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Battletech Melee Weapons

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Poll: BattleTech melee weapons (823 member(s) have cast votes)

Should there be BattleTech melee weapons

  1. Voted Yes (700 votes [85.05%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 85.05%

  2. Voted No (123 votes [14.95%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 14.95%

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#221 Warhammer2C


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Posted 14 January 2016 - 09:30 AM

Inner Sphere (physical weapon Mechs)!
(From Awesome to OK)

Edited by Warhammer2C, 14 January 2016 - 09:30 AM.

#222 Dee Eight


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Posted 09 February 2016 - 05:45 AM

Given that it IS possible to jump onto another mech... it should also be possible to do falling collision damage to them when you do it.

#223 HANGMAN1962


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 12:22 AM

well if thay handled it like ecm mech then its a limited few mechsw/mellee weapons.
all so you cant fire any weapons in the mellee weapon arm w/using the axe/sword/mace/club/battlefist
mellee weapons take crit slots and tonage to mount them too..
i think it was 1 ton/cri slot for every 15 tons of mechs tonage rounded to nearest 15 tons
a hatchetmen was 3 tons/crit slots and a bezerker was 7 tons/crit slots as i remember
damage was 1 pnt for every 5 tons and a a charge attack was dble dmg.
triple strnth myomar was 3xdmg and a charge trpl strnth was dbl that.
so a hatchetman axe attack was 9 pnts and a full speed charge attack was 18 pnts dmg, not outragiuos dmg for having to be facehugging to do it
oh yes and i believe you had to not use"eny" ranged attack to do a charge/dfa attack too.

AT WARHAMMER: mech like the zues and centerion had battlefists too for mellee attack m8 9-]

Edited by HANGMAN1962, 10 February 2016 - 12:26 AM.

#224 IraqiWalker


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 09:05 AM

No, you can still shoot weapons mounted in the arm carrying the melee weapon. It's mounted in the wrist. Only time you can't fire them is when you are swinging the weapon.

Damage is also dependent on the weapon. The hatchet dealt 1 damage for every 5 tons. The sword dealt 1 point of damage for every 10 tons, plus an additional point, but it was more accurate (-2 to hit). Vibroblades on the other hand came in 3 standard sizes (so any mech could mount any size it wanted), and they dealt stupid amounts of damage( 7, 10, and 14, for small, medium, and large sizes respectively), when activated, or damage like a sword when inactive. Vibroblades are also the only melee weapons that can cost the mech heat iirc.

By the way, ANY mech with a hand actuator can mount a melee weapon in that arm. Mechs without hands (like the DWF), can still attempt to melee, but risk damaging their weapons in that arm. This is why the IS used melee combat against the clans, and pummeled them that way. Most clan mechs SUCKED at melee.

#225 ice trey


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 07:06 AM

Yes, Melee has always been, and always will be, a component of the Battletech franchise. You put arms and legs on a tank, and someone's going to try to whip out some Karate moves.

The only issue I have is that I can't for the life of me think about how they could effectively implement it. I tried one guys' homebrewed Battletech Simulator game in... blender?, and he tried his best to recreate the Battletech experience. The game was buggy as all heck, but you could still run around and try fighting 'mechs at the time. (I'm sure he's either progressed by a fair amount, or has abandoned the project years ago). The issue was that punches and kicks were resolved by pressing the Function keys. I don't know about you, but those are really awkward to get at. I tried thinking of alternatives but to no avail.

#226 ice trey


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 07:12 AM

View PostWarhammer2C, on 14 January 2016 - 09:30 AM, said:

Inner Sphere (physical weapon Mechs)!
(From Awesome to OK)

(and last on the list is)

...Man.. I... I don't even.
I'm assuming you're basing this on looks and/or whether or not it ties in with your faction, because the Ti-Ts'ang has got to be hands down the most effective brawling 'mech I've ever used. Not only is it welding a TSM hatchet, is a flash bulb, and is jump capable for six hexes, but the weapons load-out allows you to perfectly keep the 9 heat every turn without relying on convoluted garbage like shutting off heat-sinks.

Honestly, in my Megamek AtB campaign, the Ti-Ts'ang has been a game changer. It's also one of the four 'mechs in my one off Liao lance, and it pretty much cleans the board by itself. A little silly looking, but it's pretty much the Liao answer not to the Hatchetman or Axeman, but the Liao answer to the Blitzkrieg.

Edited by ice trey, 12 February 2016 - 07:14 AM.

#227 IraqiWalker


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 10:59 AM

View Postice trey, on 12 February 2016 - 07:06 AM, said:

Yes, Melee has always been, and always will be, a component of the Battletech franchise. You put arms and legs on a tank, and someone's going to try to whip out some Karate moves.

The only issue I have is that I can't for the life of me think about how they could effectively implement it. I tried one guys' homebrewed Battletech Simulator game in... blender?, and he tried his best to recreate the Battletech experience. The game was buggy as all heck, but you could still run around and try fighting 'mechs at the time. (I'm sure he's either progressed by a fair amount, or has abandoned the project years ago). The issue was that punches and kicks were resolved by pressing the Function keys. I don't know about you, but those are really awkward to get at. I tried thinking of alternatives but to no avail.

C, and X are good keys (or Z, and X).Maybe F and G, as long as we can rebind keys, we'll find a way.

#228 Mister Bob Dobalina


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 02:49 AM

Voted yes being an true Hatchetman aficionado. And you can't deny a mech being involved in the destruction of the falcon guard it's foorprint in the lore ;-)

I am for melee within strict borders though. My thoughts:
  • Make melee weapons rare ( I mean really really ).
  • Make melee weapons a fixed crit that comes with the chassis.
  • Make melee weapons only usable if the arm lock is disabled.
  • Connect the impact point of the the cursor for arm mounted weapons and give it a reach of 15-20m
  • Melee weapons will have to be a separate weapon group.
The collision system needs some rework indeed but we have to keep in mind that MWO is supposedly not a full ultra realistic Mech simulator with a ultro correct physics engine. I've read about some misuse of the collision system by group stomping an opponent and I don't want to see that again. Death from above would be great though as it takes quite some training to hit it smack dab in the middle.

