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Regarding 3rd Person View

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#801 Peranor


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Posted 21 November 2012 - 11:40 PM

View PostHarald Blackwell, on 16 November 2012 - 03:08 PM, said:

I can't think of any way that I wouldn't be affected by having an opponent enjoying the advantages of 3rd person view while I restricted myself to 1st person. I don't want it, but offering it will affect me.


I don't see how they could manage to implement a 3rd person view that wouldn't affect those who opt not to use it.

Even if I don't turn it on my opponents that does use it will have a much better field of vision. And that will affect me indirectly.

#802 Ander Skye


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 12:54 AM

No, no, and no.
This would completely change the game.
I am strongly opposed.

#803 Jelan


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 05:29 AM

How will they cope with groups using it to defend a planet in CW?

Merc Corp A owns Planet 1
Merc Corp B attacks Planet 1
Merc Corp A knows that most decent players will use 1st Person, so tick the 3rd person box.
No way Merc Corp B can attack said planet unless they also agree to 3rd person mode

#804 Madoc Owain


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 06:25 AM

Just lock a newbie's torso to the direction of the mech's travel, unless one hits a specific key to unlock it. Problem solved. Now, on to world peace..

#805 Godmoney


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:24 AM

I'm new to MMO, but a very hardcore gamer who's really enjoying MMO.

3rd person is one of those things that is leaving me scratching my head as to why they would want to do this to a mech game.

It's like wondering why SWTOR had a 16 hour CD on the trinket that took you back to the main city OR why Swtor had so many fricking halls. SWTOR was the greatest hallway simulator ever made. You're just left wondering why? Who's making these decisions?

The most recent Hitman is another example. What makes Hitman good is that every level is a "hit scenario" and now they make missions smaller and end in cutscenes instead of murder? All they had to do was make a bigger Bloodmoney with more contextual mechanics & choices. Why? Why use check points, it's a stealth game? Why?

The ending of ME3.

So many of these choices just make me wonder why?

#806 Xenok


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 10:09 AM

3rd person view = waste of development resources and a good way to ruin the fill of the game if implemented

#807 StORmTrAin


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 10:25 AM

The can segregate 1st person and 3rd person players, but eventually, the hardcore purists will have noone to play with because 3rd person is the most awesome way to play this game to fully grasp the cool environment this game offers. Think about it, the effects are going to be awesome, your going to see all the fire and missiles and rifle shots all around you, imo, a way more awesome gaming experience that being cooped up inside your little **** pit. I have been playing 1st person and it's not bad, but 3rd person is going to put you on the battlefield! Just wait and see, you're going to love it. Try to have an open mind before saying your going to hate it without giving the thought any consideration, in the future there's going to be MORE mechs, weapons, maps and who knows, this game can only get better with the involvment that it now receives. I say HAILZ YEAH to 3rd person!!

Edited by StORmTrAin, 22 November 2012 - 10:37 AM.

#808 Teeboy


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 10:43 AM

If any kind of 3rd person view during combat is implemented this game will become like every other shooter on the market

as it stands right now .. the game feels more like a simulator .. you need skill.. you take chances to see what's around corners and behind objects ... first person only is what makes this game more unique

I am DEAD AGAINST 3rd person views of ANY kind!!!!

#809 Ulysses St Cyr


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 10:44 AM

3rd person mode would be great for permitting improved video/screenshot options, though. I don't personally see any reason to have it for combat purposes - my own view is that it could potentially give an advantage with field of view which could have an unfortunate impact on play balance. However, I want to be able to make better-looking video captures (much like the promotional stuff that PGI have been putting out), so I'm all for it :-)

#810 Utilyan


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 10:46 AM

It could be coded to where units are not revealed until a 3rd person's mech's pilot's vision has someone within peripheral.

In other words a enemy unit could be behind you and next to you......and it would be invisible until they enter the field of view of the pilot.

3rd person is all your going to want after your the best.

Look once you got your god mode mech and always find yourself on top of the list....your going to start moving towards lil' more glamour, showing off, tricking out the mech....
When you get your custom skins..... you might want 3rd person to take screen shots n' stuff.

eventually no matter what your going to want 3rd person view in the long run. The sweet view of a DFA.

Aol solaris had it, mechwarrior 2 had it........We all know those two games and now MWO is the real canon. All the table toppers and companies can cry all they want.....You were at solaris you are real vet, thats the real canon thats what realley happened. ;)

The canon of actually being there vs. they got mechwarrior movies they call canon and now pretend like those movies never happened.......old b mechwarrior movies..... with mechs that don't even moves......like a jenner just standing there... lol 2 robots next to each other dont even move and then flame thrower goes on........... Dude....please.

sides you get to hear betty say "external camera......engaged"

Back in the day they used to FIGHT in the mechs like boxers.......thier whole armor was red even the feet before they died.

