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Betty Feedback

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Poll: About Betty's voice speed and warnings. (351 member(s) have cast votes)

¿Do you think Betty's voice should be played a little faster to be more effective, to sound less dozed and get a faster game rhythm?

  1. Yes. (237 votes [67.52%])

    Percentage of vote: 67.52%

  2. No. (114 votes [32.48%])

    Percentage of vote: 32.48%

¿Do you think we should be allowed to configure what kind or warnings do we get from Betty?

  1. Yes. (321 votes [91.45%])

    Percentage of vote: 91.45%

  2. No. (30 votes [8.55%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.55%

¿Do you think Betty's voice should be tweaked to sound more electronic, a little like GLaDOS or Crysis Nano Suit?

  1. Yes. (134 votes [41.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 41.88%

  2. No. (186 votes [58.13%])

    Percentage of vote: 58.13%

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#221 RoboCyberMummy


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:10 PM

I <3 BETTY! :D Now we just need some more voices to choose from. It would be cool to hear Duncan Fisher saying something like, "Oooh his left torso is beat up pretty bad!" when that panel gets critical. :P

#222 Vulix


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:12 PM

Wow, people are going to complain about everything in this game

Edited by Vulix, 28 November 2012 - 09:13 PM.

#223 DerelictTomcat


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:20 PM

It is what it is. I'm not a MW2 fanboy so her um fame means little to me. A repeating computer voice is classic MW. I do hope we get the option to make/use or buy other voice paks in the future. My lady does a much sexier voice than this Betty for certain.

#224 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:22 PM

View PostZliDiabetichar, on 28 November 2012 - 03:03 PM, said:

after few (dozens) of matches i have decided to totally rework her voice.
I asked a female singer (from my band) and she agreed to do a recording session. When it's done, i will upload the file (fsb) so people that like the idea of Betty (but not the current version) can listen to her alternative voice (until its properly done by a professional).
My idea is that she needs an alternative option considering the current version. but am also for locking/bounding the files if we have a PGI version that is up to our standards.
If PGI needs/wants our money, we will give (if we like it). If they leave the option free for tweaking, well, we will also give money, just for something else :P

P.S. Am thinking of total reuse of her words. For example word "warning" in my POV should be copy/pasted to all sound clips that have a word "warning" in them. Its gonna sound a little awkward but that is the point of a complex computer announcement. It's gonna be edited, so the awkward feeling does't feel broken, but it will be a (little) noticeable.

Give me your thoughts on this pls, am open for ideas.

dude, the voice we have right now, IS DONE BY A PROFESSIONAL, CAROLE RUGGIER, the TRUE VOICE of MECHWARRIOR, she is the '******* betty' of MW2 fame. needs post processing to adjust it, but, dude, its done by a true and consummate professional.

#225 MWLL Rad Hanzo


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:36 PM

1: YES

Go forth and abide by the result of this poll^^

#226 Icaruss


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 09:58 PM

View PostRejarial Galatan, on 28 November 2012 - 09:22 PM, said:

dude, the voice we have right now, IS DONE BY A PROFESSIONAL, CAROLE RUGGIER, the TRUE VOICE of MECHWARRIOR, she is the '******* betty' of MW2 fame. needs post processing to adjust it, but, dude, its done by a true and consummate professional.

This. Unless we get some mods for client side adjustments to add our own choice of voice.

#227 Rejarial Galatan


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 10:06 PM

there are updates and adjustments to Carole's VO work for the Betty voice coming, right now, is just a sample of what we are getting. I am happy as all get out we have our Beloved Carole Back. Just as I was ecstatic when I was waiting for Star Trek Online to go live that Majel Barrett finished the VO work for STO before she passed away. Star Trek is NOT Star Trek <talking TNG forward till today here> w/out HER voice as the Federation computer system.

it is the same here with Carole Ruggier as our computer voice in our battlemechs.

#228 Elizander


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 10:11 PM

View PostHenchman 24, on 28 November 2012 - 11:29 AM, said:

nothing a little compression and a thin reverb tuned to the total cockpit cubic measurements couldn't fix.

That's a cool idea. Make it sound different depending on the mech you are in. :P

#229 Acid Phreak


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 10:18 PM


i agreed.

just found one sample that are bad "ams_ammo_depleted" "she" call that "ams" to fast.

and i have edited the samples a bit -> tone pitch up to 1 and volume from -8db up to 0db. also i have fixed that ams sample..

now i can hear the voice clear

*inspired by this thread

Edited by Acid Phreak, 28 November 2012 - 10:20 PM.

