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3Rd Person :: Its Coming

official feedback

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#1481 andrewkhlim


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 04:57 PM

I played a bit of MW4 and MWLL, but most of my play time has been in MWO. I reckon Legue of Ledgends did it right in regards to training a new player base via bots, or avoiding the very vocal and immature online community via bots only. I read a few of the comments and I wouldn't be a fan if snipers gain an unfair advantage, as it becomes a dull affair.

That being said I am indifferent to the idea of 3PV. I think just making it a game mode i.e. like capture the flag or TDM etc (seperate) would solve the community woes (except for the 1%, nothing will make them happy except gonig back to MW3/MWLL apparently).

#1482 CCODEZ


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 04:57 PM

Stopped Reading every post after the first 20 pages. My opinion doesn't break general consensus.

Here is my nail |---- and I'll hammer it with as many No's as is needed to get my point across. It's a 1st person view mech "fic-sim" (Fiction Simulator using the most reasonable estimates of what it should look, sound and feel like) and above all else a MechWarrior game, not a MechLookingOver game.

The HUD and Cockpit visuals you guys have built are absolutely fantastic in detail, if it wasn't for gettin shot at (as an Atlas tends to have done to it.. a lot) I could look about it for ages lookin at all the ammo stock controls and the twiddling of the controls... well asside from the feet but I'll forgive you that oversight :), and lets not forget the bobbleheads! Why go through so much detail to then just allow a switch to a superior tactical view that everyone would likely have to use to be competitive.

Besides the balance issues, to have 3rd person dumped on us after specifically assuring, reassuring and confirming it would not happen would literally kill any credability you have left with the fan base.

Granted its all been said before and I know there could be ways to implement it, but why... it just is not needed.

Take today. My mum brought a new steamer type device and proceeded to open it, fill it up, plug it in and struggle to use it, tried to bend things, put the attachments on it (well try) and just wasn't having much luck. She then looked at the instruction manual and got it working after 5 mins. Lesson learnt I feel. As many others have said, give a training ground to practice, develop and can even leave it in to give players a place to run test builds, all without ruining someone elses game play in the process by not kicking that cats arse because they were too busy running out of bounds.

This would solve more of these orietation issues quicker than 3rd person ever could. Besides I'm sure you have built something similar to this for your own testing purposes so half the work done already!

Edited by CCODEZ, 14 November 2012 - 05:01 PM.

#1483 FreeZe


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 04:58 PM

Another aspect that 3rd person view would kill is light mech effectiveness. You add 3rd person, and suddenly my element of surprise on an Atlas disappears. Mechs shouldn't have eyes in their ***!

#1484 The Testiclops


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 04:58 PM

This may be the straw that broke the camels back. If this is implemented in some completely ******** way you guys will lose a lot of people...

#1485 Billygoat


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:00 PM

If PGI were intended to create an arcade robot shooter with a vague Battletech theme, then they should have said so from the start. Add low-poly, cell-shaded graphics, more stylised mechs (like MW:T), third-person view and a bunch of simple, fun game modes and that might have even been a lot of fun. I would probably play that.

But an arcade shooter is not what has been promised up until now and it is not what PGI was publicly committed to when I ponied up the cash for the Founders' programme. I won't be demanding a refund or anything silly like that, but I wouldn't expect to be spending anything further as I had previously intended if this latest announcement is indicative of the direction this game is going to be headed.

I have up til now been forgiving of problems that I felt were the result of a small, inexperienced dev team having bitten off more than they can chew. A string of botched patches, ongoing balance issues, slow pace of development, heaps of bugs... It sucks, but it's been tolerable, at least to me, because I felt like PGI's hearts were still more-or-less in the right place even if their eyes were bigger than their stomachs. But this is a deliberate about-face on commitments made about the direction of the game.

I know there are potentially ways that 3rd person could be implemented without being gamebreaking, but to be frank, I think PGI has already burned most of the trust that the core players of this game had in them that they might be able to pull it off in any fashion except the one we all know and fear will be case.

#1486 Stone Wall


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:00 PM

View Postvon Pilsner, on 14 November 2012 - 04:56 PM, said:

If you played MW4 competitively you would remember the poptart snipers in 3rd person mode... It is a game changer.

what's wrong with having to fight a new style of combat?

