No! Jesus, christ, no! Not only because of all the hard work in 1st person will be eventually ruined, peeking round coprners and terrain based tactics going to hell, but when you lower the learning curve so much, the game will be more inviting to arcade-oriented players.
If you draw more of those, soon more complaints will follow about too convoluted steering and stuff. People will complaint it wopuld be easier if you drop the throtle and give them more fps push W=forward, push nothing=automatic stop and so on... Don't turn this game into Mech Assault! I beg you!
Yesterday I invited my cousin to this game and it took him 4-5 matches to learn how to steer right off the bat, no whining. I don't belive we have to be penalized by some people's lack of skill or even lack of urge to learn new gameplay style.
I'm affraid there is a big missunderstanding, that every company or media has. A kind of problem of negative utterance being vocal. When you are doing just fine you don't have people saying you "hey! The thing you just designed? It works exactly the right way" no if something works fine it is generally accepted it just should be like that.
That's why you get no TV reports on companies treating their workers fairly, normal living families, or reports on peace in some country that never wages wars. You get the negatives, some guy murderred his wife, another capitalist exploits working class, this kind of stuff. And you have an impression whole world is full of ********.
Just like with those 3rd person whiners you have a FALSE impression that there is something wrong with the game, whereas everyone who enjoys the goodness of 1st person gameplay have no reason to say something works just as intended.
Please, devs, be assertive and have a clear view what this game is about. I remember some day an invasion of CoDrones into Red Orchestra demanding simplified gameplay, more hit points per character, cause they can't "Run&Gun" if they get one-hited from over a kilometer away with a single bullet. But for players who invested so much in a game about WWII Stalingrad warfare and immersion in this deadly threatning climate that would be a serious blow, just because some jokers, who don't give a damn what they play as long as they can run arround and tap the "shoot-stuff" button.
ALSO I'm not buying the arguments from interview at all and they make no sense. First you guys claim you never wanted to create Mechassult-ish arcade, but stay true to what MW is, but then you say "Ah screw that, let's toss in 3rd person! And let's let you choose wether you want to play with it or not!"
That's the biggest load of nonsense I've heard. What if amount of 3rd person players grows vastly larger than 1st person? How would you ballance that out? If people discover that is easier to play and survive, if more "casual" players get attracted to this kind of gameplay wouldn't it be dominant?
How about clan/corps battles? If one uses 3rd person and other 1st what then? Argue? Make a pool? Vote? Ask a fortune teller?
What when we go in with community warfare? Battles for planets? Big decisive scenarios?
You gonna force one side to use gameplay of another? What with strategies based on usage of terrain? Should they be abbandoned for favor of more "Casual" audince?
It seems pretty clear that when it comes to major events you will support the majority, cause that makes sense, and if that happens, well...
You guys are eager to invite more audience with means that will brake an important part of gameplay experience for many of your hardcore audience that actually kept this franchise alive for more than a decade.
Now, just hypothetically, let's immagine one day comes a huge group of people who have really bad problems with aiming? or heat management? will you make auto-aim optionall? or give heat-turn-off-option like in MW4? And make a separate matchmaking for that too? Well after all "You are looking for new ways to introduce new players..." that's what your main man said.
Don't be affraid to stand by your original decisions just because some poeple who can't handle game mechanics are frustrated on their own lack of capabilities! If we had that game like Deamon Souls would be a mediocre hack and slash.
Edited by Hannibal Vargaz, 27 December 2012 - 11:40 AM.