This app is currently no longer in development. It will remain on the play store for those who are interested, but it will not be updated for the foreseeable future.
Update: The latest update will allow you to move the app onto your SD Card. It should be live within 24 hours, though may be ready in less than 1.
Please let me know if you run into any problems, including the phone model/carrier. Google provides basic debugging (it lets us know when the app crashes) but it helps to know if it's localized to a specific brand.
Currently Included (patch 1.2.257)
All Mechs
All Weapons
Currently under way:
Pilot Skills
Working on:
Highlighting mech locations when you select them.Cleaning up the component list.
Mech Lab
Everything Else
The navigation bar on some phones defaults to white instead of black.The component list is backwards.Some hard points aren't displaying.
Planned content:
Stats - lots and lots of stats. Hard point location, damage, etc etc. Basically everything you would want to see before purchasing a mech.
Mech Lab - A fully functional mech lab so you can play with builds before committing to a purchase in the game.
ISN News: Potentially pushed down with Google Cloud Messaging. Can also do a twitter feed similar to the MWO front page.
Wishlist (dependent on an API):
Community Warfare map/updates - realtime and live info, including anything we are able to include

Lobby - A way to chat with your friends when you can't log into the game.
More - Anything that we haven't thought of yet.
Why Android:
We're Android developers and we don't have any mac equipment for creating an IOS development environment. Basically, Android can be developed in Mac, Windows, and Linux. IOS is exclusively Mac. Though Wingtip did recommend using a converter. If someone is interested in helping with the IOS portion of it, shoot me a PM.
Edited by S3dition, 01 May 2014 - 06:31 AM.