Ask The Devs 29!
Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:24 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 04:50 AM
CoreHunter, on 15 December 2012 - 04:34 AM, said:
LOL Like your sarcasm :-)
Posted 16 December 2012 - 07:01 AM
Q. Will there be a bonus for forming and playing in 8 man groups?. As i personally think that would motivate more people into forming them as at the moment its hard to find a match against another 8 man premade.
Remark. stop complaining about ECM and adjust, use a tag, build an ECM mech, or revamp your one trick pony mech. Personally think the ECM makes the game much more interesting.
Flame me, blame me for my two cents worth.
And as always never forget: Friendly fire isn't.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 07:26 AM
Can you tell us the status of in-game voice comms? Can we expect to see voice for all players, even in random matches?
Question 2:
When you are doing in-house testing do you use voice (either VOIP or in the same room)? If so, then it may affect your perception of balance, since many (a majority?) of players don't have that option.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 07:55 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 07:55 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 08:58 AM
Tolkien, on 13 December 2012 - 03:00 PM, said:
In the patch notes you mentioned that ECM was internally tested and toned down before release. What the heck was it originally going to be if this is the toned down version?
This might be the best question that has been asked all year.
What, did it force enemy mechs to shutdown as soon as they entered the bubble? Or just kill them outright?
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:02 AM
Q;If not can we have a friends/character/group all tab'd text chat added to the mech lab screen (ie. friends/group tab area of mech lab)?
It would help pugs and small 2-3 man groups to form up 8 man teams without the need of being in same house or clan unit.
also personal voice chat info could be giving to those without spamming your info in-game.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:26 AM
Why not simply give ECM similar attributes like the ECM in MW4?
It was somewhat more balanced then, and it did not limit people to only direct-fire weapons such as what we have here. Back then, pilots could use LRMs and SSRMs, but the SSRMs would be less likely to hit, and LRMs simply took longer to achieve a target lock (this was countered by BAP).
Thank you, though for at least trying to implement ECM.
Edited by Raven IIC, 16 December 2012 - 09:28 AM.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:31 AM
Tolkien, on 13 December 2012 - 03:00 PM, said:
How was it considered balanced to introduce a 1.5 ton 2 slot piece of equipment that does all of the following:
Going by tonnage and critical space the ECM should be about as useful as a small laser plus a regular heatsink.
Question 2 is also about ECM balance)
In the patch notes you mentioned that ECM was internally tested and toned down before release. What the heck was it originally going to be if this is the toned down version?
Question 3)
Actually, just go look at question 1 again, seriously how is this supposed to be balanced?
I really appreciate what Tolkien has presented here. (I deleted the listing under Question 1 for brevity)
I do wonder, as he touched on in Question 2, how they knew what would be appropriate for ECM if they tested it in the lab, them probably having NO real world experience with ECM and it's implementation in a given environment/situation. They wanna know how something might be employed, they should solicit for someone who knows. Of course, that assumes they want to ask the question. ( I can tell you how big it should be and its power requirements - it isn't 1.5 tons and it should take up no slots and puts out some heat using about 3,000W of power on an omni, not laser heat, just electronic heat like the heat sink on a huge GPU with no fan)
Posted 16 December 2012 - 09:34 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:14 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:38 AM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:48 AM
Q1: Rolewarfare...im having a hard time seeing it, atleast in Public Games. the synergy between support and scout seems to me to be, well not there. The tools are there tho TAG and NARC, they are just not used that much. I believe that the incoming buff to TAG wont matter much,..its simply not rewarding enough for the scout to use it.
Have you considered giving a c-bill bonus to the TAG user..if the target he/she is TAGGING gets damage from another player?
Or maybe play around with how radar detection works?..because what good is a scout, if the support guy can scan most of the map himself?
Q2: The tools for communication in public games is lacking at best, If you only have time for 3-4 games before work/school etc etc...setting up voip with 3rd party software isnt really an option, and im actually not that keen on intergrated voip...someone chantting penuspenuspenus or blasting gangnam style through my headset, just kills immersion for me:P
So some simple hotkeys would be nice...help, assist etc etc....and come to think of it, theres alot possibilities with this
Quick brainstorm.
- first divide the playes into 2 lances, Alpha and Beta lance, then give the players a callsign..alpha 1-4 and beta 1-4
- now lets say i get the alpha 3 callsign...when i hit the help hotkey..its says ''Alpha 3 needs assistance'' in the chat.