#230 Acid Phreak


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 10:26 PM


just found one sample that are bad "ams ammo depleted" "betty" call that "ams" to fast. should be fixed!

also i think u have to raise the db from -8 up to 0. this 8db difference makes the voice drowning for some soundcard settings.

btw the command sounds are not audible ingame :P


Edited by Acid Phreak, 28 November 2012 - 10:29 PM.

#231 Foster Bondroff


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 11:24 PM

Betty messed up my entire sound. With Betty’s introduction in this patch I have huge sound issues. Sounds not playing, sounds lagging etc.

Tried to correct this via user.cfg by increasing channels and max allowed sounds, but didn’t work.
Tried to disable Betty via user.cfg, but also didn’t work.

But from the list of what Betty will comment, I feel Betty is overdone. Not each action requires a comment from her, just some critical issues like armor gone, critical hits and especially heat warning. But all this target acquired, target changed etc. is to much. I mostly play in a team and don’t need Betty to comment any target change, when I go through all available reds to acquired the announce focus target.

If you want to keep so many Betty comments, please consider a Betty configuration tab, where one can select which events should be commented by her.

#232 ChapeL


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Posted 28 November 2012 - 11:45 PM

I think she sounds just fine and the tone is perfect... I like how smooth and crisp she sounds. I only wish she sounded louder. ( yes I checked the volume in the menu)

#233 John MatriX82


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:22 AM

I tuned b-betty to a single step in dialog volume. It would be cool if we could personalize (by activating, disactivating) the messages she says, like messenger or skype alerts. As it is now, most of the time it's totally annoying and distrupts your audio with issues such as lag, distortion or total lack of game sound.

#234 TanE


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:27 AM

tl;dr all 12 pages, so here is some feedback and ideas for Betty ( :P ):

First off all, I love Caroles voice! It reminds me of my "good old times" and I have to thank PGI to integrate it!

But after some matches, I think, there should be an option in the game settings to filter the audio information to avoid an information overflow. I personally like to deactivate the steady audio information of capturing the enemy base and low fuel warnings of my jumpjets.

Edited by TanE, 29 November 2012 - 01:30 AM.

#235 RealSteel1981


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 02:41 AM

turned her off after one round, no need for that b****.

feelt i was a complete beginner in this game, truly, nothig for an experienced player.

what about a cool soundtrack, maybe BB could summ some old mw2 melodies for me ?

and yes ! sounds are stuttering,

Edited by RealSteel1981, 29 November 2012 - 02:44 AM.

#236 MisterV


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 04:27 AM

What other people have already said - very professional and all, but too sterile and sort of breaks immersion, since it feels like a constant commenting voice that's in your headphones, not in the mech's cockpit. I generally would like a bit more roughness in the MWO sound I must say, it always feels a bit... distant and at times doesn't pack enough punch (and I have very good audio equipment, so it's not a crappy config that's at fault).
She also cuts off mid-sentence a lot and other sounds from mechs keep disappearing, which is quite annoying.

#237 Vassa


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 04:30 AM

The voice warnings need to be for items that aren't as obvious. The visual alarm of incoming missiles is more than enough. We also don't need a message for new target acquistions nor overheating until 90% is reached. All of those are distractions. Verbal warnings for Ammo remaining are good. Armor on a location hitting 50 and 25 percent would be welcome. Breached armor locations should be repeated every 30 seconds. Voice prompts aren't very useful when all they are doing is stuttering.

Finally, it would be nice there were differnt voices for the various alert types, 'ammo capacity', 'location breaches', 'overheating', etc.

#238 SixstringSamurai


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 04:35 AM

The only thing I can't stand about it is the "enemy base is being captured" repeating over and over again even when I am the one standing on it. I might be slow sometimes but I don't think I need any sort of reminder that I am, indeed, capping the enemy base. Everything else I like.

#239 Thrak


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 04:45 AM

One thing that is wierd is the messages they have chosen:

I mean why 'ammo at 25%' or 'jump jet fuel at 25%', surely 'ammo low' or 'fuel low' would be better.

#240 Adrienne Vorton


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 05:53 AM

View PostThrak, on 29 November 2012 - 04:45 AM, said:

One thing that is wierd is the messages they have chosen:

I mean why 'ammo at 25%' or 'jump jet fuel at 25%', surely 'ammo low' or 'fuel low' would be better.

??? what´s wrong about that??? well... i guess i don´t have to understand^^

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