3rd person view is canon. :P

#811 Korobug


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 10:50 AM

I'm saying no, this game is classified as a SIMULATOR, as light as it may be, why would you implement features that push it farther from it's genre. It's like taking a first person shooter and "Because the masses can't aim" they use dice rolls to determine whether you hit or not. Obviously it's not quite as severe but seriously, learn to micromanage a little, if you can't, this isn't a game for you.

#812 Carl Jones


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 10:52 AM

I don't like this at all. Even though I mostly run assaults and this would make me even better against lights. Field of view in 1st person limits targeting and gives medium and light mechs good flanking capabilities against the better equipped heavies and assaults. I used to use 3rd person in older mech warrior games but once you get into 1st person it makes a lot more sense, I really hope they don't add this

#813 Gauvan


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 11:09 AM

I think a lot of folks who have bought into MWO are fans who have fond memories of the earlier MW PC titles. These players are older, and that's good for the game because they are going to have the disposable income to support MWO long term.

I bought into MWO because it was a mech sim like the earlier titles. I have no interest in playing a 3rd person, console-style, mech game. Opting out is not acceptable because I don't believe 3rd person can be implemented without providing an in game advantage to the player who opts in.

#814 LadyZowy


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 12:22 PM

The only way 3rd person should be considered in this game is for spectating. Nothing else makes sense, you can say it any way you want, do it this way or that, Opt in/out whatever.

When you are in your car you don't have a Google Maps camera in the roof, or truck so that you can see your driving from the 3rd person. Why does it make sense to have it here? You are a Mechwarrior pilot not a bird. If you want a top down view of the battlefield this is not the game for you. If you can't play without it, then stop playing the game.

#815 StORmTrAin


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 12:33 PM

3rd person give an unfair advantage? This argument is only slightly true. The advantage was more pronounced in the MW of 10 years ago. Of course, back then, light mech couldn't crit an Atlas in 3 shots either. You say that with 3pv the assaults can see mechs sneaking up behind them, however, those mechs are now more manueverable. The matches are only 15 minutes now and that isn't much time for a sniper to set up behind a hill and rack up kills like the old days. You people talk about the whole "mech sim" aspect and this will ruin it for you but the truth is, during gameplay, all your focused on is doing as much damage as you can without dying. Like I am with 1st person. I am more of a person that plays this game for the GAMEPLAY, strategy, and skill. I also enjoy the awesome effects and graphics this game provides. If you want sim go play freaking Boing 747 or something, this is Mech-WARRIOR, this game isn't about simulation as it is about combat. FFP limits you in EVERY WAY. Remember, this isn't a SIM game, it is only called a sim because there is no classification for it otherwise. This game is about winning, damage, configuration, awareness, and environment. Simulation? barely.

#816 Longtom


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 12:58 PM

If they add 3rd person, I'm going to emphatically make a huge stink and get my money back, and I DO NOT think I will be alone in that decision.

PGI can trade a long term, target audience, paying player like myself for a casual Xbox gamer who'll be gone in 3 months if they want to, but I think it will be a poor decision for the long term outcome of the game series.

I played my longest game for 7 years, and totaled a lot of grocery money for that company. The minute they started trying to appeal to young players, and started screwing around with the old folks I packed up and hit the road.

The four man drops are seriously bad enough. I haven't been playing much since they did that. In the mean time something better might come along.

Edited by Longtom, 22 November 2012 - 01:10 PM.

#817 Newclay


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 03:43 PM

In the NGNG Pod cast I thought the main reason for adding 3rd person View was to help newbies with the controles.
That being said I dont feel that 3rd person should be enabled in ranking matches... What i mean is Only have 3rd person optional for Training/Testing runs. A single player simulation so people can test thier new configs and use 3rd person to learn the controles easier and to admire the mechs/skins they own. This way people still "play" the game the way it should be, but still able to learn/admire using 3rd person view without effecting the games matches. :)

Edited by Newclay, 22 November 2012 - 03:45 PM.

#818 Ares01


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 08:27 PM

lol when they assure me that "they will handle it well" i look around and think......"yeah, no they probably wont"

#819 CaveMan


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:00 PM

"This is going to be a first-person only game where you play from the perspective of the mechwarrior, not the mech."

Yet another broken promise from PGI. Thanks.

#820 Oxygin


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Posted 22 November 2012 - 09:11 PM

First and formost, this should not even be on youre radar at this time its been stated b4 and i am also stateing it again there are far more pressing matters that need to be dressed b4 this should even be looked at.

I may not have purchused founders but i have spent money in MC and i dont care how much i have spent if you put in 3rd person view to apease the crying children that have no idea what they are talking about i will stop suporting this game, i will not play this game and i know im not alone in this. 3rd person is by far the worst idea to come out of anyones mouth and the fact that you are suporting this piranah is apauling.

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