Gailyn Strome, on 04 December 2012 - 05:01 PM, said:
Well they finally did it, they made light mechs the only mechs worth playing. Patch afer patch they completely shatter the idea of the gameplay in this game and each completely insane item they add or change to cater to the fairy fan boys makes the game worst. "It's a beta", I get that but PGI has shown no sign of learning from the countless other Team Vs Team based combat games, of which there are thousands.
I was suckered into believing in this game, even through the LRM Mistake, Streak Mistake, AC Spam Mistake and now this. There is little to no actual customization left in this game, think about it. Can you take an ECM? If yes, take ECM. Do you have 3 Ballistic Slots? If yes, spam AC/2 or AC/5. Otherwise spam low end lasers and streaks. Every single mech can be pidgeon holed into 3 basic setups, that is weak, really weak.
So, I am done with this game. I would sell my account but PGI would just ban it anyway. Enjoy the money to milked out of me PGI you won't be getting any more.
Also, love the "Hero" mechs. Or as players call them "AFK Bots".
first off they are not catering to "fan boys" they are trying to respond to all the complainers in the forums. take ecm for example. bla bla bla lrms are too powerfull bla bla bla lrms ruin the game, streaks are too powerfull bla bla bla. they insert ecm which makes non direct fire weapons (lrms/ssrms) harder to use. immediatly everyone starts complaining..... the reason why they buffed the lighter weapons was because everyone complained that there was no reason to use them.
the best way to deal with the ac spammers is to shoot them and kill them. their weapons dont do much damage and if your moving its hard to hit you with them.
as far as the customization options goes, i have no problem with it. yes there are 3 different types of set ups. close range, long range, and mixed. this is pretty much standard for most games i believe.
on changing the game, i love it! every patch is like christmass for me lol. i get to adapt and overcome what ever was changed. shifting my tactics. the artems god patch, i bought an atlas with the two ams, then used it with 4 tons of ammo. the ssrm patch really didnt affect me, i just shot the cats running ssrm boats first. with ecm, if im running with any guys firing lrms or streaks i just switch modes. its the j button.........
btw most of the "fan boys" would like them to return to a more table top rule system, where the games are quicker and require a bit more skill, where those who cry the loudest receive the most incomming fire........
but seriously, because you cant target a mech 1500 away, or learn to use cover from the vile ac2 spammer your really going to leave? give it some time, think about what you can do to win, then win.