then mean only the most elite merc / faction unit will be able to afford such a luxury.


I wonder if there would be different "levels" of MechLab, depending on where in the IS one happens to be and what resources are available - could only certain planets and locations have the facilities for higher-level "refits"/customization (e.g. all possible repairs/changes, including changing engine and/or armor type), while others only offer only a lesser degree of "refits"/customization (e.g. change weapons and modules only, repair armor but not change type), and/or offer different price points for any given level of "refit"/customization? :mellow:

Also, perhaps the Devs' mentions of 'Mech Magic/Battle Magic (a mercenary unit based on Outreach that specializes in upgrading and refitting military hardware) here and here were/are portents of things to come? <_<

#270 Vexgrave Lars

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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:11 AM

View PostAngelicon, on 05 April 2012 - 06:55 AM, said:

Great post, BerryChunks.
There's the shining gem that people need to really grasp.

But as long as the developers are cautious and thoughtful, a "perfect" design can never be. On a battlefield, there is no such thing. Even the best machine can be overwhelmed by one good pilot or even two bad ones, very oversimplified admittedly.

That's called balance.

#271 Felbombling


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:11 AM

I ran a BT league years ago that ran half a decade. In this league I designed all the Mechs, four per player, and I designed them around the miniature the player intended to use. This restricted my design flow, but I did it for a reason... so the players with great game knowledge wouldn't out-design players without great game knowledge. The playing field was more level as a result. For years I had a few players request that they be allowed to design their own Mechs, and in the final season I relented and allowed for it. The end result was many of those players stating later that they wished I had done all the designs! All the Mechs were OP to the absurd, and it just seemed a dead, un-fun season. I can remember one player being really frustrated one day, throwing up his hands and yelling to me, "I was wrong! This sucks." lol

Just goes to show that full customization ain't all it is cracked up to be... even for the players that badly want it.

@DaMuncha The Clan mechs you desire should be on their way within a year. There will be variant designs that may fit your energy-pig desires... stay tuned.

Edited by StaggerCheck, 05 April 2012 - 07:17 AM.

#272 Sarriss


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:13 AM

I have read every comment on this thread. Hard to miss when I came into work and I had 150 notifications.

This is what I see:

Hard points are the half-aborted child of Microsoft
TT rules dictate zero customization, therefore this hybrid system is garbage
TT rules dictate absolute customization, therefore this hybrid system is garbage

My question is, which is it?

I am a product of the games, all of them (except MWLL). I loved MW3 the most, because I enjoyed customizing all of it with a balanced mix of PPCS, LRMS, Lasers. I understand that some of us, aren't going to make boats and would like to make that again. We can't entirely. Fine. Hard points add restriction and force us to be a bit more thoughtful with our customization. Fine.

MW:O is trying to bring fans of the TT and the games together in something that is balanced, fun and has staying power. If you are a hardcore TT player and feel that MW:O has somehow betrayed you, then go play that other MW game in production, the web based one that from what I understand is the TT game with graphics. If you feel that somehow PGI and Microsoft are in bed together and have created hardpoints once again with their union, then boycott it and go play something else.

MW:O is a hybrid. Many people are onboard with it. The more I think about it, the more I am as well. You can do tweaks and upgrades/downgrades to parts of your mech that still make sense. Is it a bit more limiting that you can't change ballistic with energy? Yes, but you will live. Variants exist for a reason and until now, have been made useless with unlimited customization. Now you can buy one with more of a setup you like and customize it into something more akin to what you want to play. That makes sense. That makes variants useful again. I still think some of you are insane for wanting to add obscene costs to making these tweaks. It has been said before and it's a good point, have enough pros and cons with each weapon, and the system will balance itself out. If MW:O allowed infinite customization, it would be dead in 6 months with boats and min/max configurations.

Don't p*ss and moan because MW:O isn't the EXACT game you want it to be. Compromise is the only reason this game exists.

One last note because it was a good idea and should be mentioned again. If you make tweaks to your mech let your radar tell you that it is a custom so that you know a head of time it isn't a stock with the weapons you are expecting. You still get the "OMG" factor a bit, but you aren't lead into believing you know exactly what they are packing. Tactics and strategy is the name of the game. This level of customization keeps us having an idea without truly knowing what they are using (until full radar). Let's face it, if it was only stocks, you'd have the same strategy for dealing with them everytime, a little variety, and customization without going ridiculous keeps it fresh (hopefully) for a lot longer time.


Edited by Sarriss, 05 April 2012 - 07:16 AM.

#273 Kraktzor


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:20 AM

Deffinately like what I am seeing so far. Looking good.

