Eagle, you miss my point, yet again.
All I've been trying to do is point out the facts of MWO. It is people WHO HAVE DECLARED FOR DAVION which kept bringing up the other issues about egos and the "good ole boy establishment".
This seems to be labeled as an attempt to "belittle, condescend and dismerit" and being "holier than thou" and cause all sorts of angst. For some reason you (the "old guard") have all circled your wagons and decided to attack me and call me names. That's fine, I can handle it. In the mean time you're ignoring all of the other people, including those within your own Faction who are saying the same thing or bringing up additional issues. I'm not entirely sure what "attitude" I brought in with me when I came through the "door", other than stubbornness to actually try to make people see what the Devs have stated will be the nature of the game. I didn't come in here spouting off about how I've done X or Y so you should be quiet, fall in line, or get out of the way. I didn't come in here hurling insults at other members of our community.
I didn't derail this thread, I didn't set it on the path it was already on. I popped in a couple times to try to bring some sanity and point out what we know about the game. THIS was my first post, on page 6:
Dihm, on 06 February 2012 - 07:12 AM, said:
I do have to ask how much any of this discussion will have any bearing on MWO anyway.
From what we know so far, players cannot command faction units, only merc units. There won't be a Davion, Kurita, Liao, whatever, CoC within the game. If there is one, it would all be external to the game, and have no ability to accept, reject, or kick players from the Davion faction, or from the units within the Davion faction. The only player-controlled units will be mercs, though they have said they MAY add player-controled faction units at some point post-launch.
It was ignored.
My second post, on page 8. It was posted in an attempt to bring up the issue that seemed to still be ignored:
Dihm, on 10 February 2012 - 06:23 AM, said:
Since players will not actually be able to control faction units (they'll have no authority to approve or deny anyone from joining a faction unit, will be unable to boot out offenders, will be unable to enforce their orders), I'll be quite interested to see how this works.
Anyone who joins the faction can join whatever faction unit they desire, if they have the Loyalty Points to do so, and are not bound to follow the orders of other members of that unit who have a higher rank (higher Loyalty Points). The only player-controlled organizations are merc units, for now any way.
I'm seeing a trend here, and I'm not seeing any of this belittling and insulting you folk seem to think I've been doing.
My third post, page 10:
Dihm, on 05 March 2012 - 05:26 AM, said:
Meneiupptus, on 05 March 2012 - 05:23 AM, said:
This is directly out of the FAQ. If Mercs start out as House, then there will most likely be House warfare as well because they assuredly will not have any money or skills when deciding to go merc.
And they've also said that players won't be running the factions.
Still not seeing anything insulting or belittling or holier-than-thou.
Fourth post, page 11, in response to a conversation about someone's real life military credentials and their ability to lead:
Dihm, on 06 March 2012 - 07:37 AM, said:
FYI, this is a computer game played for fun. Military credentials not necessary.
We are not actually "soldiers" or "warriors". We are gamers.
Again, nothing belittling or insulting.
And that brings us up to Monday, where I yet again, said nothing insulting yet somehow became to focus of all of your ire.
Dihm, on 02 April 2012 - 05:52 AM, said:
I know I know, I'm a broken record, but I'll say it again.
Why are people still ignoring the fact that it has been repeatedly stated that players will have no control over the house/faction units? The only units players will have any control over are merc units. It's all fine and dandy to say you have a House CoC, but there will be more players in the faction that ignore it than who willingly accept serving under it. It will have no teeth. There are no restrictions on members joining factions or the units within them (assuming they gain enough loyalty points). Due to the nature of the game, you're going to see a higher population than we ever saw in MPBT or in any of the Planetary Leagues, and I can guarantee you that a majority of them won't be interested in following orders.
Given what we KNOW (you can't control the House without concent of the player, and many players won't concent), how do you see this CoC actually functioning? Wouldn't it be more profitable to work on setting up a Merc CoC/Council, for units that work soley for House Davion, than by trying to herd the 5+ digit amount of cats that will be the House Davion faction players?
If not, then another question. How do you plan on enforcing the authority of the House Davion CoC?
Seriously, what I've posted is a TINY FRACTION of what has gone on in this thread. I've been pretty damn consistent in my message. It has been heard by LordRush, but it seems to be lost on many people.
Edited by Dihm, 04 April 2012 - 03:50 AM.