Ask The Devs 28!
Posted 08 December 2012 - 02:41 AM
Posted 08 December 2012 - 02:49 AM
Odanan, on 07 December 2012 - 06:27 PM, said:
What the frak is that thing in the base? That looks more like a huge platform that was miniaturized to replace the beacons. Any chance of removing it? I think the model is too complex (high poly count) - not to mention it is clearly out of scale. You could use it a map with it's original size instead.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 03:26 AM

Q2:Do you guys own BT rulebooks?If not i can lend you so you can find smthing canon about ECM if you dont mind it will be in czech language.
Q3:I asked it once so again.Will be there any other choice how to spend mechXP instead of exchange mxp->gxp?
Thx for answers
Posted 08 December 2012 - 03:27 AM
Q: What is the exact lock-on time in seconds for LRMs / SRMs - what systems (Artemis, BAP ?) or other game mechanics modify these values by how many seconds ?
(Especially ECM has two different values stated here http://mwomercs.com/...dian-ecm-suite/ It takes twice as long to achieve a missile lock against a hidden Mech and here http://mwomercs.com/...11161-04122012/ Slow down weapon locks by 25%)
Edit : *cough* and yes, of course: ECM, Matchmaking and the future to tactics, LRM weapons being playable again and not 8vs 8 mactches with 6 Atlas-DC and ECM scouts ? *cough* I think you figured it out by yourself in the meantime, but I couldn't resist to bump this.
Edited by Jiiri, 08 December 2012 - 03:29 AM.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 03:53 AM
Q2) Are there plans for any equipment that would counter or reduce efficiency of ECM? Right now only ECM counters ECM but some kind of better communication modules could for example reduce enemy jamming range.
I really like the new layer of gameplay that ECM has added to the game and this question is not about balance (OK IMHO) but about possibilities (I don't know if anything like that exists in TT).
Edited by Moriquendi86, 08 December 2012 - 04:01 AM.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 03:59 AM
What do you think about adding a premiumtime bonus to the Christmas-Stuff?
(Like 7 days PT per 250MC cost- just a idea

Posted 08 December 2012 - 04:45 AM
Posted 08 December 2012 - 06:05 AM
Do you have plans for premade teams to match against each other? Or anything like a training area for 8 vs. 8
That will give us the ability to train and fight against each other and will give us the possibility for league's or tournaments.
It would make such things much easier then count 3,2,1 and hit the launch button at the same time.
Thank you and keep up the pace!
Posted 08 December 2012 - 06:10 AM
With the introduction of ECM systems I've noticed that there is an extra bit of lag associated with entering an enemy ECM bubble (likely due to the HUD and sensor disruption effects being applied). While this has been improved with the most recent performance updates are there any plans to make this "bump" smoother so that there isn't an additional bonus for getting opponents under your ECM bubble by making them hitch for a second or so?
Edited by Ivaneus, 08 December 2012 - 06:11 AM.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 06:51 AM

Posted 08 December 2012 - 07:45 AM
2) When we sell a Mech in the MechLab we do not receive any c-bills for upgrades (DHS, endo, etc.) we have purchased while we are paid for custom weapons and equipment. Is this working as intended? If so, can you explain the reasoning?
Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:15 AM
Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:20 AM
Edited by slash b slash, 08 December 2012 - 09:20 AM.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:26 AM
Qarnage, on 08 December 2012 - 09:15 AM, said:
Can surely agree with this. The jump in prices are quite high.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:36 AM
Russ said recently that you don’t have the rights to SOME unseen….can we get a list of mechs we can definately NOT expect to be in game unless things change? It would stop all the theorizing at what could be added...and you could always update us later if things change. Do you have the rights to the re-seen?
Question 2:
I've seen the reasons for not doing the lucky 13, but why not just slap the skin on the mech, add a 30% c-bill boost and sell it? Would take a minimum of time/resources and you'll make money. People don't have to buy it if they don't want. I probably won't buy the muromet because I hate the paint scheme. Way to bland for a hero mech IMO.
Question 3:
Why not at least allow us to change the colors of the hero mech, while keeping the pattern? This one thing will stop me from buying the muromet...and other hero mechs in the future. You are loosing money because of this.
Question 4:
This was addressed rather vaguely in the last ask devs, but no info specifically relating to the Highlander was given...
The spider was released out of order of the announced mechs list…what are the chances of getting the highlander in sooner then the flea or other mechs? (Good call on getting the spider out sooner though, my faith in you guys is being restored due to this and other smart decisions.)
Question 5:
Why not allow the LBX-10 to fire 1 ton of ac10 ammo, and perhaps vise/versa for the ac10? Would make each gun more fun, and keep the ac10 viable even if the lbx can fire some of its ammo. All you need is a button to switch ammo types on the fly.
Question 6:
Why not make NARC allow SRMs to track slightly? ...Like allow them to turn as much as 1 average mech width. This would help you hit moving targets, but won't be like streaks....that would be OP IMO. Don't tighten the spread...but some small tracking ability with NARC would be canon (according to sarna), and Not OP....It would add to the usefulness of a system no one is hardly using because tag is vastly superior.
xFalconlord, on 08 December 2012 - 09:26 AM, said:
Can surely agree with this. The jump in prices are quite high.
Amen.... Sell cheap and in bulk, not just High priced fluff for the fewer gold players. I'd spend the crap out of my money if stuff was cheaper... I'd have all the hero mechs, and all the fluff crap....but as it is, not buying most of it. Hula girl for 500mc hurt...I'm not going much higher then that unless the thing gets its own mech and fights along side me.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:43 AM
I want to give you more money, but the current pricing seems way off for Camo Spec.
Will you please consider a MC to unlock colors, decals and patterns across all mechs and CB only to repaint?
I would gladly pay $1-3 per color and $5-10 a pattern if I could re-use it all I wanted. It isn't like publishing new colors or patterns isn't something you plan to do regularly right? Still equates to steady income and likely more of it.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:00 AM
Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:09 AM
Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:14 AM
Related question. Is there going to be additional changes (outside of phase 3) to the pug queues to make it so that no team can have more than 4 people in a premade per side? It doesn't happen often, but its entirely possible for the matchmaker to put 2 completely seperate premades on the same team against an entire team of pugs which leads to hilariously 1 sided fights.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 10:23 AM
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