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#221 Ragor


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:51 AM

Are the any plans for an alternate player (pilot) model?
Maybe with the famous 'shorts', a cooling vest and the famous boots?

(Hence, I would pay MC for having a combat knife in my boots and a revolver in my leg holster......)

#222 Jale


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 04:03 AM

View PostDarkAlman, on 11 November 2012 - 10:03 PM, said:

Would you prefer a giant cannon ball like in Mechwarrior 2?

But seriously this is what a real gauss rifle looks like


I would prefer gauss shot look something like from mw4, with blue spiral trace of electromagnetic coil. The denser the coil (spiral) is, the projectile is faster and doing bigger impact

Edited by Jale, 12 November 2012 - 06:20 AM.

#223 Gorrn


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 05:57 AM

Is anything planned to keep sure, that a mech stay active in the game until the round ends even if his user disconnects?

Momentary i had several games with players who disconnects the game just a second before I killed their mech. In effect of this disconnect, the Mechkill isnt counted for the winning mech.
Just for understanding I dont talk of mechs standing still in the Start Zone, I am speaking of mechs who gave me a good fight for several minutes and disconnects before destruction.

#224 Apoc1138


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:09 AM

View PostCole Allard, on 12 November 2012 - 03:37 AM, said:

Hey Garth,

hope your doing great. Here my questions to you:

- Can you please increase the maximum number of Mechbays? I do not want to sell my Mechs after I mastered them.

buy some... they are not expensive... there is no limit (as far as I'm aware) on the number of mech bays you can buy with MC

#225 Calmon


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:16 AM

Q: Why is DHS doubling the additional Heat Threshold compared to SHS? Makes no sense at all and the reason DHS is massively OP.

Edited by Calmon, 12 November 2012 - 08:23 AM.

#226 627


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:24 AM

Hey Garth,

Are the Mech trees "final" or "work in progress"? Will there be other Upgrades in the master tier or any change to mech-specific efficiencies?

#227 Kingdok


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:36 AM

View PostThontor, on 12 November 2012 - 05:36 AM, said:

A Gauss Rifle is not a railgun, it's a coilgun.... Big difference in how the projectile looks...

Come on, people... the electromagnetically accelerated projectile ought to be traveling so darn fast that its appearance is a mystery...

#228 Cole Allard


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:40 AM

View PostApoc1138, on 12 November 2012 - 06:09 AM, said:

buy some... they are not expensive... there is no limit (as far as I'm aware) on the number of mech bays you can buy with MC

Dear Apoc,

please make sure you are informed next time please...the maximum number of bays IS limited...my question is valid as it is. If 15 bays are enough or not, is another discussion that does not belong here if you agree. Thank you.

#229 Miken


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 06:59 AM

Do you plan to bring in the game Arrow 4 and Long tom artillery?

#230 Joe Mallad


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 07:11 AM

Once the meta-game is up and running and we have the chance to fight for and or protect a world will we see our unit names, god deeds and misfortunes in the news? Like for example... In today's news: thanks to the help of a few well known Merc Units, the planet of (insert planet name here) was able to fend off multiple pirate raids. One such Merc unit known as the Dreadnought Merc Corp stepped up really took the fight to the invading pirates.

Edited by Yoseful Mallad, 12 November 2012 - 07:12 AM.

#231 Justa Dogtrooper


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 07:14 AM

Do you think it would be nice...to Keep your "first kill" in a trial mech.
If your team wins and you survive the engagement.

A carbon copy of your kill would sufice, with no ammo and all damage.

This would make it possible to hunt the mech of your choice.
You then use the trial mech or Cbill earned to fix it up and join the fight.

I.ve played TT and so far things are keeping the the "Root" of things.
Read most of the BattleTech stuff to over the years, maybe a system like that would please most and fulfil the promis to give new players an eary route to their first mech.

Ps I find the current system OK.

#232 Treckin


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 07:29 AM

View PostTekadept, on 08 November 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

1. Are merc units going to be able to Register their Merc unit name soon before the meta game? kind of like how we reserved our Game names? If not how will PGI deal with name stealers ie people who blatantly register a merc unit name to troll?

