AvatarofWhat, on 16 November 2012 - 12:40 PM, said:
Dividing the community is a great idea... not! get a clue! They promised us a 1st person only sim and 91.5% of the community insists they stick to that. Only 4.5% even care to have 3rd person implemented. Which demographic should PGI cater to?
So I introduce my friend to MWO and instead of spending a few hours learning to play 1st person and getting used to it, because they have no tutorial he starts playing 3rd person because it's easier to figure out where the legs are pointing versus the torso. Now me and my friend can't play together... how the hell does that make any sense?
Do i really need to spell this out dude? The point is, you got your friend playing - 1pv, 3pv, who cares?!???! They ARE PLAYING. And not only that, but they can switch between modes after (in true friend fashion) you've busted his chops enough to get him to try it in 1pv with you! And parish the thought, maybe you might even want to try it out in 3pv every blue moon.
I actually started playing this game on tabletop. BT and MW. Then when I had a PC decent enough to handle it, I played MW3 (single player mode) and jumped into online play with MW4:Veng and have been truly hooked since.
Like your fictitious friend in your example, I DID start playing in 3pv mode (because thats what the leagues mostly played), but found a few smaller leagues that specialized in 1pv only and played those too! At the time when i found out there actually WERE leagues with just 1pv, I was surprised people would intentionally hamper themselves - but after playing it a bit I realized it is in fact a very enjoyable gamestyle, with different approaches to being successful. In the end though - why the heck do you think YOUR style (the 1pv'er) is the only way to play and be a "real mechwarrior/fan"? I think there needs to be a whole lot of growing up done by some people. I blame the government - too many handouts and free rides, people think they can tell everyone else what to do and what to think.