MustrumRidcully, on 06 December 2012 - 02:34 PM, said:
Well, Solaris, now that you understand where my charts are coming from, you may see why I think that energy weapons are not really okay yet. I don't want the Ballistics to suck, I just want the energy weapons to be reasonable, and they are not in my opinion, anecdotal experience, and my math. Smalls and Mediums are too efficient (that said - Smalls may never comet o matter unless we have 10+ energy slot boats available... ), and Pulse Lasers, ER Lasers and PPCs are too inefficient. The Large Laser seems to me the only weapon that has finally reached the right spot. (Though IMO, this was achieved the wrong way - it's damage was increased, instead of its heat lowered. This makes stock mech configurations still too hot.)
I agree that I want large energy weapons to be more viable than they are (again, I would have gone about the large laser differently, by reducing the beam duration so it does better point damage, which should be one of the chief advantages of a heavy energy weapon). As for pulse lasers... they're not too bad, but I'm not always sure they're worth the tonnage increase. Though 7 MPL AWS-8Qs hurt when they hit me, which says something for the weapon's ability to concentrate damage.
MustrumRidcully, on 06 December 2012 - 02:34 PM, said:
I also don't think that Ballistics are perfectly fine either. The AC/10 and AC/20 look too weak to me. I would expect that the higher the range of a ballistic weapon, the less efficient it should be, and that's currently not true.
IMO, the AC/20 is a little weak in a standing fight, but it makes up for it by being able to deliver such heavy front loaded damage (good hit-and-fade-weapon). The AC/10 is bit weak, I'm hoping the velocity increase at least makes it more useful in mid-range skirmishing, though a small RoF increase would bring it into line better with it's larger and smaller brethren. Still, I find it performs well enough in practice that I use it regularly.
MustrumRidcully, on 06 December 2012 - 02:34 PM, said:
I know that this logic wasn't followed in the table top, but there was another weighting factor in place there - low range ballistics also deal a lot of single target damage. That was very valuable in a game without convergence and random hit locations. MW:O (like most Mechwarrior titles, if not all?) has weapon converging at your crosshair, so 4 Medium Lasers are just as good as 1 AC/20. pin point damage wise...
And that's definitely why MWO both upped the heat on the medium laser, and made it take a full second for it to deliver 5 damage. So while it's still harder to hit with the AC/20, it's harder to focus damage with those lasers. And, frustratingly, things like that are hard to quantify in a pure-numbers context.

So are things like considering the benefit of weapons range - I think BT intro rules overestimated the benefits of range on the light ballistic weapons (then later overcorrected with the Gauss Rifle), and right now I think MWO is overestimating the benefits of range a little on the heavier energy weapons. Damage, DoT, damage/heat, damage/weight are all pretty easy to look at on pure numbers, but they only tell part of the story - which is one of the reasons I haven't tried to put together a comparative analysis of weapons just based on numbers.