#274 Major Tom


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:25 AM

Yeah the engine upgrades are pretty sketchy. I'm not sure the one size fits all engine model is a good one. Although it is more reasonable if you actually have to purchase the new engine to install, not just slide the "top speed" dial.

Speaking of which I'm a little uncertain about selectively applying the hardpoint rule. Hardpoints for lasers and jumpjets, but not for heat sinks. Also what happens if you take jump capible mech and increase its engine, can you upgrade the jump jets? Is there a benefit to having 7 jump jets vs. 3 or 1?

And finally. The first time I see a Hunchback 'swayback' firing PPCs out of it Md Laser lenses I will be extremely upset. 'm not entirely against a Hunchback with PPCs as long as I can recoginize those big ole ion cannons. If you don't have the artwork for it, then make those 6 individual hardpoints, not a giant generic 6 slot energy hardpoint.

Speaking of Hunchback 'swayback' that one really broke the hardpoint mold. Yep, we are going to pull this AC/20 and drop in a bunch of energy weapons.

Edited by Major Tom, 05 April 2012 - 07:28 AM.

#275 GrandKlaive


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:32 AM

How will it work when the clans and then inner sphere switch to the C.A.S.E modular system? Will you be able to have an inventory in which to keep systems you bought and change out when needed?

#276 CaveMan


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:37 AM

View PostDaMuncha, on 04 April 2012 - 10:58 PM, said:

MWO Has:
No Clans
No Clan Mechs
No Omni mechs
Restricted Jump Jets.
Forced Hardpoints.
XP to use upgrades.

Why the hell would I want to play MWO?. they've taken out everything I loved about the mechwarrior games.

Didnt he say in the GDC interview that we could customise mechs as much we want? It sounds pretty restrictive to me.

CRY MOAR, it pleases me.

FWIW this system sounds like the best possible compromise between "I want my ubermech" demands and "canon or die" demands. PGI aren't going to be able to please everybody, there are too many diverse points of view and some people's wants are mutually exclusive.

Personally I want to see engine customization go out the window though. That's a big-*** refit to be pulling with anything less than a full-on factory. Not to mention engine modding is the biggest way to make all 'Mechs of the same tonnage the same.

#277 Punisher 1


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:47 AM

Pretty cool but I'm not one that uses much ammo based weapons. For several reasons.

1. Runs out of ammo now you have a paperweight. Where alot of other componets could have been useful.

2 Takes up alot of space and tonnage for a not so satisfying boom. If used carefully it works.

3. Secondary explosions can ruin your day, I do go out of my way to seek out and target those areas.

4. Missiles fun at long range, after that they are a liability in close combat. See #3.

Overall this follows the same path many of the games followed it makes sense and seems to be pretty cool. It works for me.

But I'd like to see in the future of the game:

I like flexibility in my mech and the ability to make it the best it can potentially be. MWO should add a few OmniMechs for those that like this option.

In future releases the total customization of your mech would be a worth while option.

#278 AlanEsh


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:50 AM

View PostCaveMan, on 05 April 2012 - 07:37 AM, said:

CRY MOAR, it pleases me.

FWIW this system sounds like the best possible compromise between "I want my ubermech" demands and "canon or die" demands. PGI aren't going to be able to please everybody, there are too many diverse points of view and some people's wants are mutually exclusive.

Personally I want to see engine customization go out the window though. That's a big-*** refit to be pulling with anything less than a full-on factory. Not to mention engine modding is the biggest way to make all 'Mechs of the same tonnage the same.

But billybob down in the mech hangar replaced my mech's entire structure with endo last week, took him about an hour. He can surely swap out your engine!

Yeah man, I'm in total agreement. I want different mech chassis to be more than just different textures on the same, optimized, munchbot.

#279 Punisher 1


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:52 AM

View PostCaveMan, on 05 April 2012 - 07:37 AM, said:

CRY MOAR, it pleases me.

FWIW this system sounds like the best possible compromise between "I want my ubermech" demands and "canon or die" demands. PGI aren't going to be able to please everybody, there are too many diverse points of view and some people's wants are mutually exclusive.

Personally I want to see engine customization go out the window though. That's a big-*** refit to be pulling with anything less than a full-on factory. Not to mention engine modding is the biggest way to make all 'Mechs of the same tonnage the same.

Dont be rude.

He's got a point and we all want MWO to be a full product that follows the Battletech universe anything LESS is not going to keep the fan base happy for a long period of time. We know it cannot be everything we want on release. But We also know that it has to have depth or people will not pay nor will they play for long run.

Take a page from history of video games that have failed to deliver a full product or a flawed product.

#280 SmoesHammer


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 07:54 AM

Does this mean that when (if) omnimechs arrive then they will be cheaper to change but heavier tonnage per slot etc?

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