Sifright, on 12 December 2012 - 11:36 AM, said:
There is no such thing as 'scouts' in pugs.
Unless you are constantly typing what you see you aren't scouting in a pug match.
when you provide support, what do you mean by that? I see a lot of people typing that kind of thing and agreeing with the sentiment but really what are you actually providing to your team. It's not information in pug matches one ECM nullifies all of your ability to relay info automatically.
Your damage output at a light mech SHOULDN'T be terrible.
Yes you don't have a huge amount of damage output but you have mobility to stay in the fight out of their hit path and damaging them from the periphery as a light you should be doing about 200-400 damage aiming for CT's (the enemy will torso twist to split damage after all)
ultimately 'role warfare' is a nice idea but it doesn't apply to pug matches for the most part. If you aren't doing damage you aren't helping in the current game setup.
Any one talking about getting head shots really has no idea about how to play the game only a couple of weapons in the game can really be targeted that precisely and with the current state of the netcode and how finicky the hit boxes are you won't be hitting the head hit box unless they are stood still.
Erhum. Let me help you out here. If they don't have ECM, I can provide spotting assists for people. If they do have ECM, I can STILL TYPE WHAT SECTION ON THE GRID THEY ARE IN AND SAY WHAT MOVEMENTS THEY ARE USING. I do it all the time. Tell my allies that the tunnel is clear. That the enemy is in section D4 moving along the coast. And, if they don't have ECM, I'm spotting for anyone who has LRMs on our side of the match. Damage isn't everything.
I also tend to do little damage, (Last match was barely 100 damage), but I felt I did a good impact for the better for my team. I rushed in when needed to support a heavy (who pulled suicide into the enemy ranks, but I tired to help him), pulled out when he died, redirected some of the fire that would have gone to him to me, making him live a few moments longer, and I even got to run back, delay the entire enemy advance so that the large laser sniper allies got a few more shots as they concentrated on me instead. Then, I got legged, and then lost my other leg. We lost the match because the plan was to stay together (more or less) and we ended up having a heavy charge the enemy lines and die (despite my own best efforts to support him) and I saw a few mediums do the same thing.
Light mechs can support. We can scout. We can cap. We can still bring valuable intel to the table. Just because I don't have every perk for my mech in the game bought, as well as the fastest engine, taking advantage of the lag shield and don't do 400-11000000000 damage does not mean I'm not helping or holding my weight. If I was out to cause damage and only damage, I'd jump into a heavy or assault and just bring a billion weapons to bear and alpha strike till I overheat and stand there with a dumb look on my face.
This isn't DPS online. It's Mechwarrior Online. Yes. Damage has a lot to do with it. But, if a light doesn't distract and support and/or lure enemies into your guns by providing details or outright being a lure, then you can die fairly quickly as well. I've seen the all Atlas team. They lost. I've seen the all fast team. Beaten them too. Okay? It's luck, game play, team work and, yes, damage as well. It's a balance thing. Also, there is this thing where some teams might not have ECM, so spotting is a possibility. Or, this thing called Heat Sensors. I use them. I often times know where the enemy is long before they know were I am. ECM or not, I will find you and report that intel to my team.
And, as someone else said, you win as a team, or you get defeated as a team. And it's true. I've lost matches because of that one AFK person. I've won matches two people down. Team work will carry the day more than a single person's damage stat (if the team makes up for it and works as a team). (Also, I don't have much PING, so I can't seem to take advantage of this lag shield everyone else can get.)
Edited by Tesunie, 12 December 2012 - 12:02 PM.