Wildcat, on 18 November 2012 - 02:06 PM, said:
seeing around corners is not really that advantageous....
Are you kidding?
Your forum account says you've been here for over a year, so you're clearly not new to MWO....
I don't see any way that being able to see around corners and see something you wouldn't be able to see from inside of your cockpit wouldn't be an advantage.
I can't tell you the number of times I've ordered the rest of the lance to crest a hill that we didn't have scouts on/over.....and to my surprise I see a lovely firing line of 3-6 mechs all dumping concentrated fire into my Atlas.
3rd person camera would have allowed me to see over that hill.
Change the scenario a little bit and I can see this having profound advantages on the 3 and 4 line advance to the lower city base on River City, where it is really easy to hide between buildings....
No advantage by seeing things that you shouldn't be able to see.......you must be joking.
This is assuming you're not conducting an elaborate troll of all of us, and if you are, I must say good show old chap.
If you're not trolling, and you're totally serious.......wow.