CapperDeluxe, on 05 November 2014 - 12:22 PM, said:
Is it just me, or are Dragon quirks missing?
Also, Shadow Hawk and Griffon quirks are not there.
Same goes for the Firestarter.
smurfy, have you considered just putting in an auto-fill in formula for the Champion variants (minus the Centurion-AH, Atlas-S, and Jenner-D (S) )?
It's always "base variant" cost in MC * 1.25
For instance, the Spider-5K costs 985MC.
985 * 1.25 = 1231.25 -> "rounded up" 1235MC, which is the actual price.
So to calculate the Thunderbolt-9SE's cost, let's use its base 2335MC...
It should cost 2920MC in its base value (before factoring in the sale).
Also, please use the other plug-in for the base hero prices... which is simply 75MC * tonnage(weight). That would help you not need to type in stuff...
Edited by Deathlike, 06 November 2014 - 11:25 AM.