Intermediate+ Players' Guide To The Jenner
Posted 03 March 2013 - 03:49 PM
Having a team you can rely on is always better of course.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 03:43 AM
what shall i do when encountering ECM-Streak-lights? Can't outrun them, can't outgun them, barely can outmaneuver them using jump technique ( to no use whatsoever ).
Any ideas, strategies, youtube vids, paintbrush drawings, anything

I use 4 MLs on this build, because i haven't bought DHS, and i'm not sure i want too (1.5M is too much), XL300 engine+2 HS, 2 jets, AMS, BEAGLE and full armor. Should i change to 6 SLs or SPLs ? Is this more effective in close combat? Should i invest 1.5M in DHS for eliting this mech (and i'm sure i won't use him after, just want to unlock master)?
And the ECM-Streak-light are a problem even for the D build, with 2 SRMs, so any advice is more than welcome.
Usually i do around 200 damage/game, but somehow i avoided kills almost completely. Probably this will improve together with my skills, given enough time and games.
Edited by Ferodaktyl, 05 March 2013 - 04:06 AM.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:07 AM
Small pulse is very close to useless. Use mediums if you want to up the firepower.
Between Jenner F and Craven 3L, same technique, but you're going to have a very rough time. As far as possible try to get a teammate's help, or you'll probably die.
Edited by Hayashi, 05 March 2013 - 04:11 AM.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:30 AM

Probably i'll mount 2 more MLs on the Jenner F and put all 6 on a group for a punch when needed. Also i'll pump up the frontal armor a bit. I usually go for a 2:1 ratio front:rear.
Thanks for advice.
And btw., the master skill is kinda meh... but so are 2 of the elite and more of basic...
Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:32 AM
Ferodaktyl, on 05 March 2013 - 03:43 AM, said:
what shall i do when encountering ECM-Streak-lights? Can't outrun them, can't outgun them, barely can outmaneuver them using jump technique ( to no use whatsoever ).
Any ideas, strategies, youtube vids, paintbrush drawings, anything