To the posts mentioning that a light Mech might kill himself by ramming an Atlas, leaving the Atlas almost unaffected, I have to say it would not be easy on the Atlas. Keeping a minimum of physical law reality in the game the speed of the ramming mech and it's mass are both to taken in account. I've posted this already but can't find my own post at the moment so here's a rehash: Rephrasing the second law of motion (kinetic energy = how much ouch!) equals half of mass ( hof fat your mech is ) times speed ( how fast your mech runs ) squared. So, twice the fat means twice the ouch. Twice the speed means quadrupled ouch. All in all a good way to go with a bang when you are all out of weapons :-)

Always remember: It's just a game :-) . But a friggin awesome one at that :-D

#229 MarsThunder


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 04:53 AM

Everyone in a team should be able to kick an *** of afk mech. But it requires to separate top and lower back armor to adequately reflect the result.

PS. Voted No Posted Image

Edited by MarsThunder, 13 February 2016 - 04:54 AM.

#230 HANGMAN1962


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 05:23 PM

omg vibroblade mech weapons wats that wiz kids stage 3 rules?
same rules as the 3 legged 150 ton mech? oh jees pls no!
and the sword did 1 piont less damage and hit better!
or did wizkids screw that rule up too?!!

EDIT: IF I REMEMDER CORRECTLY? charge/ramming rule lessened the damage that the lt. mech w/take from the impact w/ an atlas and dbl. the damage done to the atlas?!

Edited by HANGMAN1962, 13 February 2016 - 05:32 PM.

#231 Mister Bob Dobalina


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 09:14 AM

View PostMarsThunder, on 13 February 2016 - 04:53 AM, said:

Everyone in a team should be able to kick an *** of afk mech.

Regarding AFK Mechs I am totally with you. And I will rat out a remaining AFK at spawn anyday.

#232 IraqiWalker


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 10:46 AM

View PostThomster, on 13 February 2016 - 02:49 AM, said:

Connect the impact point of the the cursor for arm mounted weapons and give it a reach of 15-20m

15-20 meters!?Posted Image The Atlas is 14-18 meters tall, and it's one of the tallest battlemechs in the game. You expect us to be swinging Atlas sized hatchets and swords? Don't get me wrong, I personally think it's awesome, but I'm pretty sure that would kill any semblance of immersion left.

I also think your point about making them rare is actually a negative one. Melee weapons, and melee combat were both extremely common in the Inner Sphere. Hell, even the clans were forced to adapt and started making some mechs that can actually punch, and kick, instead of their mobile weapons platforms.

Melee should be very common. Any mech with a hand actuator should be able to equip a melee weapon in that hand (if they add the lance, the saws, the flail, and the wrecking ball, then the weapon would actually remove the hand actuator since it takes the place of the hand)

So yes, an Atlas dual wielding swords/hatchets is doable. Same with a commando running around with a teeny-weeny steak knife of a sword. Their reach should be about 6-8 meters counting full arm extension.

#233 Jaeger Gonzo


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 11:13 AM

I say leave melee weapon slots for special mechs like axe man, no-dachi, ti-tsiang etc.
But every one else should be capable of kicking, and those with fists of punching as well.

#234 Countess


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 08:54 AM

As a Locust I will be really hurt by this if this happens, I approve.

#235 TheBlackMegadeus


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 11:59 PM

where melee and melee threads need to go
Posted Image

#236 IraqiWalker


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 12:24 AM

View PostTheBlackMegadeus, on 18 February 2016 - 11:59 PM, said:

where melee and melee threads need to go
Posted Image

Posted Image

#237 Captain Artemis


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 02:41 AM

And I think that melee weapons for the Inner Sphere mechs only would be very interesting. Simple weapons with max range of 5 to 10 meters, same with punch and kick. Brawl and close range combat would become an asset for IS, while the Clans got great range weapons. Beside, aren't clan mechs got their fancy XL engines? I prefer game balanced aka Starcraft/Warcraft rather than simple 50% - 50%.

Posted Image

Edited by Captain Artemis, 19 February 2016 - 02:43 AM.

#238 Vaa


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 01:51 PM

Melee weapon is super cool, I guess single, most simples variant like vibro-sword or axe will be enough. For both Clan and IS mechs.

Edited by Vaa, 19 February 2016 - 01:51 PM.

#239 martian


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 10:58 PM

I would like to see the addition of Triple Strength Myomer.

Simply as you change the type or armor, heat sinks or internal structure, you would be able to change the type of myomer musculature your 'Mech is equipped with.

The Clans have the advantage of their Clan XL engines, so let's make IS 'Mechs better in physical combat. Those IS 'Mechs are often more prone to overheating because they can't equip as many DHS as comparable Clan 'Mechs could, so having the opportunity to actually capitalize on such overheating would help IS 'Mechs.

And I must admit, when playing on Terra Therma and overheating, there are moments when I would love nothing more than to enter physical combat with my Banshee - 'Mech specifically designed with physical attacks in mind.

#240 Mister Bob Dobalina


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 12:37 AM

View PostTheBlackMegadeus, on 18 February 2016 - 11:59 PM, said:

where melee and melee threads need to go
Posted Image

Why did you post a picture of an Urbie? You can't put melee weapons on this one Posted Image (Good fun and irony is involved so throttle down your jets Posted Image )

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