But seriously. The current 1PV system right now, is good. I started and it took me a couple matches to figure it out, but now, I got it. We do not need 3PV, HOWEVER, PLEASE READ AFTER THIS AS WELL. I am not going to start arguing about how it's a bad idea, until I get something that I can look at, and judge, and then, let the devs know if either A) it's a good system, or B ) it either needs to be done away with completely or redone. People, we are arguing over a hypothetical system that NONE, of us have seen. So in the end, this argument is moot, as we really have nothing to work with, to gauge this 3PV. For all we know, it could make the MW4 3PV look old school, and backwards, and instead have a system in place to keep people from cheating. We must be willing to let the devs have a chance to show us what they got, rather than just trying to mindlessly shut them down from the start. Remember, people respond to things better, if you try to negotiate with them, be reasonable, tell them a structured list. I know I'm asking you to act like adults, and debate, like adults, instead of whining like children. If we whine like children, then NOTHING will get done. But if we trade ideas back and forth about HOW, a system could be made, that would satisfy BOTH, parties of this argument, then things usually get done along those lines. Both sides need to compromise a little so we all can achieve what we want.
And if you read nothing else but this, please either start acting like adults, or be silent, and leave at your own discretion, because you are not helping anyone.
Edited by guardian wolf, 06 July 2013 - 04:15 PM.