Alois Hammer, on 16 November 2012 - 06:53 AM, said:
If you take them at their word, you find yourself in a quandary: Is their word that 1st person is a core pillar of their design their real word, or their "no really, we promise that when we renege on 'core pillar' and add third person anyway, we'll make sure it doesn't muck up first person" their real word?
Talk like a politician, get what you deserve- people not trusting you as far as they could drop-kick you.
Sounds like a job for B------- Betty:
"Mech is walking into a wall. Please turn."
"Still walking into wall. Please look where you're going."
"Still walking into same wall. Reporting to High Command, expect reassignment soon."
People like consistency. 1 reason I got back into this was the promise of first person. I absolutely do not buy the argument that 3rd person will help in anyway....except on a training level where the torso twist is shown/demonstrated. However, even this is just barely passable...what are we saying here? people are now so dumb that they cant walk one way and look another? for real?
Maybe it's time to pull "Idiocracy" out for another reminder of what the future has in store for us if this is really the road we are going down.
Selling this game has nothing to do with 3rd person...I'm convinced the 3rd person demand is simply the gamers demand for more visual perception of his surroundings...and as others noted, it really detracts from the games "moments" the atlas you run into around a corner, the entire current radar system - toss that out the window too.
If PGI really needs to see more money/interaction already well...
Put on some sales - 2-3 mechs for 20 bucks, with the current prices some sales like Tribes:Ascend runs "Daily deal" might be a good idea. people love a good deal.
Add more maps.
Create a tutorial.
balance the weapons.
let the community help you...let us build maps and submit them too you. I bet in 6 months this community could churn out 20-50 maps, and 1 guy could handle testing them through a solid pass through testing server if PGI gave us exact map ground rules and specifications for maps.
We need a chat lobby. a way to create "launch with these 16 people and run a training session"
You know how much easier that would make it to train people to pilot?
Right now it's all just random drops. there is no breathing room, no target practice map.
yes 5 million bucks isn't a huge amount of money. But those of you commenting on this as if PGI needs even more to do this job right - sorry, but plenty of games to date have been developed for far less than 5 million bucks, made far more money, and needed far less than 45 devs.
if PGI is not succeeding or where they want to be with MWO, I'm quite sure that lack of 3rd person in a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER is not the reason.
But maybe we are wrong. Maybe outside this poll, somewhere in happy mushroom land, some PGI exec is sitting on a document heavily researched and polled that says "hey, if we add 3rd person, another 10 million users will join, because people just like 3rd person and are too dumb to walk and chew bubblegum"
Edited by Colonel Pada Vinson, 16 November 2012 - 07:17 AM.