- lets try and take it abit futher, If its possible to somehow make the battlegrid work wiht these hotkeys, so if im in D1 on the map, the message would look like this..''Alpha 3 needs assistance in D1.
- and for ultimate immersion....Have Betty say it.
just a trought
Anyways, simple hotkeys, can we have them?
...ECM...im not happy with it at all, i get how its used and in a premade 8v8, when theres more counters to it, it could be fun.
But in Public Games the EMC is simply so overpowered it blows my mind...you want people to play smarter, but in reality its not happening, in most games, not all but most, the preferred tactic is follow the EMC guy, resulting in an all out brawl or a quick base cap...jesus i could go on and on....but bottomline is that the ECM is not fun to play agaist.
And if the changes to TAG and the PPC is the only new counters EMC in the next few months.....from my pov as someone who likes to play a support role, not good at all
So my last question is, when can we expect some real feedback on the ECM, how long will it take to dig thought all the data?
Thanks for you time.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 10:54 AM
Gowan, on 16 December 2012 - 10:14 AM, said:
This is fine as long as groups of 1-3 are happy to drop with you.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:05 AM
Blazenpain, on 16 December 2012 - 09:02 AM, said:
Q;If not can we have a friends/character/group all tab'd text chat added to the mech lab screen (ie. friends/group tab area of mech lab)?
It would help pugs and small 2-3 man groups to form up 8 man teams without the need of being in same house or clan unit.
also personal voice chat info could be giving to those without spamming your info in-game.
there is a way to chat in mechlab and in a party.. goto your friends list and double click a friends name and it will open a chat box, the SOCIAL icon will flash and their name will flash yellow in the friends list saying that they have a message.. it isn't perfect.. but it works for open beta..
EDIT: if you do this while in a party while under the GROUP tab it will open a GROUP chatbox that anyone can see when they que the launcher to open the chat.
Edited by Bloodshed Romance, 16 December 2012 - 11:07 AM.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:20 AM
Tolkien, on 13 December 2012 - 03:00 PM, said:
How was it considered balanced to introduce a 1.5 ton 2 slot piece of equipment that does all of the following:
i) Counters Artemis
ii) Counters BAP
iii) Counters TAG bonuses and the whole system inside of 180m
iv) Counters NARC - a system which weighs more and requires real skill and teamwork to use
v) Counters other ECMs
vi) Destroys LRM locks
vii) Destroys SSRM locks
viii) Ruins information sharing via minimap
ix) Scrambles HUD display of enemies
x) relegates AMS to the dustbin
xi) Requires no exploding ammo
xii) Generates no heat
xiii) Costs less than a much less useful module by a factor of 15...
xiv) Doesn't use up a weapon hardpoint
Going by tonnage and critical space the ECM should be about as useful as a small laser plus a regular heatsink.
Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:35 AM
Tolkien, on 13 December 2012 - 03:00 PM, said:
How was it considered balanced to introduce a 1.5 ton 2 slot piece of equipment that does all of the following:
i) Counters Artemis
ii) Counters BAP
iii) Counters TAG bonuses and the whole system inside of 180m
iv) Counters NARC - a system which weighs more and requires real skill and teamwork to use
v) Counters other ECMs
vi) Destroys LRM locks
vii) Destroys SSRM locks
viii) Ruins information sharing via minimap
ix) Scrambles HUD display of enemies
x) relegates AMS to the dustbin
xi) Requires no exploding ammo
xii) Generates no heat
xiii) Costs less than a much less useful module by a factor of 15...
xiv) Doesn't use up a weapon hardpoint
Going by tonnage and critical space the ECM should be about as useful as a small laser plus a regular heatsink.
Question 2 is also about ECM balance)
In the patch notes you mentioned that ECM was internally tested and toned down before release. What the heck was it originally going to be if this is the toned down version?
Question 3)
Actually, just go look at question 1 again, seriously how is this supposed to be balanced?
I'm going to give this question a bump and also add one of my own....
Devs, do you actually PLAY this game? The live game? Just playing PUG matches? With ALL chassis?
Try loading any kind of commando or raven besides the 2D or the 3L in a PUG setting... it is absolute torture, and you are completely subject to the amount of enemy ECM on the field.
But when you play the 2D or 3L it is like god mode. The difference is night and day.
Why have any variants besides the ECM carrying variant, when they were the best ones to begin with ?(2D was always best commando, 3L was always the best raven, and DC was always the best Atlas)
Posted 16 December 2012 - 12:10 PM
Posted 16 December 2012 - 12:14 PM
Any ideas on how to solve this .... ?
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