#1487 Ferc Polo


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:00 PM

The way the mechs move, turn, react, start, stop...everything about the Mech Combat at this point is VERY tight and VERY close to perfect. Sure there are problems with netcode here and there but the core combat FEELS chunky and powerful...the weapon impacts are great...the weight of piloting an Atlas vs moving about fleetly in a Jenner is palpable. There's so much right with it. I LOVE being in my mehc's cockpit!

And then I was knocked down...and I saw from the outside...Why can't we stay in the cockpit when a mech falls over? It's not about immersion...it's about me piloting a mech... and if I am knocked over why would I need to see third person view? I'm currently useless until I stand back up...so why show me what's going on? Make me sweat it out in the cockpit! The way it was I was given time to find all the enemies around me, plan my exit, and then soon as I went back into the cockpit I'd hit someone then be out of there...

So if 3rd person kills the disadvantage of being knocked down and allows me only 5 seconds of 3rd person view...then adding a 3rd person option itself will destroy any sense of mech simulator and any sense of disadvantage to not using your situational awareness. It would ruin the fun of getting behind a big mech when he's distracted and opening fire. It would ruin the fun of kiting an enemy around buildings and through their base...it would make ambushes much harder to pull off...

If you want newbies to become comfortable with the game they need to spend time learning how to control their mech...they don't need an entirely different system of play. What's the point? They'll learn to control in 3rd person and then just want to stick to that...it may even make it HARDER to acclimatize to the 1st person view once they are used to 3rd...they will yearn to see over that hill or behind their mech or way to the left and right...it will probably **** them off more to take it away than to just not have it.

#1488 Durahl


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:01 PM

Actually I wouldn't mind the ability to look at my Mech once we get the ability to use Cammo Patterns, Badges and maybe even Custom Skins with something like a Camera Drone that is always fixed to look at center of my Mech but can be moved around to be able to "inspect" my Mech. I really wouldn't mind something like that.

#1489 Vapor Trail


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:02 PM

View PostFactorlanP, on 14 November 2012 - 04:23 PM, said:

And in a relatively short amount of time as well.

And such a landslide sentiment.

#1490 Soy


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:02 PM

Ok, theory for a sec.

Lets say there is a module that is put into the game, that enables a camera to extend out of your head/rear torso/whatever, 5 feet behind you on a wire or something and opens up a small window that you can see 3pv out of. It can be damaged or whatever, maybe it's really small in the corner and doesn't give a huge sense of spatial information, or perhaps it covers up center of your screen and thus the risk is obstructing both views at expense of one another in a sort of compromising manner. Maybe it costs a lot to repair or something, but not buy/use. Maybe it's a drone that hovers behind, I don't know.

What is wrong with some sort of concept like this that satisfies fluff/ambiance/immersion, risk/reward, availability and customization issues to both noobs and pros, etc.

I don't understand why 3pv would destroy the game. I've been following this thread a lot for the past 3, 4 hours and as far as I can tell, a lot of people are reacting with disgust. I understand concern about lack of focus by PGI, or anxiety or about proper balance issues, but I don't understand hate or disgust.

Edited by Soy, 14 November 2012 - 05:04 PM.

#1491 IntruderAlert


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:02 PM

3rd person would be cool if it were limited to Spectator mode or after a successful EJECT...

Otherwise...NO Don't buckle on your original commitment.

It's not World of MechCraft!!!


#1492 Cache


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:03 PM

View PostDivine Madcat, on 14 November 2012 - 04:42 PM, said:

You assume they listen to feedback *cough* Mechlab *cough* *cough* Double heatsinks *cough*

No, I don't assume. I know. And I have patience to wait weeks or months for results.

FYI, a new UI for MechLab is in work. Hatred of current DHS isn't as universal as you seem to think--not even in the ballpark of the dislike of 3rd person view.

#1493 Divine Madcat


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:03 PM

View PostStone Wall, on 14 November 2012 - 05:00 PM, said:

what's wrong with having to fight a new style of combat?

If you have to ask why mechs doing NOTHING but jumping up and down, trying to snipe each other for 15 mintues is bad, you need a different game..

#1494 IceSerpent


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:04 PM

View PostSoy, on 14 November 2012 - 04:48 PM, said:

I just do not understand the ultimatum players "I paid money I will quit and ask for refund if this feature is introduced". What is the problem, you can still play FPS. You can still RP and pretend to be a space cowboy, I don't see RPers threatening to quit if you're allowed to name your pilot "squirrel master deluxe9000".