2. Is it ever foreseeable to have a way to directly convert MC to cbills? or be able to purchase shiny XL engines with MC? Seems silly people have to buy a mech and sell straight away, enough people do it im sure to perhaps put in an actual mechanic?

3. Has any actual code/design work been started in the Metagame yet? ie any developers set aside on that specifically or is everyone all hands on deck for the current implentation only and metagame is not even a thought from a coders point of view.

You dont understand what "metagame" means... Its an evolved set of strategies, a player reaction to balance, not something you can code.

#233 dal10


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 08:18 AM

can we get the name of the clans section changed? a lot of people are getting confused and looking for a gaming clan there...

#234 Shelshoq


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 08:39 AM

would it be possible to purchase the rights to unseen mechs?

by this i mean could you ask for a dollar amount then we as the community raise it so we can have some badass units?

#235 Bubba Wilkins


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 08:40 AM

How about any comments on:

Posted Image

Did I get the ambient mechanics right?
How about the overall feel of DHS's as they appear to working now?

#236 Tombstoner


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 09:16 AM

Why is there such a strong adherence to TT weapons, when now is a great time to add to the lore and fix game balance in one stroke.

basically where are the missing weapons.... ac15, gauss10?

What i am proposing is making gauss not a single weapon but a specific category. one that embodies the properties of low heat generation, single slug concentrated direct fire damage.

For Auto-cannons let them fire a stream of multiple shots 5-6, this would convert auto cannons into a slashing weapon much like lasers. i love the sound auto cannons make great job adds a lot of enjoyment for me.

Single shot
all or nothing
low heat / with ammo
gauss - 2 this is the current ac-2
gauss - 5
gauss - 10
gauss - 15
gauss - 20

Multi shot tracers
distributed damage
low heat / with ammo
AC-2 current machine gun

This design concept can be carried over to energy weapons and fleshed out

Single shot
all or nothing
high heat - no ammo

Multi shot - beam
distributed damage
high heat / no ammo
small laser - 2
medium laser - 5

large laser - 10
huge laser - 15
WTF laser - 20

Next is ER for energy weapons and ultra variants for gauss and auto cannons
energy weapons get longer ranges with higher heat
ammo weapons get higher fire rates with jamming

#237 Virtusx


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 09:48 AM

#1 For community warfare, is it planned that all can enjoy it? Or do you have to (or even heavily preferred) be a part of a premade group to really compete? Other games have called it clan warfare will it be the same here?

#2 Have you thought of adding some penalty to the Gauss Rifle at close range to better balance the weapon against others like the AC/20?

Edited by Virtusx, 12 November 2012 - 09:49 AM.

#238 Arbatrix


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 10:19 AM

With the year set at 3049 and days passing in-game at the same speed as in the real world, are there any plans to jump years in the future? If not, would it be safe to assume that mechs like the Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) Mk II (would be released 2024 in real-time) and Ryoken II (released 2038.....) will never make it into the game? Those happen to be my two favourites.

#239 Tempworker


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 10:20 AM


Would you say the implementation has been going as you expected? How about the customer response, anything there much different than anticipated?

We're anticipating the Cataphract in 2 weeks.. yet there are mechs announced far sooner that haven't appeared. Is that to plan? is there an issue with rollout?

Factions. Ballpark timeframe? months? Purpose would be an excellent game addition.

Are you leaving room in your balancing work for clan tech? ie: weapons will be cooler, hit harder... MASC will destroy your current speeds. Have you left a gap to maximum performance to accommodate these changes? or will everything get scaled back at clan launch.

Solaris. Map options here can be anything you wish them to be. Will we see "gaming arenas"?

#240 The Basilisk


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 10:27 AM

What is your outlook for missle weapons.
With the last LRM Hotfix Mechs like Catapults (C4, Founders or A1) became merely poor supporter without real dmg potential but hillarious ammunition costs.
What will be the ultimate goal in development for missleheavy mechs.

Edited by The Basilisk, 12 November 2012 - 10:29 AM.

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