In previous games to MW4, the ONLY thing that limited mech layouts were the tonnage. In multiplayer, the VAST majority of players optimized their layotus to be successful in multiplayer. This left the possiblity of a Marauder being a missile boat, or an Archer being a laserboat. Mechs were only limtied by their tonnage. Players picked the mechs with the optimal geometry for reducing hits, and diversity in chassis was minimal.
People can complain all they want, but the facts are, the game is Multiplayer only, most players want to win, so they optimize their chassis. (Yes I realize some players don't, but stomp their feet as hard as they want, they're NOT a majority)
While perhaps removing the Mechlab altogether might remove compaints from some players (those wanting to play canon only layouts), it has been a very popular part of the Mechwarrior games for a very long time, removing mechlab altogether would be a poor decision.
A restricted mechlab makes every mech have it's own character, a mech isn't just a #tonnage generic gunboat. Mechwarrior games without restrictive layouts resulted in less diversity in used chassis, as the tonnage and geometry were ALL that mattered.
A MadCat=Orion=Marauder=any other 75 ton mech. While people complainign that they can't tweak to their hearts desire may think they have a valid point. I simply don't think they do, it reduced the overall quality of gameplay when you have only a few optimal layouts.
I'm happy that some of the people who want anything goes layouts are unhappy, that means the game should be less munchkinized. If you want a particular flavor to your mech, you're going to have to pick a mech that is similiar already. Boohoo.
Edited by verybad, 05 April 2012 - 12:10 PM.