In order to "play FPS" you need two things: a working FPS game and people to play with / against. Currently MWO is only in a semi-working state (I am being generous and positive here) and people working on 3rd person view won't be working on fixing existing issues. Splitting the community in half will make it difficult to find people to play with/against. So no, we are unlikely to be able to "still play FPS".


View PostIntruderAlert, on 14 November 2012 - 05:02 PM, said:

3rd person would be cool if it were limited to Spectator mode or after a successful EJECT...

It would be totally cool if I were to spectate on an Atlas you are trying to flank and tell the pilot exactly where you are, wouldn't it? ;)

Edited by IceSerpent, 14 November 2012 - 05:07 PM.

#1495 Onyx Rain


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:05 PM

I don't really care about 3rd person one way or another but 90% do...and the ice has already been getting thinner under your feet PGI.

I think we need something major to restore the community's faith...Like re-prioritizing the Highlander since basically 60% said in a recent poll they'd rather have that mech in game before some others scheduled (Like the Flea, cuz we so desperately need another light mech, before a JJ capable assault.) ;)

#1496 Shadow X


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:05 PM

Dont add this, please.

#1497 Ferc Polo


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:06 PM

View Postcache, on 14 November 2012 - 05:03 PM, said:

No, I don't assume. I know. And I have patience to wait weeks or months for results.

FYI, a new UI for MechLab is in work. Hatred of current DHS isn't as universal as you seem to think--not even in the ballpark of the dislike of 3rd person view.

I fercing LOVE DHS. They rock. I don't run a single build without them at this time.

#1498 Zylo


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:08 PM

View PostSoy, on 14 November 2012 - 05:02 PM, said:

I don't understand why 3pv would destroy the game. I've been following this thread a lot for the past 3, 4 hours and as far as I can tell, a lot of people are reacting with disgust. I understand concern about lack of focus by PGI, or anxiety or about proper balance issues, but I don't understand hate or disgust.

If you don't understand by now then you probably never will.

At this point you are simply choosing to ignore all examples other players have given in this thread about why 3rd person view is bad for MWO.

#1499 Narteck


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:08 PM

PGI if you really think adding a 3rd person view to the game is a good idea, even though the community is completely against the idea. Then maybe you should give Microsoft a call so that you can license MechAssault from them.

You have stated yourself that you wanted to create a mech simulation game that is reminiscing of the Mech Warrior IP.

A 3rd person view would take away from the game mechanics that you are still introducing with role warefare. The 3rd person view would allow people to instantly know where everyone is around them and provide them with beneficial view to see other mech’s on the battlefield they would not be able to see before. This also means you would have to waste development time on the camera and making sure that it works with you maps. Like when a mech is running between buildings on River City or the caves of Frozen City and Forest Colony.

This would dumb down the experience to an Arcady gameplay that is not what your community wants. Spend the resources on getting content, bug fixes, and community warfare and battlemechs into the game which is what your community wants.

Your planned implementation of the 3rd person view would just further split the player population during gameplay. So now players would have 4 player 1st person drops, 8 player 1st person drops, 4 player 3rd person drops and 8 player 3rd person drops.

The 3rd person view sounds more like a failure of PGI to teach new players the ropes. Don’t waste resources on this 3rd person view that will take away from the game and spend those resources on implementing an in-game voice chat systems already. This will solve many of your problems right now. People will start to communicate more often with other players in matches and be able to get quick help on what they are doing and at the same time improve the issue with pugs in drops not being able to coordinate well. In-game voice chat would add more to MWO than many other ideas that your floating around like the 3rd person view.

#1500 Hylius


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:08 PM

No. It's a terrible idea. I don't know why you want to do it. You say torso twisting is hard? Give a proper tutorial. Your videos are nice but no one is going to sit and watch a video for 10 minutes. Make quick training sessions like MW2 had. Those were not only useful in telling me how things worked, they helped me become a better player (nothing helped trained torso twisting like running a gauntlet with a Fire Moth). They were simple, quick, easy, and helped a bunch. Do something similar, even with current maps. Prompt the user to take them when they start and offer them for anyone who wants to work on something.

Do NOT copy from World of Tanks. I stopped playing it for a reason. I'll stop playing MWO too at this rate. Listen to your fan base.

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