Just a quick update for upcoming weapon checks and balancing.
First off, the Gauss Rifle. As mentioned in AtD45, I stated that the changes to the Gauss Rifle's firing mechanic were to help make it a role specific weapon. Testing has proven that while the mechanic takes a bit to get used to, it is very effective at defining the Gauss Rifle as a long range sniper weapon. The charge time is easy to get used to, due to its short (0.75 second) delay. While it is meant to be a long range weapon, the Gauss Rifle is still usable at short range. It just requires a much higher skill shot rather than a simple point and click.
This is the first of our upcoming changes that involve diversifying some of the weapon systems into more defined role types. These won't be big game changers, just small tweaks to bring some of the weapons in line with the rest. More info will be released as we put changes into the pipeline.
That being said, Flamers and a revisit of the UAC/5 are currently being looked at. I've also asked Dave to take a look at lights the same way mediums were addressed. Stay tuned for more information on that.
As per usual, feedback can go here:
- Paul