First of all: you've started piloting one of the strongest light in MWO.
What about ideas: outrun streak-carriers as fast as possible and hit-their-legs.
Strategy: break the lock using cover, terrain, JJs, your teammates - don't let them hold lock. Most of the streak-users do not have enough skill (and modules), so they'll loose you (most of them, because skilled light pilots with low pings don't need streaks ant they prefer SRMs).
It's also good idea to run directly in front of your heavy teammates, let them kill raven (you can even make a couple of friendly-shots to grab some attengion). Do not circle with streak-carriers alone.
About loadouts and weapons:
Ferodaktyl, on 05 March 2013 - 03:43 AM, said:
Ehm.. Do you really need it ALL on your Jenner at once? At the beginning I've tried to put as much equipment as possible by reducing armor, HS, firepower. But I've realized that special builds much better agains ECM-streak lights.
Let's begin:
4ML - why should you use 4? Major advantage of jenner - it's amazing firepower: 30 dmg pinpoint Alphastrike! You should better use 6ML and use them in chainfire mode, cutting Craven's legs).
DHS - install them as fast as possible! You'll immediately double your sustained DPS, that'll allow you to shoot more and do more damage. I also insist you to install Endo and Ferro upgrades.
2 JJ - as I said before, you have to use terrain to "outjump" SSRM-carrier. So 5 JJ'll do this job much better.
AMS - it doesn't work against SSRMs in close combat. At 100-200m range you're able to hide behind cover. What about LRMs- it's possible to outrun them and hide.
BAP - it depends. Works well with Sensor Range + Target Info Gathering modules, it allowes you to gain information about targets really fast. But.. ECM completely nullifies it's benefits. So, you have to choose: 1DHS+0.5ton of armor or BAP.
And one more: XL295 from Raven fits on Jenner-F very-very well. For example, I'm using this config: JR7-F Works well agains heavies. But I can also help my teammates with lagwarriors on RVN-3L/COM-2D.
Edited by XSerjo, 05 March 2013 - 04:34 AM.
Posted 05 March 2013 - 05:17 AM
Shortly, i have 6 MLs, 3JJ, AMS, 232/238 armor, XL300 w 12 HS, Endo, Fero.
i only have to get the DHS, but i'm short on credits now, so it will have to wait.
Edit : i may give up AMS once i become more confident with this mech, in exchange for DDS or BAP. I also have a XL280 engine, and i can mount it instead of XL300 once i unlock speed tweak.
Edited by Ferodaktyl, 05 March 2013 - 05:27 AM.
Posted 06 March 2013 - 10:21 AM
Following your advices (and thanks a lot for them), i dropped AMS on all builds, putting instead extra DHS or JJs.
I wonder about BEAGLE use on jenner, or even a TAG for D build. Or going for XL300 instead of 280.
Anyway, now my Jenner7-F is simplicity itself , with 6MLs, 4 JJ, XL300+2DHS and almost full armor. It's a mean speedy jumpy laser freak. I've put the lasers all on group 1 for alpha strike and all on 2 for chain fire, and this setup is working wonders.
For my Jenner7-D i'm contemplating dropping 1 DHS ( i have 1 now on a XL280, with a heat eff. of 1.24, without it i'd have 1.2 eff.) in favor of a third ton of SRM ammo.
Maybe i'll keep them both, and invest some cash in some mech bays, after all this game deserves it.
As a side questions, hero mechs have all the skills already researched?
Edited by Ferodaktyl, 06 March 2013 - 10:29 AM.
Posted 06 March 2013 - 05:13 PM
I sold my K (because the K plain fails relative to the D) and kept both the F and D. Both are fun in different ways.
If you want to put TAG, do consider the TAG autofiring .xml fix Vechs came up with. It'll make your life a lot easier.
This guide is still outdated atm, but I'm too busy IRL to update it.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:42 AM
went from dying constantly to actually living to do some damage and in most cases surviving the match and doing quite a bit of damage... even had a high damage match of around 475 and 3 kills
here is the loadout i'm using (or pretty close to it) JR7-D
I realize the 1st thing that folks are going to mention is why use small pulses instead of ML? i realized that most of the time when i'm fighting, i'm well within the spl range and i like the slightly faster fire rate of the smalls.
I might end up going back to ML and fooling around with it, but SPL seem to be doing ok for me right now.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 04:47 PM
Posted 07 March 2013 - 05:26 PM
Edited by Hayashi, 07 March 2013 - 05:26 PM.
Posted 09 March 2013 - 08:41 PM
One would be Target Info i guess, and for the other, it's either 360 Target or Adv. Sensor. Target Decay doesn't looks very useful, nor do the others.
Hmm, i wish there were more options to chose from...
Posted 10 March 2013 - 08:00 AM
360 Target is next to useless for the Jenner because of how fast the Jenner can turn. It doesn't acquire new targets behind you, only tracks targets you already have active when they pass behind you. Because nothing can outturn you, if you have something targeted it will never be a threat behind you. It's more important for Stalkers and Atlases.
Target information is useful if you want to finish enemies off quickly, it's better for a striker role.
Adv Sensor range is useful if you want to spot enemies from further away as a better scout.
Capture accelerator is extremely important for Conquest and near useless for Assault.
I'd advocate Capture Accelerator and Target Decay. If and when you can unlock a third, choose between range and information.
Posted 13 March 2013 - 06:47 AM
Hayashi, on 10 March 2013 - 08:00 AM, said:
360 Target is next to useless for the Jenner because of how fast the Jenner can turn. It doesn't acquire new targets behind you, only tracks targets you already have active when they pass behind you. Because nothing can outturn you, if you have something targeted it will never be a threat behind you. It's more important for Stalkers and Atlases.
Target information is useful if you want to finish enemies off quickly, it's better for a striker role.
Adv Sensor range is useful if you want to spot enemies from further away as a better scout.
Capture accelerator is extremely important for Conquest and near useless for Assault.
I'd advocate Capture Accelerator and Target Decay. If and when you can unlock a third, choose between range and information.
What does your D variant load-out look like? thanks!
Posted 19 April 2013 - 06:55 AM
JR7-D XL 300, 4ML, 2SSRM, 4JJ
With the recent patches there seem to be less ecm lights around, so SSRMs are more useful. Also the sensor range module helps a lot to keep track. Upgrade to artemis for faster lock on time.
JR7-F, XL300, 6 ML, 4 JJ
I was running only 2 jj first but than i traded a DHS for 2 more. And its worth it.
JR7-K, XL 300, 4 ML, 1 SRM4, 5 JJ
The D could do this loadout too, but i don't like to keep hardpoints unused. And the K has an extra module slot.
Full jumpsets are awesome and lets you even play more than the other variants. The AMS keeps you and your teammates alive, although LRMs are not that common in the latest patch. Nerveless its worth the tonnage for me.
Edited by SchwarzerPeter, 19 April 2013 - 06:57 AM.
Posted 28 April 2013 - 12:28 PM
Posted 06 June 2013 - 07:50 PM
Posted 20 December 2013 - 06:16 AM
I love my 6 ML F, yes I've got to be careful of heat, but that is simply another reason to disengage from an encounter, a cool-down period.
Ran into too much ECM to see my Streak-D variant as viable anymore though, not really having the tonnage for a BAP and all, but that may just be down to my preferred playing style.

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