LordRush, on 03 February 2012 - 11:58 AM, said:
We are not talking recently..we are talking YEARS of service. And not with just one but multiple platforms of games. So, with those that are new here, take this how you will. EARN YOUR KEEP!
Honestly, we can level the question of, if there's a lot of individuals who feel they'd make the best of a certain rank/position/etc, who gets it? What if there's three or four of these communities that have been going on for 10-15+ years? They've all put time in previous games and have individuals they feel deserve these roles or are capable, but then you get to the point of...who's more deserving when there's so many that can fit the bill?
There's more then just some people's communities that have come to this game, there's others that have arrived from different backgrounds or people who have been gaming and leading individuals for just as long, even if it wasn't mechwarrior/battletech, who may be just as good at understanding.
People getting grandfathered in because of some kind of service record predating a brand new game is a bad idea, unless the community comes together and decides now, with all involved even the newer players. Need face time with these people, the community as a whole, old and new, needs to get to know them before you can just ask them to blindly trust someone.
I won't say many of the people that people know who've been successful won't be good at it, or won't quickly show that quality to the community, but just saying "Hey, they've done time man, it's theirs!" I kind of don't give a drac's behind, especially if I think I've got people I know who can do it, or if I feel like I can....but haven't known you're group for 10 years.
So, you can keep the "earn your keep" and take a "your equal with the rest of the new people." I've been gaming for a very long time, I've lead guilds and clans and what have you for a very long long time, but I don't expect a damn thing when going into a new game, and I get somewhat offended if people think they should have something that I should have equal shot at, just because they've been a part of a singular specific group for X amount of time.
The people who want the admin/rank/whatever of a CoC, if there's going to be one, need to be here and start showing people who they and are how they handle situations. This community, old and new, needs to mesh into one community to make a decision....not to snub the newer players and alienate people based on a perceived due because you "did your time," or some other sense of entitlement.
Basically, put your c-bills where your mouth is, because I don't know any of you, and there's going to be a lot of people thinking the same thing. There's going to be a certain level of respect and giving benefit of the doubt, but I honestly don't care if you played with X people for Y amount of time, this is a new game, and it's bigger then any group. The community is going to grow, and they're going to wonder why certain people are where they are, and half of them aren't going to care or know what game you came from before.
The people you want to see in "command" may have been selected by a previous community...that's awesome, and I bet they're great people (because I've only met really great people on this forum!) but this is a new community, even if some have come from older ones.
If you think someone should be in command, then they'll end up there by merit and expertise, but they should not because you feel that they should have it because they had it in a previous game/community. It's good press for them, but it should not automatically make people assume they should have it. We need to knit a more varied community together, and keep from alienating new players or people new to your old communities.
So, I'm fine with a CoC, but it has to be open to consideration for everyone, old and new, equally. If someone can't cut it, the community will see and we'll fix it, but none of the demanding or expecting rank because you knew someone for X years. Though, with the way the game is going, I don't think it's actually going to happen. That, or I may not even really have to care in the long run, as long as things are going well for my own merc corp/guild.
Edited by Jack Gallows, 03 February 2012 - 05:55 PM.