Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:16 AM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:19 AM
The reason for bringing in 3P would be to make things easier for new players, especially getting across the concept of independent legs/torso. An ideal solution to this might be an actual in-game tutorial, but A: that is a lot of work compared to just moving the camera and B: a lot of people are too impatient to play a tutorial anyway (and who can blame them, when many tutorials are dull as ditchwater.)
What I'd suggest is instead of a full tutorial, to have intelligent in-game hints, similar to valve games like Left4Dead and Portal. If the game detects that somebody is running into a wall, pop-up a tip: "Use [A][S] to orient your legs, the mouse moves your torso." If someone is overheating repeatedly, pop up a tip about watching your heat gauge and the override shutdown key. If someone is only using 1 weapon group, reminds them that there are others. If someone is hitting with their arm weapons, but missing with their torso weapons, remind them about the two different targeting reticules. If someone is firing weapons outside their effective range, tell them so. If someone isn't using the target key, "Press [R] to select a target."
Additionally, showing these tips, and graphics like control layouts, labelled HUD diagrams and so forth on the loading screen would be a big help.
Implement tooltips, descriptions etc for the mechlab, too!
The advent of *******' Betty will also provide some much needed feedback for certain events, too. I would suggest including BB subtitles though, for deaf gamers.
All of this would be more effort than turning on 3rd-person view, and maybe that could work as a stopgap. But it's a lot less effort than building a (fun!) tutorial mission, and would be a huge boon to new players. Obviously, experienced players would have to be able to turn them off.
Edited by Mishatron, 16 November 2012 - 04:23 AM.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:19 AM
and while i do want this game to thrive i cant help but feel that this was really really easy to have seen coming and that they should have taken steps long ago to help smooth the transition for new players by getting the serious bugs and crashes sorted, by adding all the equipment stats, an actual tutorial system, better trial Mech system and really get the netcode under control.
I just cant see how adding a 3pv is going to suddenly make all of that not an issue and open the flood gates to new players.
Honestly had I not been a massive MechWarrior fan I would have tried this game a few times seen that it has some potential but would have moved on due to the bugs/netcode/Missing data/etc
It seems to me that fixing those will go alot further to helping the new guys than a 3pv
I really do want this game to succeed and will be around for at least a while yet but that also means I will put up with alot more bug/crashes/problems than the average new player
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:36 AM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:44 AM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:51 AM
Wonder if you will be providing cockpits for mechs a year from now, or simply state that the majority of the new players use 3rd person anyway. My thrust has been shaken pretty bad lately. Will we get collosions back? I wonder.
Edited by Oy of MidWorld, 16 November 2012 - 09:14 AM.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 04:53 AM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:07 AM
No of course.
Instead make an introduction video for new players they can't skip when first booting the game (like in Planetside 2) that teaches the basics of 'tank' gameplay, controls etc. in a nice short fashion.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:12 AM
Quxudica, on 14 November 2012 - 08:43 AM, said:
Game development especially for a AAA level title is extremely expensive. They have salaries, licenses to pay, taxes, rent, day to day utilities, Marketing and PR, their publisher takes a cut, and now that founders is over the only thing making money for them at the moment is MC purchases for mechs/bays.
Salaries for 40 people who already had salaries does not explain away 5 million in founders money, nor does rent or utilities, this game has virtually no marketing or PR at all. Where did the money go?
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:17 AM
Devils Advocate, on 16 November 2012 - 05:12 AM, said:
Salaries for 40 people who already had salaries does not explain away 5 million in founders money, nor does rent or utilities, this game has virtually no marketing or PR at all. Where did the money go?
Sure it does, I can't go on facebook or www.weather.com without seeing a big glowing atlas head saying "The legend has returned". Also they need to recoup the cost of salaries and expenses while still making a profit. Hell go to any gaming site or any site that generally has mass side-banner ads, I garuntee you, you will see the glowing atlas head.
In this day and age when inflation is as high as it is, 5 million seems like a lot to the average person , however not to a business or corporation that can spend that in a couple months easy developing something.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:19 AM
Check out this thread. Currently sitting at
NO 2643 to Yes 124
Edited by pjnt, 16 November 2012 - 05:22 AM.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:19 AM
At least they could show some balls here by stating why and IF they even implement this 3rd pers crap despite all the NO's they get from the customers here.
If nothing else, it would at least be honest to the community....
But is suppose the NO'S here just dont fit their expected echo from the community and therefore they will play silent and then shove this thing over to us in one of the next patches --> maybe even without a patch note.
PGI you have stated your reasons to many ( not all but many) unpleasant questions from the community, Even if it was unpopular --> and that was a good thing to do!
Now you play silent on this topic longer than you have done to all the other "community pressed issues" that came up until now--> That makes a really bad bad impression! Especially since you break your own promises about the goal and way of the project. If you betray your product and your most dedicated audience like this, at least do it with balls!
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:22 AM
1st person is great for me i run a slightly modified FOV 75 which makes you feel sat in the chair (vs on the dash) and get you a little more peripheral vision out the side windows.
Being force into 3rd person (because playing in 1st would be a big disadvantage) would mute alot of the fun for me. Maybe not a game breaker but certainly after disappointing Joystick support, having to play in 3rd will cut down how much life this game will have with me personally.
If people insist on 3rd person how long till they insist on full radar, NH/UA games, respawn?
Back at the start PGI promise the following;
FFP - Recanted
Joystick support - MIA
Community warfare - MIA
More to game play than just kills - Debatable
No Pay to win - to early to say but MC's cost alot of real money for what they buy
One free mech - Recanted (trail mechs ick)
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:26 AM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:30 AM
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:35 AM
3pv totally ruins the game.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:41 AM
Admittedly, when I first started playing I found the learning curve quite steep, but I liked what PGI were doing so I persevered and I really like the gameplay the way it is. A 3rd person perspective would alter a lot of the strategies I like to employ.
If they're worried about people finding the game a bit too difficult, why not add a scaled down offline mode that allows players to test drive a mech to familiarise themselves with the controls?
Look, if they implemented the 3rd person view, I suspect I'd still hang around for a while, but I would be somewhat disappointed.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:41 AM
3rd person view as an option can't detract from immersiveness all that much, since you can always choose to remain in 1st person, but having it will be a big plus for people (yes, like me), who loved playing MechWarrior games with 3rd person, who loved watching their mechs as they piloted them.
I'll agree that 3rd person view might change gameplay a bit, but how can it really be bad at all?
And if my arguments fail to convince anyone, think about it this way:
You are all saying no to a feature that I'd like to have for reasons that're... Debatable at best.
It wouldn't harm you, but it'd be a big plus for people like me.
Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:45 AM
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